SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An excellEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An excellent shaman mask, 4 ½" wide. The projection on the forehead is indicative of a drug ritual involving the use of San Pedro cactus, which contains a mesSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An excellEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An excellent group of five (5) roller seals, 2 ¼" - 2 ¾" long. Each is incised with different stylized designs and the group contains hollow, as well as soliSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – 400 AD. A nice oEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – 400 AD. A nice offering bowl with a royal figure sculpted into front, wearing a decorative headband with wide flaps. Intact and unbroken with professionally stabilizSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An exceptEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An exceptional shaman figure with articulated wings, 7.25" tall and 9.5" wingspan. He is standing on a bell-shaped base and is ornately attired with a shell-stSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – 400 AD. An excelEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – 400 AD. An excellent shaman mask, 4 ½" wide. The projection on the forehead is indicative of a drug ritual involving the use of San Pedro cactus, which contains a mSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A standinEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A standing male noble figure wearing jewelry, elaborate clothing, and large decorative feather headpiece. Intact with excellent remaining colors of red, gold,See Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A nice ofEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A nice offering bowl with a royal figure sculpted into front, wearing a decorative headband with wide flaps. Intact and unbroken with professionally stabilizedSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A male daEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A male dancer in Eagle Costume depicted wearing a costume of the sacred eagle, decorated with feathers and painted miniature eagles, tall hat representing eaglSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An adorabEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An adorable Maternal group, 5" high, depicting a seated female cradling her baby. She is wearing a long skirt and is adorned with a finely detailed necklace anSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An exceptEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. An exceptionally large mask, 6 ¾" wide, depicting an individual in a state of trance. The facial details are well executed and highlighted with gold, blue andSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A matchedEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - 400 AD. A matched pair of felines, 4 ½" long, mounted on a 4 ½" x 3 ½" platform. Each is somewhat different, one slender and alert, depicted upright, the other heavSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, Royal figure bowl is behindEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – 400 AD. A nice offering bowl with a royal figure sculpted into front, wearing a decorative headband with wide flaps. Intact and unbroken with professionally stabilizSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. An exceEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. An excellent seated figure depicting a tribal elder, 6-1/2" high. His face has the deeply incised lines indicative of his age and ritual scarification. He is hSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. An exceEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. An excellent shaman conducting a ritual, 8-1/2" tall. He is posed standing, holding ceremonial objects (rattles?) in each hand. His fancy headdress is decorateSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. An exceEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. An excellent shaman in transformation, 8-1/2" tall. He is depicted standing, with the jaguar tail projecting at the rear. He holds a snuff container in the lefSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 350 BC - 400 AD. An excellEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 350 BC - 400 AD. An excellent Shaman figure, 6 ½" high. This is the depiction of a shaman engaged in thoughtful conversation, with wonderfully animated gestures. He is beautifSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 350 BC - 400 AD. An excellEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 350 BC - 400 AD. An excellent Pensador figure, 5" high. He is posed in the typical hunched over position, propping up his chin with one hand, with the elbow resting on the bentSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, EROTIC AND EXCEPTIONAL PIECEEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. This exceptional erotic scene depicts a Jamacoaque male with a Bahia female. The sculpture is unusually explicit in its detailing and superbly detailed in execSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC-AD 400., a wonderfuEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC-AD 400., a wonderful ceramic dragon, exquisitely detailed showing the shaman fully transformed into a fearsome beast. Excellent green, gold and turquoise pastel paint adSee Sold Price
SoldA Choice Jamacoaque Seated Tribal Elder, nicely paiEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – AD 400. This excellent figure is 6" high and depicts a tribal elder, seated on a four-legged stool. His deeply wrinkled face is painted red and he is holding a snuffSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC-AD 400. A large andEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC-AD 400. A large and thus rare fantastic standing ceramic chieftain holding a scepter in his right hand and a weapon like implement in his left and wearing a complex neckSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, GREAT MATERNAL FIGUREEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. A lovely ceramic maternal figure. Mother is depicted seated with her legs extended forward; all in a ceremonial platform with an infant on her lap and anotherSee Sold Price
SoldA Nice Jamacoaque Shaman Holding Ceremonial Object.Ecuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC – AD 400. This superb 7" high figure depicts a shaman seated on a four-legged stool, holding a ceremonial object, perhaps a rattle. He is ornately adorned with a complSee Sold Price
SoldEcuador, Jamacoaque, A WINGED SHAMAN IN REGALIAEcuador, Jamacoaque, c. 300 BC - AD 400. This ornately attired winged shaman is 5-1/2" tall. His elaborate ceremonial regalia includes an ornament studded robe spread out in front of him, a necklace wSee Sold Price
Roman 'Julius Caesar' Slingshot from the Battle of MundaTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Seated Shaman Effigy Figure Redware Pottery Colima Culture Mexico Pre-ColumbianArarity Auctions4.6(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
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BLUE WING TEAL PAIR, F.C. BROWN, JR.Frank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
BLUEBILL PAIR, C. FENNIMOREFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
GREEN WING TEAL PAIR, C. FENNIMOREFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Roman Widow's Mite Sized Bronze Coin c. 50 BC-400 AD Graded BY INBKey Date Coins4.2(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ex-Anavian Gallery Antique Parthian Stucco CapitolClarke Auction Gallery4.5(542)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024