SoldUS Scott #O127//35, unused, nhUnited States, Scott No. O127//O133, O135 PNC3 strip of 3, Pl. 1, and UZ2 post card, F-VF, unused, original gum, never hinged, Scott $27.45See Sold Price
SoldU.S. SCOTT UNUSED NH SPECIAL DELIVERY STAMPS"U.S. SCOTT UNUSED NH SPECIAL DELIVERY STAMPS, PL.# 22739 & 22841 (U), 2 PL BLKS OF 4-STAMPS, 1 PAIR:unused condition. original gum, unused," (rev.20090319)See Sold Price
SoldUS Scott #C1-3, unused, NHUnited States, Scott No. C1-C3, 1918 issue, unused, original gum, never hinged, fresh and fine, Scott $390.00See Sold Price
SoldUS Scott #C4-6, unused, NHUnited States, Scott No. C4-C6, 1923 issue, unused, original gum, never hinged, fresh and fine, Scott $330.00See Sold Price
US Scott #Q8, unused, nhUnited States, Scott No. Q8, mail plane of 1913, unused with plate number tab at top (#6193), average, original gum, never hinged, Scott $290.00See Sold Price
US Scott #339, unused, NHUnited States, Scott No. 339, 1908 13-cent Washington, fresh and fine, original gum, never hinged, Scott $85.00See Sold Price
US Scott #E7, unused, nhUnited States, Scott No. E7, 1908 Mercury helmet issue, unused, small perf stain left margin, F-VF, original gum, never hinged, Scott $120.00See Sold Price
Sold038: US Scott #C5, unused, NHUnited States, Scott No. C5, unused, full original gum, never hinged, vf. Scott $150.00See Sold Price
Sold015: US Scott #232, unused, nhUnited States, Scott No. 232, 3-cent Columbian, unused, full original gum, never hinged, fresh and just fine. Scott $135.00See Sold Price
US Scott #E12, unused, nhUnited States, Scott No. E12, 1922 Special Delivery issue, unused, F-VF, original gum, never hinged, Scott $70.00See Sold Price
Sold045: US Scott #E12a, unused, NHUnited States, Scott No. E12a, deep ultramarine, unused, full original gum, never hinged, f-vf. Scott $90.00See Sold Price
Sold027: US Scott #326, unused pair, NHUnited States, Scott No. 326, an unused vertical pair with full original gum, never hinged, fresh, ave-fine. Scott $420.00See Sold Price
SoldU.S.Scott Unused Selection 683//C31 NH SCV.$240Useful selection of unused MNH U.S. material incl. Scott 683 Fine OG NH plate block, C8 F-VF MNH plate block, C11 block of 6 with two plate #'s MNH and C31 VF MNH Plate Block of 9. Fresh. 2013 SCV.$24See Sold Price
SoldU.S. Scott # C3 24 cents airmail unused NH lovelyU.S. Scott # C3 24 cents airmail unused NH lovely bright well centered copy. (catalog $ 145.)See Sold Price
U.S. SCOTT # SD 6-E13, NH, UNUSED POSTAGE"U.S. SCOTT # SD 6 - E13, NH, UNUSED POSTAGE, PL.#23035, 2 BLOCKS OF 4:og color change; Matched Pair Plate # 23035 & PL. # 23035. Same Number, fresh color;" (rev.20090116)See Sold Price
SoldU.S.Scott 339//496 F-VF+ OG NH Unused NH SelectionA few good Washingtons. Lot includes Scott 229, 425, 441 line pair, 442 coil pair, 448 pair, 455 pair, 490 pair, 492-93 pairs and 495-96 coil pairs. All are fresh with NH original gum and F-VF+ centerSee Sold Price
SoldUS POSTAGE UNUSED NH, SCOTT# SD6-E13, E17,E18U.S POSTAGE UNUSED NH, SCOTT# SD6-E13, E17,E18, #SD8-E20, E21, PP13-QE1,3, 1925-57, 15 PLATE-BLOCKS:UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS (15) PLATE BLOCKS: - - - - PL#23034 block of four, no hinge, unused, OGSee Sold Price
U.S POSTAGE UNUSED NH SCOTT# SD6-E13, E17,E18U.S POSTAGE UNUSED NH, SCOTT# SD6-E13, E17,E18, #SD8-E20, E21, PP13-QE1,3, 1925-57, 15 PLATE-BLOCKS:UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS (15) PLATE BLOCKS: - - - - PL#23034 block of four, no hinge, unused, OGSee Sold Price
U.S. SCOTT # SD 6 - E13, NH, UNUSED POSTAGE"U.S. SCOTT # SD 6 - E13, NH, UNUSED POSTAGE, PL.#23035, 2 PL-BLOCKS OF 4 STAMPS 1 PAIR:""O,G"" color change; Matched Pair Plate # 23035 & PL. # 23035. Same Number, fresh color; One PAIR. Unused condiSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. Scott C1 Centerline Block of 4 Fine OG NH SCVVery seldom seen centerline block of 4, U.S. Scott C1, Unused with Fine centering, full original NH gum. 2012 SCV.$600See Sold Price
SoldU.S. Scott C1 Centerline Block of 4 Fine OG NHVery seldom seen centerline block of 4, U.S. Scott C1, Unused with Fine centering, full original NH gum. 2016 SCV.$500+See Sold Price
SoldU.S.Scott RW11 VF OG NH White Geese SCV.$1351944 Federal Duck Stamp, U.S.Scott RW11, Unused with VF centering, full NH original gum. 2010 SCV.$135See Sold Price
SoldU.S.Scott 526 Plate Block of 6 w/phantom plate numbersInteresting bottom plate # block of six, U.S.Scott 526, Unused with Ave-F centering, NH original gum. Two phantom plate #'s in margin, one lighter than the other. Est.$75-150See Sold Price
U.S.Scott 679 VF OG NH fresh SCV.$230Very nice high value Nebraska overprint, U.S.Scott 679, Unused with VF centering, full NH original gum. 2011 SCV.$230See Sold Price
Carole Scott (US 20th C) Hand Painted Porcelain Plaque of Birds, SignedTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
US mint unused envelopes 1893 for the 400th anniversary of ColumbusBazaar of Persia4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024