SoldCanada Provinces Stamp CollectionCanada Provinces stamp collection. This collection contains stamps from Newfoundland, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. This collection includes both mint and canSee Sold Price
SoldValuable Canada & Provinces Stamp CollectionMany, many hundreds of stamps in binders, albums and folders. A wealth of material with very strong earlies and back of the book. One could open a Canadian stamp store with this lot. Noticed a wealthSee Sold Price
Canada Provinces Stamp CollectionCanada Provinces stamp collection. This collection contains stamps from Newfoundland, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. This collection includes both mint and canSee Sold Price
Canada Provinces Stamp CollectionCanada Provinces stamp collection. This collection contains stamps from Newfoundland, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. This collection includes both mint and canSee Sold Price
Canada Provinces Stamp CollectionCanada Provinces stamp collection. This collection contains stamps from Newfoundland, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. This collection includes both mint and canSee Sold Price
SoldExcellent Canada & Provinces Stamp Collection(2)volume Scott Specialty album to 2009 starting with a couple large and several small Queens (value to $150, some mixed condition, couple Jubilees to the 8c and them nay used 1930's era sets and singSee Sold Price
Canada & Provinces Stamp CollectionMany hundred stamps in albums, on stock pages, in mint sheet folder, etc. Many better items throughout the collection along with the usually seen material as well. Noticed some very useful NewfoundlanSee Sold Price
SoldCanada & Provinces Stamp Collection to 1851-1989Very useful collection of many hundred stamps, mostly nice postally used, in a Scott Minuteman Canada album. Starting with the small queens, Queen V. complete, Quebec complete, Jubilees to the 50 centSee Sold Price
SoldCanada & Provinces Stamp CollectionMany hundred stamps in albums, on stock pages, in mint sheet folder, etc. Many better items throughout the collection along with the usually seen material as well. Noticed some very useful NewfoundlanSee Sold Price
Canada & Province Stamp CollectionMostly unused selection of high demand Canadian and Provincial singles, sets and such in dealer counter pages. Generally sound and useful. Highlights incl. Used 17-18,25,27-29. Unused incl. 51-52,85,8See Sold Price
SoldCanada & Provinces Unused Used Stamp CollectionMany hundred stamps, unused and used, in old auction lots that never found a home, many more in (3)small counter books and a small box post office fresh booklets. Much to sort through with many $1-20See Sold Price
SoldStamp Collection Scott Specialty Canada, ProvincesPostage stamp album, part of a massive estate collection of a long-time dealer/collector. Unpicked and unsearched. Visit the Blackwell Auctions YouTube channel at Sold Price
SoldStamp Collection Books (3)Norwegian stamp books and Canadian stamp reference book, both stamp binders are marked Norge and are partially filled (1886-1999), and a (2001-2003) Canada and Provinces supplement book See Sold Price
Excellent Canada & Provinces Unused Used StampA very, very nice collection of many hundreds of stamps, mostly in mounts in a Scott specialty album to 1998. Early sets tend to be either used or unused with used large and small queens, first AdmiraSee Sold Price
SoldExcellent Canada & Provinces Unused Used StampA very, very nice collection of many hundreds of stamps, mostly in mounts in a Scott specialty album to 1998. Early sets tend to be either used or unused with used large and small queens, first AdmiraSee Sold Price
SoldCanada Stamp Collection 6Canada stamp collection. This collection contains 42 mint and cancelled stamps. Included are Province of Canada, Victoria, Edward, and George V issues.See Sold Price
Sold4 BINDERS OF CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS4 LARGE BINDERS OF CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS: A collection postage stamps from Canada in 4 binders to include binder 1) Regular stamps, air stamps and more from Canada and provinces from 1859 to 1987. 2See Sold Price
Worldiwde Stamp CollectionVery useful worldwide stamp collection housed in various albums and envelopes. Noticed better, useful Canada, Great Britain, Canadian provinces and general worldwide. Wide range of issues with much inSee Sold Price
SoldAN ALL WORLD COLLECTION OF STAMPSAN ALL WORLD COLLECTION OF STAMPS in an ideal printed album, including main interest in early issues, British Empire including Canada and Provinces, Great Britain, China etc , many hundreds. (qty)See Sold Price
Sold(6) Canadian Stamp Albums & Covers, Unused Stamps Etc.To include a three album set of Canada & Provinces album with many stamps from the 19th & early 20th century, including a nice collection of Newfoundland, an unopened 1994 album with $32.92 face valueSee Sold Price
SoldCanada Unused Used Stamp Collection to 1986Useful lot of a few hundred stamps, unused and used, in a like new Scott Canada Master album. Noticed numerous $1-10 stamps. Also noticed some useful provinces incl. some strength in Newfoundland. GenSee Sold Price
SoldCanada Unused Stamp Collection in (2)Like New AlbumsVery useful lot with most of the value being in the (2)like new Scott specialty loose leaf jumbo albums with slipcases. Pages run to 1997 along with pages for the provinces as well. While there are soSee Sold Price
SoldCanada Revenue Stamp CollectionExtensive Canadian revenue stamp collection housed in a four volume set of Van Dam pages for Canada proper as well as all of the provinces. Unused and used replete with $10-50 stamps with better throuSee Sold Price
SoldCanada Provinces 1860 -1872 MNH/MH/Used CollectionCanada Provinces collection containing Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick from 1860-1872. MNH/MH and used on stocksheets, include proofs, singles, pairs and blocks, some questionableSee Sold Price
Vietnam Stamps Collection Album and Old Coins CollectionNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Two Stamp Albums: "United States of America" & World Stamp CollectionNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Berlin Wall stamp collection album Germany starting after World War II stamps unusedBazaar of Persia4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
207PC 1961 Topps Baseball Stamp CollectionBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Large Vintage & Antique Stamp CollectionOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
History of US Nickels and Tribute to Thomas Jefferson Coin and Stamp CollectionKamy INC4.3(81)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Statehood Quarters & Stamp Collection CompleteRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Stamp Collection Album, United States & World Stamps, H 11.75" W 2.25" Depth 10.75"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024