SoldBaccarat Art Glass Paperweight and Three Modern SBaccarat Art Glass Paperweight and Three Modern Studio Art Glass Paperweights, including a Baccarat blue opalescent with gilt decoration, and three studio sea life-decorated, one a perfume-style, etchSee Sold Price
Soldthree Lewis studio modern art glass paperweight vathree Lewis studio modern art glass paperweight vasesSee Sold Price
SoldMid Century Art Glass Amber and Clear PaperweightNo apparent Signature, possibly Blenko or Murano Art Glass. Hand crafted hand formed art glass paperweight, sculptural, modern figural, clear and amber toned cylindrical, base with orb top, inside swiSee Sold Price
SoldA modern Baccarat glass paperweight with three swallowsA modern Baccarat glass paperweight with three swallows, 3ins diameter, and five other glass paperweights, variousSee Sold Price
SoldThree Sculptural Mid-Century Modern Glass ArticlesComprises: 1.) Clear glass vase with vertical ribs and scalloped rim. [8 1/2" Dia x 17" H] 2.) Oblong green and blue glass centerpiece bowl. [25 3/4" W x 7" D x 8" H] 3.) Clear glass centerpiece bowlSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF THREE CRYSTAL FIGURES, MODERN,A GROUP OF THREE CRYSTAL FIGURES, MODERN, comprising a Baccarat clear glass paperweight with figure of a seal with acid etched mark to bottom, height: 3 5/8"; a Baccarat clear glass figure of a whaleSee Sold Price
SoldThree Modern Glass Table ArticlesThree Modern Glass Table Articles Comprising: A Lalique model of a bird, signed in etch A Josh Simpson paperweight vase, signed in etch An Art Deco style tazza The bird 5 1/4 in. long.See Sold Price
SoldSeven Modern Art Glass Paperweights20th century, to include two RW Stephens paperweights, signed; a A. Jablonski paperweight, signed and labeled, a Kosta Boda paperweight, signed, and three paperweights with illegible signatures. TalleSee Sold Price
SoldModern Art Glass Paperweights & BoatThree art glass paperweights and Glass Venetian Art Glass Mid Century Gondola Boat.(Murano, desktop accessories) GLASS BOAT Height: 3"; Width: 9 1/8" STERLING ASSOCIATES STRIVES TO PROVIDE ACCURATE, OSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF THREE AMERICAN IRIDESCENT SATIN ART GLASSA GROUP OF THREE AMERICAN IRIDESCENT SATIN ART GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS, MODERN, from smallest to largest, a sea theme paperweight with three fish and anemone, verso "Lundberg Studios," and dated 1979;See Sold Price
SoldDaum French & Modern Studio Art Glass PaperweightsDaum France and three studio art glass paperweights. This lot features a signed Daum France and three unsigned paperweights. Good overall condition with mild storage wear. Largest measures approximateSee Sold Price
Sold11 Assorted Glass Paperweightsmodern, several fruit form, three Millefiori, green floral signed illegibly 1-1/2 in. to 3-1/2 in. Provenance:See Sold Price
SoldModernist Tripodal Studio Art Glass Vase SculptureModern studio art glass sculptural vase. Features three legs in clear, with black and red glass body. Mystery artist signature and dated 98' on one leg. Good overall condition. Measures 27 1/2 in. x 1See Sold Price
SoldMONUMENTAL VISTOSI MURANO GLASS TOTEM LAMPMid-century modern Murano art glass sculptural totem lamp with globe by Vistosi. Three pieces of speckled white and clear frosted glass separated by white enameled metal spacers. Holds original labelsSee Sold Price
SoldThree Faceted Glass Sulphide Portrait Paperweights,Three Faceted Glass Sulphide Portrait Paperweights, modern, comprising a Baccarat example dated 1974 of Napoleon Bonaparte on a ruby ground, one of President and Mrs. Kennedy, dated 1967 on an emeraldSee Sold Price
SoldPerfume, Paperweight, Box, Frame & KaleidoscopeModern frame incorporating broken antique plate, faceted inkwell of good quality, paperweight with ribbons and gold, beveled glass three sided box, modern perfume and an egg form kaleidoscope. Frame 5See Sold Price
SoldMidcentury Modern Over Sized Steuben Art Glass OtterMidcentury Modern Steuben figurative mouth blown crystal sculptural paperweight features colorless art glass in full body form of an otter, designed by Lloyd Atkins, 1960 for Corning Museum of Glass,See Sold Price
SoldMidcentury Modern over Sized Steuben Art Glass DolphinA Midcentury Modern Steuben figurative mouth blown crystal sculptural paperweight features colorless art glass in full body form of a swimming dolphin, designed by Lloyd Atkins, 1960 for Corning MuseuSee Sold Price
Sold3pc STUDIO ART GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS SIGNEDGroup of three iridescent studio art glass paperweights. Each signed to underside. Includes various artists. Flattened cobalt signed illegibly dated 1989. Flattened with abstract design signed illegibSee Sold Price
Sold3pc ART GLASS PAPERWEIGHTS: CAITHNESS,VESTA,KERRYThree art glass paperweights including Caithness, Vesta and Kerry glass. Each signed or holds original label to underside. Largest measures 2 3/4" diameter.See Sold Price
SoldThree Contemporary Art Glass PaperweightsLot of three (3) contemporary signed & unsigned studio art glass paperweights. One being signed Deon 2002. One gives off the impression of five orange tulip buds. The other has a modern design which fSee Sold Price
Sold3pc ROBERT EICKHOLT STUDIO ART GLASS PAPERWEIGHTSThree Robert Eickholt iridescent studio art glass paperweights. Each signed and dated 1982, 1983, 1998 to underside. Largest measures 3" height.See Sold Price
SoldNine Art Glass Paperweights, Three Durwin-Rice Plates,Nine Art Glass Paperweights, Three Durwin-Rice Plates, Four Small Cloth Dolls, a Modern Copper Sculpture, and a Danish Modern Stoneware Dish, paperweights include Murano.See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN POLITICAL MEMORABILIA, LOT OF THREEAMERICAN POLITICAL MEMORABILIA, LOT OF THREE, comprising a President McKinley glass paperweight with photographic image, a McKinley/Hobart campaign ribbon mounted under glass in a modern frame, and aSee Sold Price
Hollywood Regency Lucite & Brass Coffee Table on Casters by Charles Hollis Jones USA c. 1970sBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Monon Railroad Glass Paperweights, Matches, Playing Cards, Corn Meal Bags, and MoreRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Ten Art Glass Paperweights, Robert Eickholt, James Clarke, Neil Duman, Correia, Murano. Nine signedHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Georges Briard Mid-Century Modern Gold Glass Trays - Set of ThreeJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Glass Paperweight by Susan Gott + Handblown VasesArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Three Art Glass Paperweights, One OpalescentClark's Auction Company4.6(440)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
MidCentury - Modern Crystal Art Glass VaseRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024