MINDEN, NEVADA AND VICINITY, BUSINESS CHECKS, DATEDThese checks are from the many businesses of the Minden, Nevada area, plus other towns both in Nevada, and California, such as Lake Tahoe, Cal., Markleville, Cal., Gardnerville, NV., Lee Vining, Cal.,See Sold Price
SoldEarly Nevada Ledgers - Carson City, Hamilton, NVLot of 2 ledgers from early Nevada businesses. 1) A "State Bank & Trust Co."Check register, dated 1903. This book is composed of yellow carbon paper check receipts, all hand-written script. Measures 1See Sold Price
NEVADA BANK CHECK WHOLE-SALE LOT, DATED 1873-1948, LOTCarson City, Lake Tahoe, Elko, Minden, Reno and Goldfield. Signatures include Theodore Winters and George Tufly. Companies include Kanig and Manke Sawmill in Gardnerville, Goldfield Deep Mines, CalifoSee Sold Price
NEVADA WHOLE-SALE CHECK AND WARRANT LOT, DATEDCities Include, Reno, Elko, Carson City, Austin, Eureka, Virginia, Gardnerville, Minden, Goldfield and Winnemucca.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 18 Elko ChecksThese old checks from Loe and a few from Carson City are all "back stamped" with various business through- out Nevada, it includes the following: 1) Agency Bank Of California, Virginia Nevada, dated 1See Sold Price
Sold(OZ) HALEY, JACK. A collection of 36 Lake Pillsbury(OZ) HALEY, JACK A collection of 36 Lake Pillsbury Properties business checks dated between 1967-1968, each signed ("Jack Haley"). Jack Haley was an American comic actor best remembered as the "Tin MaSee Sold Price
SoldMARILYN MONROE 1958 CANCELED BANK CHECKA Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc. business check dated January 19, 1960, and signed by Marilyn Monroe. The check, drawn on the Colonial Trust Company of New York, is made out in the amount of $74.45.See Sold Price
Sold1973 NY Yankees check to Joe LouisNew York Yankees business check dated June 19, 1973 and made payable to Joe Louis, signed en verso by Joe Louis and his wife Martha, written on the 27th anniversary of the heavyweight boxing championsSee Sold Price
Sold1973 NY Yankees check to Joe LouisNew York Yankees business check dated June 19, 1973 and made payable to Joe Louis, signed en verso by Joe Louis and his wife Martha, written on the 27th anniversary of the heavyweight boxing championsSee Sold Price
Sold1973 NY Yankees check to Joe LouisNew York Yankees business check dated June 19, 1973 and made payable to Joe Louis, signed en verso by Joe Louis and his wife Martha, written on the 27th anniversary of the heavyweight boxing championsSee Sold Price
1973 NY Yankees check to Joe LouisNew York Yankees business check dated June 19, 1973 and made payable to Joe Louis, signed en verso by Joe Louis and his wife Martha, written on the 27th anniversary of the heavyweight boxing championsSee Sold Price
SoldWizard of Oz: Jack HaleyImpressive collection of 50 Lake Pillsbury Properties business checks, all dated between 1974-76, each filled out in type and signed by Haley. In overall fine condition.See Sold Price
NV - Silver City,Lyon County - Donovan ReductionA collection of documents from the 1920s and 1930s from the Donovan Reduction Works in Silver City, Nevada.1) Check Register dated April 1, 1935 to December 31, 1935See Sold Price
SoldNEVADA & THE WEST BUSINESS CHECKS, 1876-1901, LOT OF 51These checks are from the Carson City Savings Bank, and issued to Businesses of Nevada and the West, all are signed on the back.See Sold Price
SoldELKO, NEVADA STOCK AND CHECK LOT, DATED 1905-1923, LOT1) Stock, The First National Bank of Elko, Nevada, dated 1905. 2) Stock, Elko Oil Development & Improvement Company, dated 1923. 3) Check, The Eureka County Bank (cashiers check), dated 1905. 4) CheckSee Sold Price
SoldNEVADA MINING TOWN CHECK LOT, DATED 1866-1941, LOT OF 71) Agency of The Bank of California, Virginia, Nev., dated 1866, for the Gould and Curry, Silver Mining Co., signed by Louis Janin Supt. 2) Agency of The Bank of California, dated 1872, for the WoodwoSee Sold Price
CARSON CITY NEVADA, ALL DIFFERENT, CHECK LOT, DATEDLOT of 15: 1) The Carson City Savings Bank, dated 1876. 2) The Carson City Savings Bank, with Revenue Stamp, dated 1876. 3) The Carson City Savings Bank, dated 1878. 4) The Carson City Savings Bank, dSee Sold Price
SoldRingling BrothersGroup of five Ringling Bros. business checks in multiple styles, dated from 1912 to 1918, signed by Al Ringling (2), Henry Ringling, Charles Ringling, and Thomas B. Buckley. In overall fine condition.See Sold Price
ELKO NEVADA GRAB BAG, BANK CHECK LOT, DATED 1904-1930,Checks are from the following dates-1904,1905,1908,1914,1915,1917,1918,1923,1925,1927,1928 and 1930.See Sold Price
North Banner Consolidated Tunnel Company stock, NevadaLocation, Nevada Mining District, place of business, Nevada City, Ca., dated 1884.See Sold Price
Three Dog Night Set of (3) Signed ChecksGroup of three Three Dog Night business checks, each 8.25 x 3, dated August-September 1983: one is made payable to guitarist Michael Allsup for $1087.50, signed on the front by vocalist Danny Hutton aSee Sold Price
Three Dog NightGroup of three Three Dog Night business checks, each 8.25 x 3, dated August–September 1983: one is made payable to guitarist Michael Allsup for $1087.50, signed on the front by vocalist Danny HuttonSee Sold Price
Three Dog Night Set of (3) Signed ChecksGroup of three Three Dog Night business checks, each 8.25 x 3, dated August-September 1983: one is made payable to guitarist Michael Allsup for $1087.50, signed on the front by vocalist Danny Hutton aSee Sold Price
Chicago Burlington and Quincy RR The Heart of the Continent Book-1882JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Bills of Lading, Checks, other Paper from 1840s-1860s-Eastern USA RailroadsJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PUBLIC BUYS the "EL" COMMEMORATIVE PRESENTATIONJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
OLIVER BURR JENNINGS and STANDARD OIL COMPANYJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil Quart Can (White Dino)Check the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pure Drive Safely License Plate Topper SignCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Tydol License Plate Topper Sign (Yellow)Check the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair of Aurora Canero bronze sculptures, painted gray, (1) titled Reflexiones sober los cuerposNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1930's Bennett 810 Service Station Equipment Visible Gas PumpCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Graphic Long Life 1 Gallon Motor Oil CanCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Graphic Richlube Racecar 1 Gallon Motor Oil CanCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Marilyn Monroe 1961 Signed Check FramedLegacy Auctions & Estate Sales4.6(72)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ROBERT HEINECKEN (1931-2006) Clothes for an April Eclipse, 1966Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024