Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A Ptah-Soker-OLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A Ptah-Soker-Osiris figure. Nicely carved with some pigmentation remaining suggesting it once possessed a column of text down the front. Traces of ochre and black pigment reSee Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A wooden linteLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A wooden lintel from a Ptah-Soker shrine. Simply rendered uraeii across the front with decoration below. Colors include black, brown, white and blue. L: 10 ½".See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. The upper partLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. The upper part of a wooden Ptah-Soker figure. Attractive facial features and some pigment remaining. H: 6 2/3". On stand.See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 25 lighLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 25 light blue faience ushabtis. All of simple form, some with repairs. Average Height: 3 ½".See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. Bronze head-drLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Bronze head-dress of Harpokrates. Nicely patinated and mounted on a stand. H: 2".See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A lot of 5 ligLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A lot of 5 light blue faience ushabtis in the name of 'Nes-Men'. All nicely modeled with intact glaze. Average H: 4 ¼".See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A fine light bLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A fine light blue faience ushabti, wearing tripartite wig and hold a pick and hoe. 10 lines of text down the front. Intact with good style and detail. H: 8 ¼".See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A bronze statuLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A bronze statue of Isis, wearing solar disc and plumes, suckling the infant Horus. In choice condition with some minor restoration to the tips of the horns. H: 5 ½".See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A bronze uraeuLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A bronze uraeus from the head-dress of a statue of Harpokrates. Attached to a tang which is inserted into a nice marble base. H: 32mm, 75mm with base.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A very handsomLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A very handsome papyrus sceptre of light blue faience. Handsomely detailed and of high quality manufacture. L: 40mm, some minor chipping.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice lot ofLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice lot of 2 coffin panels. The first with a lotus blossom and buds, black, red and yellow on a pink ground, 4 1/8" x 3 ½". The second a knot of Isis in beige, red and gSee Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A wooden imageLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A wooden image of Anubis laying on a flat base. Detailed in black with some light abrasion. L: 2 ¼".See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 woodeLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 wooden masks for sarcophagi out of heavy cedar. Angular, but attractive features, one with some loss to side. H: 11 3/8" & 11 ¼".See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A handsome fivLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A handsome five strand necklace of 'mummy beads' composed of multi-colored faience. Nicely struck with gold finding. L: 11 ½".See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A lot of 5 ligLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A lot of 5 light blue faience ushabtis in the name of 'Nes-Men'. All nicely modeled with intact glaze. Average H: 4 ¼".See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 3 woodeLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 3 wooden items. Two are lion faces from the legs of a funerary bier, the last part of a face from a mask or statue. All decent examples, the lion faces with traces ofSee Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 lightLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 light blue faience amulets, a papyrus sceptre and a small udjat. L: 24mm & 13mm. Nice blue color.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A steatite amuLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A steatite amulet of a snail shell. Nicely rendered and in choice condition with a light blue glaze. A very rare amulet form. L: 21mm. See Petrie 'Amulets', pl. XIV - XV (reSee Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 faienLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 faience 'udjats', or 'eyes of Horus'. Both intact and good examples. L: 23mm & 20mm.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice faienceLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice faience amulet of Tausret, the goddess of pregnancy and childbirth. Nicely detailed and intact. L: 41mm.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice lot ofLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice lot of two blue faience amulets, one of the red crown of lower Egypt and the other of the white crown of upper Egypt. Both nice examples with some minor chipping. BotSee Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A marble amuleLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A marble amulet of double ostrich plumes. L: 25mm. The possessor of a double-plumes amulet would have been imbued with divine dignity and majesty.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 woodeLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. Lot of 2 wooden ears from a sarcophagus. Some gesso and color remains.See Sold Price
Late Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice decoratLate Period, 760 - 343 BC. A nice decorative rectangular bead with cross hatching. Glaze now brown. Intact and a good example. L: 28mm.See Sold Price
Chinese Famille Rose Bowl on Teak wood PedestalPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Large Egyptian Heart Scarab with Hieroglyphic InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Bronze Striding Figure of Montu the Falcon God of WarTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Natural History - Fossil Hadrosaur Dinosaur Egg NestTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience and Carnelian Beads in Victorian Necklace SetTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Shabti Figure with Hieroglyphic InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
ALOYSIUS C. O'KELLY (BRITISH 1853-1936) OIL ON CANVASSoulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Athena Depicted On Ancient Greek Black Figure VaseWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Egyptian, Collection of three Antiquity objectsToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kozan, Articulated okimonos of praying mantisToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
CHINESE LATE REPUBLIC PERIOD TEA SETPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19TH C. ABIEL CHANDLER SIGNED NH BANJO WALL CLOCK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Pair of Japanese Meiji Cloisonne Enamel Floral VasesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024