SoldStegemann Studien-Kamera9x12cm monorail camera designed by famous Photographer Heinrich Kühn who also designed the Imagon lens, in good condition, black leather bellows, Weitwinkel Aristostigmat 9/120mm no.175460 (cap),See Sold Price
SoldHeinrich Kuehn Stegemann StudienkameraThe original, famous monorail 9x12cm camera designed for Heinrich Kühn and used by the artist for many years until he passed away in 1944, 70 years ago. The camera is still in good and complete condiSee Sold Price
SoldStegemann Studien-Kamera, c.19259x12cm monorail camera designed by the famous Austrian photographer Heinrich Kühn who also designed the Imagon lens, in excellent original condition, red leather bellows, Dallmeyer London CombinableSee Sold Price
Sold"Studien-Kamera" by Stegemann, c. 1916Studien-Kamera by Stegemann, c. 1916 Stegemann, Berlin. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, nice small studio camera, monorail system, polished wood with brass fittings, dark-red bellows, brass lens "Emil Busch PorSee Sold Price
Bermpohl "Fotomeister", c. 1950Bermpohl "Fotomeister", c. 1950 Bermpohl & Co., Berlin. "Studienkamera Fotomeister", no. 1018, studio camera, monorail system, polished mahogany, sliding rail with 40 cm (16 in.) and 65 cm (25 2/3 in.See Sold Price
SoldSEARS KEWPIE KAMERA 3A - UNOPENEDVery rare, contents not opened; may contain camera; original box torn and losses; H-6 1/2", VG-EXSee Sold Price
SoldKamera und Fernglas / A Camera and Binoculars,Kamera und Fernglas / A Camera and Binoculars, Rolleiflex / Zeiss beide im Original Lederetui, Kameramodell: Rolleiflex Frank Heidecke, Synchro Compur H-1, Planar 1:3,5 f=75mm, 1 Gelbfilter, 1 LinsenaSee Sold Price
SoldRolleiflex KAMERA 3 5 C (K4C) ROLLEI F&HRolleiflex KAMERA 3 5 C (K4C) ROLLEI F&H 1956-1959 Art. Nr.: 1754387 Hersteller Franke und Heidecke Heidomat 1:2 8/75mm Carl Zeiss Planar 1:3 5 f=75 mm Photographies Photographs Matériel audio et phoSee Sold Price
SoldKamera LeicaMitte 20. Jh., gemarkt Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, Modellnummer 138910, geschwŠrztes GehŠuse mit vernickelten Messingteilen, Objektiv gemarkt Leitz Elmar f=3,5 1:3,5, Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, Etui nichSee Sold Price
SoldDick Tracy Komic Kamera Film Viewer Tin ToyNice Dick Tracy Komic Kamera film viewer tin toy. Does not include any film reels. Comes with the box. Displays nicely with wear from play and age. Measures approximately 4 3/4" across.See Sold Price
SoldLeitz 'Barnack' Kamera BrochureThe very first brochure of the new Leitz camera from 1924, one year before the official delivery of the Leica, back then the camera was known under the name BARNACK-KAMERA. Extremely rare. The departmSee Sold Price
SoldBolex, 16 mm Kamera Typ H mit 3 ObjektivenBolex, 16 mm Camera Typ H with 3 Lenses, Instruction, Original Bag + AccessoriesSee Sold Price
SoldStereo Hand-Camera by Stegemann, c. 1895Stereo Hand-Camera by Stegemann, c. 1895 A. Stegemann, Berlin. Size 9 x 18 cm, with Voigtländer lenses Triple-Anastigmat F=150 mm. Camera requires attention. "Stereo Hand-Camera" von Stegemann, um 18See Sold Price
SoldKamera Contax1980er Jahre, Modell Contax 137 MD Quartz, geschwŠrztes und teils lederummanteltes GehŠuse, dabei Objektiv Planar 1,7:50, Teleobjektiv Yashica ML Zoom 80 bis 200 mm 1:4, sowie Objektiv Distagon 2,8/See Sold Price
SoldVintage Hand Tinted Photo by Kamera Art Studios LA"Moonlight Monterey Coast" by Kamera Art Studios, Los Angeles. Identified on label on the back. Original frame. Circa 1930's.Overall: 16 1/2 x 13 1/2 in. Sight: 13 1/2 x 10 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldEtudes Songye / Songye Studies / Songye Studien Formes29 Etudes Songye / Songye Studies / Songye Studien Formes et symboliques, essay d'analyse Formen und Symbolik, ein analytischer EssaySee Sold Price
SoldCe-Nei Indupor Kamera L 9 x 12, c. 1923Ce-Nei Indupor Kamera L 9 x 12, c. 1923 Carl Neithold AG, Frankfurt a.M. Box stereo camera for plates of 9 x 12 cm, image size 9 x 6 cm, achromatic lenses, three different pinhole diaphragms, guillotiSee Sold Price
SoldLeica, Ernst Leitz GmbH, Wetzlar Kamera Nr. 345745,Leica, Ernst Leitz GmbH, Wetzlar Kamera Nr. 345745, Objektiv f=5cm 1/2 Nr. 523148 sowie Objektiv Hektor f=13,5cm 1/4,5 Nr. 1073592 und vier weitere Zusatzteile.See Sold Price
SoldPräzisions-Stativ-Apparat by Stegemann, c. 1900Präzisions-Stativ-Apparat by Stegemann, c. 1900 Extremely rare small field camera by Stegemann in Berlin, plate size 9 x 12 cm, tropical wood with brass fittings, dark-red leather bellows, sideboard,See Sold Price
SoldStudio Camera by Stegemann, c. 1900Studio Camera by Stegemann, c. 1900 A. Stegemann, Berlin. Size 18 x 18 cm (7 x 7 in.), tropical wood with brass fittings, nice brass lens by Voigtländer "Collinear III 1:7,7 No. 9, no. 68365". With lSee Sold Price
SoldRevolver Kamera mit 4,5/300 mm + 2,8/58 mmRevolver Camera with 4,5/300 mm + 2,8/58 mm, UssR, in original suitcase out of tinSee Sold Price
SoldKGB Rollover Kamera 'Alycha' , c.1984This very rare rollover camera was made in a special workshop of the KMZ combine at Krasnogorsk near Moscow. For copying documents it is rolled over the document left to right at a speed of 20cm/sec bSee Sold Price
(8) TOYS WITH CAMERAS AIR PLANE, ROCKET, SPY CAMAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024