Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A longRoman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A long, narrow fragmentary panel with illustrated medallions separated by four rosettes with cross at center. Bordering is a strip containing bi-colored circles. ColSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A largRoman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A large rectangular panel featuring two long bordered strips containing floral motifs in gold, buff and deep brown. Stylized waves border on two sides. Beautiful conSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A squaRoman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A square panel with a central oval medallion depicting an armored centaur in brown with a buff background. Surrounding it on all four sides are intersecting circlesSee Sold Price
Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A flasRoman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. A flask shaped medallion, predominately brown with some buff detailing. Depicts a crouching figure. D: 2 ½" x 3 ½".See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 framed Coptic textiles, Roman EgyptA lot of 3 framed Coptic textiles, Roman Egypt, 5th – 6th Century AD, each with intricately woven scene in wool and linen. The largest with deep brick red, green, black and orange. Each textile is mSee Sold Price
Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman EgyptA Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD, the cylindrical body tapering to a raised disk base, the shoulders angles to a straight spout with rounded rim. . Ex New HampshireSee Sold Price
A Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman EgyptA Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD, the cylindrical body tapering to a raised disk base, the shoulders angles to a straight spout with rounded rim. Ex New Hampshire CoSee Sold Price
A Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman EgyptA Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD, the cylindrical body tapering to a raised disk base, the shoulders angles to a straight spout with rounded rim. Ex New Hampshire CoSee Sold Price
A Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman EgyptA Coptic red-ware ceramic bottle, Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD, the cylindrical body tapering to a raised disk base, the shoulders angles to a straight spout with rounded rim. . Ex New HampshireSee Sold Price
3 Coptic bone spoons, Roman EgyptA lot of three Coptic bone spoons, Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD. An attractive trio, two decorated with incised concentric circles. Each is intact, largest measures 4 7/8" (12.4 cm) in length. ExSee Sold Price
3 Coptic bone pins, Roman EgyptA group of 3 Coptic bone pins, Roman Egypt, 5th - 6th Century AD, each nicely incised with lines and drilled concentric circles. Largest measures 6 1/8" (15.5 cm). Ex Dorking, UK, private collection.See Sold Price
Sold2 Coptic bone crosses, Roman EgyptA pair of Coptic bone crosses, Roman Egypt, c. 5th-6th Century AD. Each with suspension loop and decorated with incised lines and circles. L: 1 1/8" (2.8 cm). Ex old English collection.See Sold Price
Coptic polychrome jar, Roman EgyptA Coptic polychrome jar, Roman Egypt, c. 5th – 6th Century AD, the body with a face modeled into the side with large almond-shaped eyes, conical noce and small ears. The features are detailed in blaSee Sold Price
Two Coptic bone crosses, Roman EgyptA pair of Coptic bone crosses, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD. Each with suspension loop and decorated with incised lines and circles. L: 1 1/8" (2.8 cm). Ex old English collection.See Sold Price
A Coptic polychrome jar, Roman EgyptA Coptic polychrome jar, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, the body with a face modeled into the side with large almond-shaped eyes, conical noce and small ears. The features are detailed in blackSee Sold Price
A terracotta head from a bullA terracotta head from a bull, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, the human-like face with ridge conjoining brows and nose, oval eyes and detailed lips, all highlighted with deep red paint. The earSee Sold Price
Molded terracotta female votive figureA molded terracotta female votive figure, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, depicted nude, with wreath around neck, hair in curled rows and tied at the back of her head. Molded with large ridge arSee Sold Price
Molded terracotta female votive figure, Roman EgyptA molded terracotta female votive figure, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, depicted nude, with wreath around neck, hair in curled rows and tied at the back of her head. Molded with large ridge arSee Sold Price
A terracotta head from a bull, Roman EgyptA terracotta head from a bull, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, the human-like face with ridge conjoining brows and nose, oval eyes and detailed lips, all highlighted with deep red paint. The earSee Sold Price
A molded terracotta female votive figureA molded terracotta female votive figure, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, depicted nude, with wreath around neck, hair in curled rows and tied at the back of her head. Molded with large ridge arSee Sold Price
SoldA nice Coptic bone doll, Roman EgyptA nice Coptic bone doll, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, nicely carved with large almond-shaped eyes and pierced ears. H: 2 1/8 in (5.3cm). Well-preserved and mounted on a custom lucite stand. ESee Sold Price
A terracotta head from a bull, Roman EgyptA terracotta head from a bull, Roman Egypt, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, the human-like face with ridge conjoining brows and nose, oval eyes and detailed lips, all highlighted with deep red paint. The earSee Sold Price
Roman Empire, 5th - 6th Century AD. A lonRoman Empire, 5th - 6th Century AD. A long panel similar to the above, but in browns and earth tones featuring outlined medallions with animal motifs bordered by stylized waves. Dim: 13 ¼" x 3 ½".See Sold Price
Nice Coptic textile panel depicting a birdA nice Coptic textile panel depicting a bird, Roman Egypt, c. 4th - 5th Century AD. The long-necked bird, perhaps a peacock, holds a flower in its beak. Below is a partial register containing floral dSee Sold Price
Phoenician Limestone Herakles Melqart Wearing LionskinTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Sardonyx Snake Gemstone in Medieval Gold RingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Byzantine Liturgical Gilt Bronze Situla with FiguresTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Migration Period Iron Sword with Garnet and Shell Cross Guard with Gold and Amber Sword BeadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Anglo-Saxon Bronze Bucket Decorated with FoliageTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
'The Dullingham' Anglo-Saxon Gilt Bronze Great Square-Headed BroochTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Natural History - Large Historic Cut & Polished Porphyry Slice.TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Anglo-Saxon Gilt Bronze Interlaced Belt MountTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Germanic Silver Buckle and Snake-Headed Strap EndsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Korean Incised Jar,, Silla Dynnasty 5th - 10th CenturyThe Scanlan Collection4.4(22)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Coptic Lapis Lazuli Amulet, Christian Egypt, 4th-6th Century A.D.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Coptic Lapis Lazuli Amulet, Christian Egypt, 4th-6th Century A.D.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
ROMAN LEGIONARY’S SWORD BELT TERMINAL, 2ND-3RD CENTURY ADJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
L. Annaei Flori, 1749 hist. of Rome in w/English translation – 5th ed.Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024