SoldFrench, German and Sterling Silverten French silver cordials; four German silver cordials; sterling glass-lined condiment, two shakers, two open salts; Gorham sterling shell dish, all .925 fine, 12.79 oz.T. excluding glass, (20 piecesSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN .800 SILVER SET OF FOUR OPEN SALTS WITH SPOONSGERMAN .800 SILVER SET OF FOUR OPEN SALTS WITH SPOONS, each holder with cut-star glass liner, in original fitted case. Total weight 4.1 ozt without liners. Early 20th century. The first 1 3/8" HOA x 3See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF EIGHT STERLING SILVER TABLE ARTICLESAmerican. Comprising: two silver shakers, two silver and glass shakers and four silver and glass open salts. (75/100)See Sold Price
SoldSET OF FOUR FRENCH SILVER AND GLASS OPEN SALTSSET OF FOUR FRENCH SILVER AND COLORED GLASS OPEN SALTS Paris 1809 - 1819 (950 Fine). Together with four Tiffany & Co. spoons.See Sold Price
SET OF 4 GEORGE III SILVER GILT & GLASS OPEN SALTSRARE SET OF FOUR GEORGE III SILVER GILT AND GLASS OPEN SALTS English. London. 1808. Maker: Paul Storr. Each circular stand fitted with a cut glass "Montieth" bowl, engraved with a crest, enclosed by aSee Sold Price
SoldFour (4) German .800 Silver Shell and Dolphin Open SaltFour (4) German .800 Silver Shell and Dolphin Open Salt Cellars. Signed Germany and 800. Good to Very Good Condition. Measure 4-3/4 Inches Tall and 2-3/4 Inches Wide. Weight: 13.23 troy Ounces. ShippiSee Sold Price
SoldSet of Four Louis XVI Silver and Cobalt Glass-lineSet of Four Louis XVI Silver and Cobalt Glass-lined Open Salts, Paris. c. 1783, with discharge/export marks, Marc Etienne Jannety, maker, oval, with beaded rim, sides pierced with floral swags, with fSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Sterling Silver Salts and Pepper CastersFour Pairs of English Sterling Silver and Cobalt Glass Open Salts and Pepper Casters, 1958, Sheffield, maker: R. and B., each pair consisting of a large ball-and-claw-footed oval salt, h. 2", and a cySee Sold Price
SoldH. WELLS ENGLISH STERLING SILVER & GLASS SALTSH. WELLS ENGLISH STERLING SILVER & GLASS OPEN SALTS, PAIR, H 2", L 3 1/4" :A pair of sterling silver open salts with cobalt glass interiors, having a pierced body and standing on four feet. Total weigSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Silver Cobalt Glass Open Salts Group of Silver Cobalt Glass Open Salts Continental, set of four footed silver open salts with cobalt glass inserts, two holders are hallmarked C.W. and strike for Birmingham, dated 1920, and two arSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS SILVER AND GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF SIXVARIOUS SILVER AND GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF SIX, comprising four sterling silver examples including one hallmarked for George A. Henckel & Co., and two examples marked "800", each with glass liner comSee Sold Price
SoldSTERLING SILVER & 800 SILVER IMPLEMENTSThree lots of early 20th century silverware, consisting of (A) a pair of sterling silver rimmed cut glass open salts with spoons together with 2 sterling silver nut dishes, (B) a pair of German silverSee Sold Price
Approximately Thirteen Pieces of Sterling Silver aApproximately Thirteen Pieces of Sterling Silver and Silver Overlay, including a Frank Smith sterling open sugar bowl and creamer, two silver open salts, a German silver and colorless glass bottle, aSee Sold Price
Sold4pc STERLING & SILVERPLATE JUICER - TEA + MORE-Four piece Vintage Sterling & Silver Plated Items. 1- English William Henry Sparrow Sterling Silver Rim Glass Open Master Salt Cellar 2.50x2.50x2". 2- Victorian Wilcox Silver Plated Grapefruit holderSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. Cranberry Glass Ewer & Cordials + CobaltLot includes a 19th century Continental pewter mounted cranberry glass decanter with four cordials and a set of four American silver plate open salts having cobalt glass liners: 1. Decanter comprisedSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SILVER-PLATED / METAL AND GLASS OPEN SALTS,ASSORTED SILVER-PLATED / METAL AND GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF 18, including four Russian examples with enameled accents. Together with a Russian silver-plated/metal salt spoon. 19 pieces total. 20th cenSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS AND SILVER OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FIVEASSORTED GLASS AND SILVER OPEN SALTS, LOT OF FIVE, comprising four cobalt blue liners and one green opaline liner, small oval frame marked sterling, remainder silver-plated. 19th and 20th century. 1 1See Sold Price
SoldFour Danish Silver Casters, Georg Jensen Silversmtogether with three Danish silver open salts with glass liners, Georg Jensen Silversmithy, 1933-44, approximate weight 4.30 ozt. 7 pieces.Height of casters 1 7/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and GiltA Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and Gilt Pepper Shakers and Salt Cellars, ca. 1900, Possibly by J.D. Schleissner, Hanau. Having cherub supports and foliate designs. Salts (with glass linSee Sold Price
A Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and GiltA Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and Gilt Pepper Shakers and Salt Cellars, ca. 1900, Possibly by J.D. Schleissner, Hanau. Having cherub supports and foliate designs. Salts (with glass linSee Sold Price
A Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and GiltA Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and Gilt Pepper Shakers and Salt Cellars, ca. 1900, Possibly by J.D. Schleissner, Hanau. Having cherub supports and foliate designs. Salts (with glass linSee Sold Price
A Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and GiltA Set of Four German Rococo Style .800 Silver and Gilt Pepper Shakers and Salt Cellars, ca. 1900, Possibly by J.D. Schleissner, Hanau. Having cherub supports and foliate designs. Salts (with glass linSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish silver pierced butter dish w/ two saltsWith cobalt liner, raised on four feet. Birmingham, 1950. Barker Brothers Silver Ltd. With two swan form glass and silverplate open salts. 88g. Dia. 10.2 cm (4 in.)See Sold Price
Sold4 Sterling & Cobalt Glass Condiment HoldersFour (4) Pieces Sterling Silver and Cobalt Glass Condiment Holders. Very Good Condition Two (2) Covered Mustard Jars Measuring 2 Inches Tall and 2 Inches Diameter, One Open Salt Measuring 1 Inches TalSee Sold Price
(2 Pc) Antique German Sterling Silver / Etched Glass Salt & Pepper ShakersAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Silver tea strainer, mustard spoon, cased spoons, open salt, napkin rings, etc.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024