A Roman North African Red Ware PlateA large red slip ware plate from North Africa, probably from Tunisia. The plate has a warm, bright orange color and is elegantly decorated with a series of incised double concentric rings. The centralSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North African Terracotta Redware PlateRoman Empire, ca. 4th century CE, manufactured in North Africa. Simple but quite lovely redware pottery plate of the type that was N. Africa's leading export in the 3rd to 4th century CE. Plates likeSee Sold Price
SoldNorth African Roman Red Slip Ware Pottery PlateRoman, Imperial Period, produced in North Africa, ca. 3rd to 4th century CE. A wide-rimmed bowl made from African red slip ware. Around the lower body is a simple stamped design of repeated elongatedSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman North African Redware fragment w EmperorAncient Roman North African Redware Platter fragment with Emperor c.1st-4th century AD. Size of the fragment 4 1/4 inches long x 2 3/4 inches high. Beautiful Terracotta fragment from a plate with a buSee Sold Price
Large Roman N. African Redware Bowl - Bull Motif**First Time At Auction**Roman Empire, Northern Africa, ca. 4th century CE. A large terracotta redware plate of the type that was North Africa's leading export in the 3rd to 4th century CE. FeaturingSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North African red-ware pottery shard depictingA Roman North African red-ware pottery shard depicting the 12 Apostles of Christ, AD 350-420, from a large Lanx, with good style and detail. 5 1/4 in x 2 7/8 in (13.3 x 7.3 cm). Matthew 10. ReferenceSee Sold Price
Roman North African red ware fragmentA detailed Roman North African red ware fragment, AD 350 - 420, one half of decorative wall tile, depicting a lion, ibex, and foot of either a hunter, persecuted Christian, or gladiator within a bordeSee Sold Price
A Roman North African Red Ware JugHere we have a wonderful Roman red ware jug from North Africa, probably from Tunisia (ca. 3rd century C.E.), with a applied strap handle, which is decorated, and standing on a low foot. The body of thSee Sold Price
Roman North African red-ware pottery shard depictingA Roman North African red-ware pottery shard depicting the prophet Daniel, AD 350 - 420, showing good style and detail.1 3/4 in x 1 7/8 in (4.5 x 4.8 cm). Cf. Daniel Chapter 6 - Augustine used the vicSee Sold Price
Roman North African red-ware pottery shard depictingA Roman North African red-ware pottery shard depicting Jonah, AD 350 - 420, a detailed and beautiful example of The Prophet Jonah under the Gourd Tree. 2 1/2 in x 2 in (5.7 x 5cm). Cf. Jonah Chapter 4See Sold Price
Rare Roman North African red-ware lamp moldA rarely offered limestone North African red-ware lamp mold, Roman, 4th – 5th Century AD. Both an upper and lower lamp mold are present, both extremely well preserved showing fine detail The upper pSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North African red-ware pottery shard of Jonah andA Roman North African red-ware pottery shard of Jonah and Fish/Sea Monster, AD 350 - 420, with nice detail showing the mouth of the fish/Monster with the struggling Jones within its jaws. from the booSee Sold Price
Roman North African red-ware pottery shard of Eve withA Roman North African red-ware pottery shard of Eve with leaf, AD 350 - 420, depicting Eve with a leaf covering herself. A beautiful example with good detail. 2 1/8 in x 2 1/8 in (5.4 x 5.4 cm). Cf. GSee Sold Price
Roman North African red-ware pottery shard of TheA Roman North African red-ware pottery shard of The Apostle Paul Enthroned, AD 350 - 430, depicting the Apostle Paul enthroned and would have been accompanied by a large Chi Rho and the Apostle PeterSee Sold Price
Nice Roman North African red-ware lampA nice North African red-ware lamp, Roman, 4th-5th Century AD, the central concave disk with stylized palm device flanked by filling-holes, channel running between disk and nozzle. Shoulder decoratedSee Sold Price
Nice Roman North African red-ware lampA nice North African red-ware lamp, Roman, 4th – 5th Century AD, the central concave disk with stylized palm device flanked by filling-holes, channel running between disk and nozzle. Shoulder decoraSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North African Red Ware Pottery FlagonRoman Empire, North Africa, Carthage, ca. 2nd to 3rd centuries CE. An elegant red-slipped pottery flagon of an aryballoid form on a short concave foot, with twin loop handles - both handles attractiveSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN NORTH AFRICAN RED WARE OIL LAMPCa. 400-500 AD. A moldmade red ware oil lamp, a remarkable example of the Hayes II A type. This lamp boasts a solid lug handle and a recessed tondo, adorned with an intricate geometric design of a segSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Roman North African Redware Oil Lamp with LionAncient Roman North African Redware Oil Lamp with Lion c.2nd century AD. Size 5 1/8 inches length. Unusual Ancient Roman Red Pottery oil lamp with a Lion running right within decorated borders. ConditSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North African Redware FlagonRoman Empire, North Africa, Carthage, ca 2nd to 3rd centuries CE. Somewhat unusual pottery flagon made in red-slipped pottery with bulbous base on short foot, small loop handle and wide spout which isSee Sold Price
Roman North African Redware FlagonRoman Empire, North Africa, Carthage, ca 2nd to 3rd centuries CE. Somewhat unusual pottery flagon made in red-slipped pottery with bulbous base on short foot, small loop handle and wide spout which isSee Sold Price
A Roman North African Red-Ware KraterFrom the ancient Roman Empire, North Africa, Terra Sigillata, ca. 1st - 3rd century AD. Terracotta red-slipped double handled vessel with slightly bulbous body and everted rim. 4"H. Provenance: Ex-priSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North African Redware Oil Lamp w/ AmphoraRoman, North Africa, Tunisia, late Imperial Period, ca. 4th to 5th century CE. A beautiful mold-made terracotta redware oil lamp with a circular base, smooth sides, planar shoulders, an unperforated cSee Sold Price
SoldRoman / North African Redware Oil Lamp - DolphinRoman Empire, Tunisia, N. Africa, ca. 4th to 5th century. Large orange slipware pottery, single wick oil lamp. Decorated in the recessed tondo with a highly detailed dolphin, surrounded with a repeatiSee Sold Price
CHARLES ROLLIN c1828 Ceasar Hand Colored Africa Military MapLuis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Numismatic Books - Bland & Orna-Ornstein - Coin Hoards from Roman BritainTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Numismatic Books - Roman Imperial Coinage - Volume II, Part I (New Edition)TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Numismatic Books - Roman Imperial Coinage VIII - The Family of ConstantineTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Set 4 SM Elite Limoges France Antq China PlatesThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
1654 ROMAN CLOTHING STUDY Ferrarius Octavius ILLUSTRATED VELLUM BINDING antiqueJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
13 Pieces Cabbage Leaf Table WareBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Two African Women Canvas Oil PaintingRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Pr 1964 Mid Century Swiss Brass CandlesticksThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Woodline Denmark MCM Wood Art Deco Ice Bucket MoreThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
JAPANESE MEIJI TOTAI ENAMEL ON PORCELAIN BOWL PLATEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024