SoldAm Flyer Litho Buff Pass Cars 4080 4081 4082American Flyer prewar wide gauge lithographed buff passenger cars with yellow, white and black detail and light brown roofs including; 4080 mail and baggage, 4081 Washington Pullman and 4082 Valley FoSee Sold Price
SoldAm Flyer Buff Litho Pass Set 4677 4080 4081 4082American Flyer prewar wide gauge The Chief PresidentÕs Special buff lithographed AFL passenger set no. 1456, circa 1927 in individual OBs and set box containing; 4677 electric 0-4-0 loco, 4080 mail aSee Sold Price
SoldAm Flyer Pres. Special Chief Litho Buff Pass SetAmerican Flyer prewar wide gauge PresidentÕs Special The Chief lithographed buff passenger set including; 4677 electric 0-4-0 loco, 4080 baggage, 4081 Washington Pullman and a 4082 Valley Forge obserSee Sold Price
SoldAm Flyer Pres. Special Chief Litho Buff Pass SetAmerican Flyer prewar wide gauge PresidentÕs Special The Chief lithographed buff passenger set including; 4677 electric 0-4-0 loco, 4080 baggage, 4081 Washington Pullman and a 4082 Valley Forge obserSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer WG buff set 4677 4080 4081 4082American Flyer WG buff passenger set including 4677 loco, cars 4080 4081 4082, litho car sides are C4-5 with some touchup, most other parts have been restored or repainted, set looks C5-6 overall. IMPSee Sold Price
SoldAF Litho Presidential Special 4080 4081 4082American Flyer prewar wide gauge buff lithographed Presidential Special passenger set containing; 4080 baggage, 4081 Washington Pullman and a 4082 Valley Forge observation. The cars have black four whSee Sold Price
American Flyer prewar WG 4080 4081 4082 buffAmerican Flyer prewar WG 4080 4081 4082 buff-color passenger cars, original C2.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar WG 4080 4081 4082 buffAmerican Flyer prewar WG 4080 4081 4082 buff-color passenger cars, original C2, 4080 is missing one coupler.See Sold Price
SoldAm Flyer Buff Litho Chief Presidents Special 1456American Flyer prewar wide gauge buff lithographed Chief Presidents Special passenger set no. 1456, circa 1927 including; 4677 electric loco, 4080 baggage, 4081 Washington Pullman and a 4082 Valley FoSee Sold Price
SoldAF Presidents Special Buff Litho Pass Set 1453American Flyer prewar wide gauge Presidents Special buff lithographed passenger set no. 1453, circa 1926 in set box containing; 4039 New York Style electric loco, 4080 baggage, 4081 Washington PullmanSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar 4677 brown pass. SetAmerican Flyer 4677 brown engine with 4080, 4081 and 4082 in light brown. Cars are original C4-5, trucks have journal boxes. Engine paint is nice C5 but someone has soldered the upper handrail to theSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Presidents Special buff set 4039 4080American Flyer Presidents Special buff set consisting of a 4039 0-4-0 locomotive, 4080 club, 4081 Washington Pullman and 4082 Valley Forge observation cars. Locomotive has be re-wheeled but the set isSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FLYER PRESIDENTIAL SPECIAL PASSENGER SETcirca 1926, wide gauge passenger set includes: No. 4039 Buff electric engine, together with #4080 baggage car, #4081 Washington pullman and #4082 Valley Forge observation car, all in tan lithographedSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FLYER 1456 THE CHIEF TRAIN SETstd ga, 4677 loco, rewheeled, 4080 baggage, 1 door handle replaced, 4081 Washington Pullman, 4082 Valley Forge obsv, window glass has fallen into car, set is brown w/brown litho sides & orange windowSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar WG President's Special setAmerican Flyer prewar WG President's Special set, 4039 loco, cars 4080 4081 4082, loco has been repainted and some trim pieces replaced, car roofs have been repainted remainder of original parts are CSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer 4080, 4081, 4082 Legion passenger carsPrewar American Flyer wide/standard gauge 4080 RPO, 4081 Washington coach, 4082 Valley Forge observation, American Legion passenger cars, C6. Roof on 4082 is repainted.See Sold Price
Sold*AMERICAN FLYER THE CHIEF STANDARD GAUGE SETLocomotive #4677, mail/baggage car #4080, Pullman car #4081, and #4082 observation car (sometimes referred to as the 4th Presidents Special).See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar wide gauge 4039 setAmerican Flyer prewar wide gauge 4039 loco with 4080, 4081 and 4082 cars. C5.See Sold Price
Sold4 pc. AMERICAN FLYER St. Ga "The Chief" :NETTE4039 Loco; 4080 Baggage Car; 4081 Coach; 4082 Obsv., obs, car boxes rough & incomplete, C7+ Nice!See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar 4039, 4080, 4081, 4082American Flyer prewar wide gauge 4039 loco with 4080 baggage car, 4081 Pullman and 4082 observation cars. Loco is C5-6, cars are C6.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar 4677, 4080, 4081 and 4082American Flyer prewar wide gauge 4677 loco with 4080, 4081 and 4082 passenger cars. Set is dirty but should clean quite well C6+. Engine needs to be rewheeled. IMPORTANT: Stout Auctions has changed ouSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer prewar wide gauge 4039 setAmerican Flyer prewar wide gauge 4039 loco with 4080, 4081 and 4082 passenger cars. One of the car roofs has a dime size ding in the roof, rest of set could benefit from some cleaning and polishing, CSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Boxed AMERICAN FLYER Brown President's Spe4039 Loco w/insp. Tag, rewheeled; 4080 Baggage Car; 4081 Washington Pullman; 4082 Valley Forge Obsv, clean & shiny, obs, osb worn, C7+ Nice Example!See Sold Price
AmericanFlyer 1926 Presidents Special in boxesAmerican Flyer 1926 President's Special train set with unnumbered set box, 4039 loco, 4080, 4081 and 4082 passenger cars. Engine has a small hole drilled in the roof, the rest of the set is in the C4See Sold Price
HO Kemtron Aero Drive Economy and Deluxe for Aero TrainElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Group of Five Vintage G-Man Tin Litho Toy Cars, ALPS, MM, 3 FrictionHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lionel postwar O red stripe Santa Fe extruded aluminum cars with three original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Flyer wide gauge 1927 1456 The Chief electric passenger setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American Flyer Prewar Wide Gauge 4039 Brown President's Special Passenger Cars and EngineHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
American Flyer Prewar Wide Gauge Blue Litho President s Special, including Three (3) AssortedHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
LGB G gauge 4076 and 4080 White Pass freight in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024