SoldEUGEN K: SCHWARZ, Leitz file, labeled "Tote desEUGEN K: SCHWARZ, Leitz file, labeled "Tote des Motorsports" with miscellaneous obituaries, e.g. Richard von Frankenberg, Jim Clark, Edgar Barth, Jochen Rindt, etc. German Description EUGEN K: SCHWARZSee Sold Price
EUGEN K. SCHWARZ Leitz-file with the titleEUGEN K. SCHWARZ Leitz-file with the title "Automobilgeschichte-Tabellen, Weltmeister, Europameister, Deutsche Meister und Weltrekordfahrer", extensive compilation, along with it 2 magazines "DeutscheSee Sold Price
EUGEN K. SCHWARZ Leitz-file with the title "AutomobilgeEUGEN K. SCHWARZ Leitz-file with the title "Automobilgeschichte-Tabellen, Weltmeister, Europameister, Deutsche Meister und Weltrekordfahrer", extensive compilation, along with it magazines, Deutsche MSee Sold Price
EUGEN K. SCHWARZ mixed lot 3 Leitz-file, No. 1: Leitz-fEUGEN K. SCHWARZ mixed lot 3 Leitz-file, No. 1: Leitz-file with the title Moto Guzzi with a list of historical data, racing successes etc., No. 1: Leitz-file with the label "Historische Kraftfahrt" inSee Sold Price
EUGEN K. SCHWARZ mixed lot 4 Leitz-file, privateEUGEN K. SCHWARZ mixed lot 4 Leitz-file, private documents, inquiries, reports, among them e.g. Fangio, automobile world champion 1954, texts about the firm history Alfa Romeo etc., extensive, interesSee Sold Price
EUGEN K: SCHWARZ, mixed lot of 3 Leitz files, No. 1:EUGEN K: SCHWARZ, mixed lot of 3 Leitz files, No. 1: Leitz file with the title Moto Guzzi with a list of historical datas, racing successes etc., No. 1: Leitz file with the label "Historische KraftfahSee Sold Price
SoldEUGEN K: SCHWARZ, mixed lot of 4 Leitz files, privateEUGEN K: SCHWARZ, mixed lot of 4 Leitz files, private documents, inquiries, reports, among them e.g. Fangio, automobile world champion 1954, texts for a firm history Alfa Romeo, etc., extensive, extreSee Sold Price
EUGEN K. B 1950, Leitz-file from 1950 with a largeEUGEN K. B 1950, Leitz-file from 1950 with a large number of correspondence Eugen K. Schwarz, e.g. Camathias Montreux, writing to Eugen K. Schwarz regarding the race successes of BMW sidecars, autograSee Sold Price
SoldEUGEN KARL SCHWARZ mixed lot of 4 Leitz files,EUGEN KARL SCHWARZ mixed lot of 4 Leitz files, interesting correspondence, among them 1 Leitz file with many adresses of ex racing drivers, 2 files are labeled "Historische Kraftfahrt", among them preSee Sold Price
SoldEUGEN K. SCHWARZ file with correspondence, among themEUGEN K. SCHWARZ file with correspondence, among them writing by Manfred von Brauchitsch from November 1951, autographed Manfred von Brauchitsch, writing to Mr. Schwarz by Fergus Anderson from 1951, aSee Sold Price
SPORT REPORTER EUGEN SCHWARZ Leitz file with about 100 SPORT REPORTER EUGEN SCHWARZ Leitz file with about 100 pages of documents, correspondence and travel reports/racing reports from the racing year 1950, and lists of results e.g. Hohenstein racing, PrixSee Sold Price
SPORT REPORTER EUGEN SCHWARZ Leitz file with more than SPORT REPORTER EUGEN SCHWARZ Leitz file with more than 200 pages documents, correspondence, press reports of the '70s and '80s, everything to topic racing, e.g. Audi International Motor Show, AVD, CitSee Sold Price
SoldEUGEN K: black, Leitz file with the title "Rennen abEUGEN K: black, Leitz file with the title "Rennen ab 1946", among them results of the Avus racing 1951, a writing Manfred von Brauchitsch, Starnberg, Dec 9th, 1948 concerning OMK track racing in RosenSee Sold Price
EUGEN K. black, Leitz-file with the titleEUGEN K. black, Leitz-file with the title "Automobilgeschichte-Tabellen, Weltmeister, Europameister, Deutsche Meister und Weltrekordfahrer", extensive compilation, with magazines, "Deutsche MotormeistSee Sold Price
SoldBMW/MECHANIC HEINRICH LANG Leitz-file labeled withBMW/MECHANIC HEINRICH LANG Leitz-file labeled with "Boxenkarten und Ausweise von Veranstaltungen, die ich als Mechaniker bei BMW erlebte 1961-1972", 108 pieces, very interesting German Description BMWSee Sold Price
SoldSPORTREDAKTEUR EUGEN B Leitz-file with more than 200SPORTREDAKTEUR EUGEN B Leitz-file with more than 200 pages documents, correspondence, press reports from the '70s and '80s, all about racing, e.g. Audi International Motor Show, AVD, Citroen, a 5 pageSee Sold Price
SPORTREDAKTEUR EUGEN B Leitz-file with more than 100SPORTREDAKTEUR EUGEN B Leitz-file with more than 100 pages documents, correspondence and travel reports/racing reports from the racing year 1950, and also lists of results e.g. Hohenstein-race, Prix oSee Sold Price
SoldOPEL Leitz-file engineering news year 1949/1950/19OPEL Leitz-file engineering news year 1949/1950/1953/1954/1955/1956/1957/1958/1961/1963, and 1 file "Verband des Kfz-Handwerks" German: OPEL Leitz-Ordner Technische Nachrichten Jahrgang 1949/1950/1953See Sold Price
SoldLeitz Summicron 35mm f/2 black paintZweite Version des schwarzen 8-linsigen Summicron. Bajonettring silbern verchromt. Noch mit roter "Feet"-Skala. Die Fassung in sehr schönem Zustand, leichte Abnutzungsspuren auf der schwarz lackierteSee Sold Price
SoldLeitz Summicron 50mm f/2Seltene erste Ausführung des sechslinsigen Summicron. Noch mit dem stark gerändelten Entfernungseinstellring erinnert es sehr an die seltene schwarz lackierte Version. Sehr schöner Zustand mit nurSee Sold Price
Sold*Men's Franck Muller Master 18k Gold Automatic (751)*Mens Franck Muller Master Calendar Rare Moonphase 18k Rose GSee Sold Price
Sold*Men's Rolex Oysterdate Manual Wind Watch 1950s (6172)*Mens Vintage Swiss Rolex Oysterdate Precision Manual Wind WaSee Sold Price
Sold*Men's Cartier Santos 18k Gold & Stainless Watch (764)*Mens Swiss Cartier Santos 18k Gold And Stainless Steel Dress WatchSee Sold Price
Sold*Men's Vintage Swiss Rolex Oyster Datejust 18k Solid*Mens Vintage Swiss Rolex Oyster Datejust 18k Solid (4073) Item Profile:See Sold Price
Heinrich Theodore Heberlein Jr. Violin - 1908 MarkneukirchenP.K. Gallery4.5(35)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Attractive One Piece Back Violin Labeled William Bartruff Minneapolis 2013P.K. Gallery4.5(35)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Violin Finely Varnished & Set up by Giancarlo Arcieri 2016P.K. Gallery4.5(35)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Fine Violin Made by Joseph A. Walter Violin Montclair New Jersey 1949P.K. Gallery4.5(35)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
LOUIS VUITTON BAG WITH HOLES TOTE BAG SP4174 COMME DES GARCONS M40279Bidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
LOUIS VUITTON BAG WITH HOLES TOTE BAG SP3154 COMME DES GARCONS M40279Bidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Collection of 6 Leitz Dialux & Laborlux Binocular Microscopes,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024