Solda Scottish stag horn carved thistle broocha Scottish stag horn carved thistle brooch Hebrew: סיכת גדילן מגולפת מקרן א–See Sold Price
SoldA SCOTTISH STAG HORN SNUFF BOX. 5cms diameter.A SCOTTISH STAG HORN SNUFF BOX. 5cms diameter.See Sold Price
SoldCollection of Department 56 HousesLot includes stag horn lodge, Harthmore Castle, Dursley Manor, and Wrenbury baker.See Sold Price
Hirschkopf mit Geweih : Aus schottischem Schloss, 19. Jh.Stag head with antlers : From Scottish castle, 19th century On floral carved wall plate fully plastic stag's head with antlers poles of an odd 14-ender. Oak, dark stained. Approx. 145 x 80 cm. // HirsSee Sold Price
SoldFigural Carved Deer Horn Wood Tobacco Smoking PipeFeatures a carved figural landscape scene on the body with brass mountains. Part of the stem is wood, remaining half is a stag horn segment. Nice aged patina. Possibly of German origin, circa early 20See Sold Price
Sold65. Black Man Ivory Cane-19th Century-Character carving65. Black Man Ivory Cane-19th Century-Character carving of a Black Man with bound curly hair. The ivory head comes on a malacca shaft with a stag horn ferrule. Well aged patina.See Sold Price
49. Ivory Ball and Claw Cane-Ca. 1870-One-of-a-kind49. Ivory Ball and Claw Cane-Ca. 1870-One-of-a-kind ivory ball and eagle claw cane in giant size and quality, ebony shaft with a plain turned ivory collar ring and a stag horn ferrule. It aged well wiSee Sold Price
Sold75. Ivory Egg and Claw Cane-Ca. 1880-Massive ivory egg75. Ivory Egg and Claw Cane-Ca. 1880-Massive ivory egg and claw handle, malacca shaft and a stag horn ferrule. The cane aged well with a great luminosity to the handle and matching glazed surface to tSee Sold Price
SoldScottish highlands-ware oak humidorScottish highlands-ware oak humidor, c. 1900, silver plate, stag horn handles, oak, porcelain liner, 8.5"h x 9"l x 7"w Provenance: Property from 941 Park Ave, NYCSee Sold Price
SoldA 17TH CENTURY AND LATER SCOTTISH BASKET HILT SWORA 17TH CENTURY AND LATER SCOTTISH BASKET HILT SWORD with fine cut-out handguard and partly ribbed double-edged tapering blade - stag horn handle 97cm overallSee Sold Price
STAG HORN CIGAR CUTTER OF HERMANN GORINGSTAG HORN CIGAR CUTTER OF HERMANN GORING Found in the castle that belonged to Hermann Göring's adopted godfather, Hermann Ritter von Epenstein, a Christian of Jewish descent. The vendor states "We haSee Sold Price
SoldA SCOTTISH STILETTO DAGGERA SCOTTISH STILETTO DAGGER, 16.5cm flattened diamond section clean blade by Alexander Mathieson & Son Glasgow, white metal mounted hilt, mother-o'-pearl grip, together with a stag's horn scaled sportsSee Sold Price
SoldA DIRK OR DAGGER IN THE SCOTTISH MANNER, 16.25cmA DIRK OR DAGGER IN THE SCOTTISH MANNER, 16.25cm flattened diamond section blade, natural stag's horn grip, contained in its brass mounted leather scabbard.See Sold Price
SoldScottish DirkBrass mounted stag horn hilt, in a leather scabbard, sword and scabbard decorated with acorns. Length 21 inches.See Sold Price
Stag Horn Carved Scottie Dog Brooch.Cute pooch brooch. Thick chunk of polished stag antler. Nothing 'ruff' about this piece.See Sold Price
Jack Palance 'Curly' signature hunting knife from CityJack Palance "Curly" signature hunting knife from City Slickers. (Castle Rock, 1991) Original Bowie-pattern knife with 8.5 in. steel blade and 4.5 in. stag horn grip, created by renowned knife maker CSee Sold Price
Sold19th Century Scottish Horn Snuff Mull,silver collar and lid, lid with high relief stags head beneath a royal crown, l 9.5cm,See Sold Price
A EDWARDIAN SCOTTISH MARKET ‘CASTLE TOP’ CARD CASE CRISFORD & NORRIS LTD., BIRMINGHAMA EDWARDIAN SCOTTISH MARKET ‘CASTLE TOP’ CARD CASE CRISFORD & NORRIS LTD., BIRMINGHAM 1904 of rectangular outline, chased scroll and foliate detail throughout, with a stag on a Scottish hiSee Sold Price
SoldSIX VARIOUS POWDER HORNS,SIX VARIOUS POWDER HORNS, to include two Scottish form, one base lacking, one with later engraved American Eagle, another with seated stag, a large natural form example and a 20th Century piece in theSee Sold Price
Sold18th Century Scrimshaw Powder Horn, David 1764,18th Century Scrimshaw Powder Horn, David 1764, depicting landscape with castle flying British flag, ships and a small castle on one side and landscape scene of deer hunt with stag being chased by dogSee Sold Price
SoldENGRAVED POWDER HORN WITH A SOLDIER, FORT, AND STAG.Horn displays well executed images of a soldier in front of a castle sporting a large British flag and a hunter and his hound. There are also engravings of villages, trees, a stag and an unknown fort.See Sold Price
Sold1799 Scottish sampler,1799 Scottish sampler, eight lines of letters and numbers over flowerpots, plants and castle with tower, double flower vine border, stitched bottom line, most unreadable except "Aged 14 1799 MargaretSee Sold Price
SoldSAMPLER.SAMPLER. Scottish or English. Marked "Sarah Sheldrake Aged 13 Years 1836". Silk on linen. Religious verse, cherubs, large house and well-antlered stags under flowering trees. Floral vine border. GoodSee Sold Price
Scottish Silver Antler Horn Mounted Citrine Marble Inkstand circa 1880Taylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Group of Three Knives, 19th/20th c., Bowie- L.- Blade- 8 in., Overall- 12 1/4 in.; G.C.- L.- Blade-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Large Early Bowie Knife, by Thomas Barnes, c. 1838, H.- 20 in. W.- 1 7/8 in., D.- 1 1/8 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Andrew Melrose (Scottish, 1836-1901), "Promenade near the Castle," 19th c., H.- 14 1/4 in., W.- 20Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1800s JOHN MACWHIRTER Engraving OLD ELLANGOWAN CASTLE Framed SignedKCM Galleries4.7(164)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY STAG HORN WITH SILVER PLATED MOUNTS 32 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Scottish walking cane with a horn handle 99cm .Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Damascus Steel Fold Up Stag Horn Handle Knife RetiredRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
AN OVERSIZED 19TH CENTURY COACHMAN'S MULTIBLADE FOLDING POCKET KNIFEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024