SoldGarage voll mit ca. 100 Teppichen, teilw. großformatigGarage voll mit ca. 100 Teppichen, teilw. großformatig und mit stärkerem Mottenfraß, versch. Zeiten und HerstellerSee Sold Price
SoldPostkartenalbum um 1900, mit ca. 100 Postkarten uPostkartenalbum um 1900, mit ca. 100 Postkarten und Fotos aus dem 1. Weltkrieg sowie 100 zivilen Postkarten, teilw. komplette SätzeSee Sold Price
DiamantanhängerDiamantanhänger 585 Gelbgold, ca. 10,8 g. Modern gestalteter Anhänger in Rautenform. Voll ausgefasst mit 100 princess cut Diamanten, in ''unsichtbaren Fassungen'', zus. ca. 3,0 ct. Breite UnterkaderSee Sold Price
SoldLIECHTENSTEIN: 1929/36, ca.100 Briefe / Karten mitLIECHTENSTEIN: 1929/36, ca.100 Briefe / Karten mit u.a. Sieger-Nr. 92, 98 u. 430 (mit Zeppelin 1 u. 2 Fr.), jeweils mehreren Belegen Südamerikafahrt 1930 (u.a. bis Praia u. kpl. Rundfahrt) sowie ChicSee Sold Price
Chinesisches Rollbild - Lotosblüte und Vogel,Chinesisches Rollbild - Lotosblüte und Vogel, leichte Farben und Tusche auf Papier, in chinesischer Kalligraphie beschriftet und gesiegelt, ca.100 x 24,8 cm, als Rollbild auf festerem Papier mitSee Sold Price
SoldSTEIFF Konv. 9 Plüschtiere, teilw. mit Knopf, SchildSTEIFF Konv. 9 Plüschtiere, teilw. mit Knopf, Schild und Fahne, Löwe Leo Nr. 2335,00, liegend, ca. 40 cm, Lulac, mit Knopf, 35 cm, Nilpferd Mockie, Nr. 1314.00, u.a. German Description STEIFF Konv.See Sold Price
SoldELASTOLIN u.a. Konv. Masse, kämpfend, ca. 30 Teile,ELASTOLIN u.a. Konv. Masse, kämpfend, ca. 30 Teile, darunter 2 Motorrad-Fahrer, 1 Mann mit Scheinwerfer, Funker mit Antenne, teilw. farbl. überarbeitet, optisch Zust. 2, 7-7,5 cm German DescriptionSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN GOLD RING WITH GOD MERCURYCa.100 AD. A fantastic Roman Gold intaglio ring with the portrait of God Mercury. Mercury is a major god in Roman religion and mythology, being one of the 12 Dii Consentes within the ancient Roman panSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Lapis Lazuli Beaded NeckalceItem: Roman Lapis Lazuli Beaded Neckalce Date: ca. 100 AD Material: Lapis Lazuli Dimensions: 290mm - 2.4grams - 100+beads Provenance/Additional Information: Purchased from an old British collection, pSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Fossil Dinosaur EggEurasia, ca. 100 million years old. A fine and large example of a Hadrosaur egg on matrix with much original shell surviving and fully-inflated. Ex: Rhode Island collection, most of which was collecteSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 18 Ancient Chinese Tiles, ex Ellsworth.China, ca. 100-200 AD. Rare group of 18 tiles and fragments, calcified glass, or composition, from a burial suit of a high-ranking individual. Some tiles are pierced for attachments, most have carvedSee Sold Price
SoldPreColumbian Nayarit Smoker figure 100 BC Ex Healy CollAncient terracotta clay Nayarit Figure from West Mexico, ca. 100 B.C.-250 A.D. San Sebastian type supported on a two legs and stylized stool, decorated with earrings and hat with one hand held to itsSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN GOLD INTAGLIO RING WITH GOD MARSCa.100 AD. Amazing intact Roman Legionary Intaglio gold ring depicting God Mars holding Victory. In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combinSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman Glass Beaded NecklaceAncient Roman Glass Beaded Necklace Date: ca. 100 - 300 AD Superb Ancient Roman necklace composed of large glass beads; superb condition, very nice pale-blue/white colour. The item comes with a LifetiSee Sold Price
SoldCOLLECTION OF EGYPTIAN PAPYRUS AND FABRICCa.100 BC-300 AD. Interesting collection of Egyptian papyrus and clothing fragments; 3 individual panels depicting multiple hieroglifs; Eye of Horus; Ibis; Snake; Falcon; the fabric is in pretty condiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Carnelian Intaglio - Satyr and PanDate: ca. 100 - 300 AD Material: Carnelian Provenance: Obtained from an old British collection, purchased from a gentleman in London. Dimensions: 14mm: 1.2grams Roman Carnelian Intaglio - Gods of HappSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN GOLD NICOLO INTAGLIO RING WITH IMPERIAL PORTRAITCa.100 AD. A fantastic Roman Gold Ring inserted with a Nicolo gemstone carved with an Imperial portrait; The style is Early and possibly represents Antonia (Mother of Claudius) .Good Condition; wearabSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN GOLD INTAGLIO RING WITH INSCRIPTIONCA. 100 AD. Important Ancient Roman gold ring with D-shaped hoop; decorated shoulders; round bezel with nicolo intaglio; the gem is carved with a long script in Ancient Greek; possibly a personal nameSee Sold Price
SoldRARE ROMAN PANTHER WITH SILVER INLAY AND GARNETSCA. 100 BC – 100 AD. Important, Late Republican / Early Imperial Panther head fitting; eyes with silver inlay and garnet stones. Possibly from a chariot or expensive furniture. Expertly cleaned andSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Roman Glass JarsRome, ca. 100 to 300 CE. This is a pair of small blown glass jars. One is the popular "sprinkler" style with a bulbous, dimpled body; the other has two applied handles and a more squared-off cylindricSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Legionary Ring with Decorated Bezel.Item: Roman Legionary Ring with Decorated Bezel. Date: ca. 100 - 300 C AD Material: Bronze Dimensions: 18mm (Inner diameter) - 9.8 grams Provenance/Additional Information: Purchased from an old BritisSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Legionary Ring - 10th Legion - X pattern ( BelongDate: ca. 100 - 300 AD Material: Bronze Provenance: Obtained from an old British collection; Acquired at L.C.F. (London) Dimensions: 15mm; 5.2grams Roman Legionary Ring - 10th Legion - X pattern ( BelSee Sold Price
RARE ROMAN GOLD PYXISCA. 100 AD. Important Ancient Roman gold pyxis- container for holding expansive substances; round body, elaborately decorated with swastika and geometric motifs; lid decorated with filigree; attachedSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN GOLD INTAGLIO SEAL RING WITH MINERVACa.100 AD. A fantastic Roman Gold intaglio ring with the portrait of Goddess Minerva; Good condition, wearable; D:18mm/L:25mmUK SIZE Q; US SIZE 8;3.5gr;Provenance: Property of a private London collectSee Sold Price
Colima Culture Redware Pottery Standing Duck Vessel Mexico Pre-ColumbianArarity Auctions4.6(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
[PHOTOGRAPHS]. An Archive of Nearly 100 Photographs of Marq...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(539)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[PHOTOGRAPHS]. A Huge Archive of Nearly 100 Photographs of ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(539)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[LITHOGRAPHY]. A Large Group of Nearly 100 Items Related to...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(539)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[OCCUPATIONAL]. KUEHNLE, Margaret Trigg, and CHANCE, Ruby Lee. Ruth. N.p., n.d., ca mid-19thFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Arnold, Flugzeug 291 mit beweglicher StewardessAntico Mondo Auktionen4.6(360)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Moche Figural Poporo - Male Carrying Bird in BasketArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024