SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Bronze Lot.Includes three covered teapots - 2 signed, an old copy of an archaic lidded vessel, and an oversize mirror. From a Manhattan, NY location. Dimensions: archaic style vessel - 8" h, teapot - vary betweeSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Antique/Vintage Chinese Bronze GildedStanding Buddha Figures. A true left and right. On conforming hardwood stands. From a Harrison, NY home. Dimensions: bronze only - 20.5" h. Condition: Good, with areas of gilt loss and oxidation to fiSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Lot.Includes a pair of ceramic foo dogs on quality hardwood stands, an early cloisonne stirrup and coal iron, a cinnabar snuff bottle, and a Japanese skull form netsuke. From a Stamford, CT home. DimensioSee Sold Price
Sold(6) CHINESE BRONZE LOT - Archaic hollow cast gilded(6) CHINESE BRONZE LOT - Archaic hollow cast gilded bronze rat dog figure, 2 1/2" (6.4 cm) high, 4" (10.2 cm) long, heavily encrusted with some gold showing through, old repair to one leg. (3) ArchaicSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Lot.Includes a jade plaque, a jade horse, a large reverse painted snuff bottle, a turquoise snuff bottle, an enamel snuff bottle and a small ceramic vase - as is. From a Scarsdale, NY home. Dimensions: SmSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Chinese Bronze Lot.Includes a horse censor; a signed censor with pierced lid; a Foo dog seal; a wiseman with deer; and a signed,engraved, nickel?, 3 tier stand. From a Flushing, NY estate. Dimensions: Horse - 5.5" w x 4See Sold Price
SoldAn Antique/Vintage Chinese Bronze Mirror6 inches in diameter - exact age unknown - nicely carvedSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Lot.Includes two enameled cups with shaped saucers, an as is signed enamel snuff bottle, an enameled copper snuff bottle, a signed cloisonne snuff bottle, an enameled copper hinged 4 section snuff bottle,See Sold Price
SoldAntique Chinese Bronze Lot.Includes 4 archaic style items: a large censor, two bells, and a ritualistic vessel. From a Massachusetts estate. Dimensions: censor - 6.25" w x 8" d x 11" h, bell - 7.5" h, bell - 6.75" h, vessel - 7See Sold Price
SoldAsian bronze lot, tea pots, bowl with mice feetAsian, Chinese bronze lot, bronze tea pot with lid, bowl with mice feet & bronze piece with dragons, teapot is 7" tall, mouse bowl is 4.75" in diameter. Please refer to images for general condition isSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE BRONZE CENSERS, LOT OF TWOCHINESE BRONZE CENSERS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a Ruyi handled-example with characters to the underside, and one with a rosewood cover with characters to the underside. Probably 20th century. 3 1/2" HSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Porcelain Lot.Includes an enamel decorated helmet shape vase, and 5 ink or snuff bottles - some signed. From an Ossining, NY estate. Dimensions: helmet vase - 5.25" in length x 5" high; bottle heights range from 2.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHINESE BRONZE ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED CHINESE BRONZE ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising three lotus censers, lids featuring a turtle, guardian lions/foo dogs, and a Buddha figure. Together with an unidentified red Chinese-style vaSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Porcelain Lot.Includes a pair of signed barrel form covered containers, and a graduated set of covered containers. All well decorated. From an East. 62nd St., NYC estate. Dimensions: pair - 6.5" diameter x 6.75" hiSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE BRONZE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOCHINESE BRONZE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a low, squat censer with loop handles to the rim, raised on three feet, with four-character Qianlong mark to underside, and a columnar hat stand/porte-cSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Porcelain Lot.Includes a large blue and white vase with bird decoration, a pair of signed yellow ground plates - probably mid 20th century, a famille verte style teapot - probably mid 20th century, an old Quan Yin,See Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Embroidery Lot.Includes a larger panel with figures and metallic thread, a thangka, another later metallic thread panel with phoenix and dragons, 3 very fine and beautiful tapered panels, mats, etc. From a ManhattanSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Hardstone Lot.Includes a pair of spinach jade cups on stands, jade, carnelian, amethyst, soapstone snuff bottles, a wood foo dog snuff bottle, an assortment of mismatched lids, and an assortment of bases. From a NeSee Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Hardstone Lot.Includes a jade? bowl, a jade cicada pendant, a jade figural pendant, jadeite foo dogs, a pair of cups, a miniature jade censor, a carved crab brush holder, a carved amethyst censor on stand, and a flSee Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE / CHINESE BRONZE FIGURES, LOT OF TWOJAPANESE / CHINESE BRONZE FIGURES, LOT OF TWO, comprising a figure holding a sack and rattle, and a scholar with seal mark on back. Each retains a rich dark patina. Probably 20th century. 8 1/4" and 1See Sold Price
SoldAntique/Vintage Chinese Ceramic Lot.Includes 4 pieces of antique Rose Famille; a signed pedestal base compote with cranes and bats; a 20th century foo dog; a small blue and white teapot; a saucer; a late brass covered green dish; and anSee Sold Price
Antique Chinese Bronze Repousse BuddhaEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lot of 3 Early Mini Curio Bronze Chinese Immortals FigurinesSouth Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services Inc4.5(522)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
A Chinese bronze 'Guanyin' statue, Ming dynastyOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Chinese Bronze Turtle Dragon Incense Burner w JadeAffinity Antique Auction4.6(249)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Chinese Bronze Censer w Silver inlaid ,MarkAffinity Antique Auction4.6(249)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
LOT OF 3 CHINESE BRONZE BOX OPEN WORK CLOISONNE LOTUSNoble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024