SoldMEAT MARKET WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGUnmarked base, colorful and detailed illustration of gentleman driving horse drawn panel wagon marked "Meat Market," gold gilt name reads, "Frank Burkard". Ex. Bill Bertoia Collection 3 5/8" h.See Sold Price
SoldBUTCHER AT MEAT MARKET OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGGunkel Barber's Supply, marked on base, very graphic depiction of well stocked butcher's counter and meat hanger shelf with lady customer awaiting her fresh cut, gold gilt name reads, "Phil Lind". Ex.See Sold Price
SoldFISH MARKET OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG.1926 Fish Market Mug with the name A. Citarella. German Manufacturer. Condition: (Near Mint). Dimensions: 4 - 3/4" Dia. x 4" T.See Sold Price
SoldBAKER'S WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGBAKER'S WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG, hand-painted scene of horse-drawn wagon marked "BAKERY", gilt-lettered for "A. Z. COLEMAN" above, marked "D & CO. / FRANCE" to underside of base. Late 19th/earlSee Sold Price
SoldHORSE-DRAWN DELIVERY WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGHORSE-DRAWN DELIVERY WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG, printed and hand-painted scene of green wagon drawn by two-horse team, gilt owner's name above, unmarked. Together with an Ice Wagon shaving mug ofSee Sold Price
SoldICE WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG.Horse-drawn ice wagon occupational shaving mug. Beautiful Detail. Condition: (Near Mint). Dimensions: 4 - 3/4" Dia. x 4" T.See Sold Price
SoldLUNCH WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGFelda China, Germany, a favorite and popular themed example with collectors, this crisp illustration highlights an early lunch wagon with exiting patron and cook clearly standing behind counter, goldSee Sold Price
SoldHORSE DRAWN MILK WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGT. V. Limoges mark on base, nice large image of solo horse drawing "Pure Milk" wagon with seated driver, pastel background coloring, gold gilt name lettered, "Paul D. Williamson". Ex. Bill Bertoia ColSee Sold Price
SoldHORSE-DRAWN ICE WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGHORSE-DRAWN ICE WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG, hand-painted scene of figure holding large block of ice near wagon, flanked by floral reserves, gilt-lettered for "WM. R. ARCHER" above, impressed "S /See Sold Price
SoldPurveyors Wagon Occupational Shaving MugMade by T & V Limoge, France - Circa 1890 Material: CeramicSee Sold Price
SoldCoffee Wagon Occupational Shaving Mugporcelain with strong colorful polychrome imagery of wagon pulled by 2 horse team, name in gilt, Frank Upperson, as well as gilt banding on rim and base; marked St. Louis Electric Grinding Co. BarberSee Sold Price
SoldConfectionary Wagon Occupational Shaving Mugporcelain with polychrome painted horse drawn wagon, name in gilt is W.R. Given, marked T & V Limoges 3.5" t.See Sold Price
SoldCoal Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, Coal Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, porcelain, with polychrome painted scene of gentleman leading a horse-drawn coal wagon. Gilt name W.M. Ergermuth with Limoges maker's mark and unusual PBS Co. deSee Sold Price
SoldFine Baker's Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, Fine Baker's Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, porcelain, with polychrome painted scene of man driving horse drawn bakers wagon which reads John Selzer, Bakery & Confecti.... Gilt name John Selzer witSee Sold Price
SoldHorse Pulling Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug.Nice detail and excellent color. Size: 3 - 1/2" T. Condition: (Near Mint).See Sold Price
SoldMilk Delivery Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, Milk Delivery Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, porcelain, with polychrome painted scene of man driving horse-drawn delivery wagon reading Milk & Cream. Gilt name S. Zika with Limoges maker's mark.See Sold Price
SoldHorse-Drawn Dairy Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, Horse-Drawn Dairy Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, porcelain, with polychrome painted scene of horse-drawn wagon reading Breckinridge Dairy. Gilt name Chas. Wilkelm with Limoges maker's mark.See Sold Price
SoldUnusual Ice Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, Unusual Ice Wagon Occupational Shaving Mug, porcelain, with polychrome painted scene of man driving horse-drawn ice truck with gentleman standing on the back. Gilt name J.B. Worth Jr., with LimogesSee Sold Price
SoldRURAL MAIL WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGGeo. E. Wagner & Co., St. Joe M. on base, well centered and detailed illustration depicting an early R.E.O. horse drawn mail wagon with driver, gold gilt name reads, "Wm. B. Edmondson". Ex. Bill BertoSee Sold Price
SoldTeamster's Brewery Wagon Occupational Shaving MugDescription Aug. Steingruber. Porcelain with polychrome painted scene of a man in a brewery wagon pulled by a team of white horses. Wagon is filled to the brim with wooden kegs. Condition (Near Mint).See Sold Price
SoldDELIVERY WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGHand painted porcelain; Wm. Bailey; unmarked base; gilt paint loss overall; H-3 1/2", G-G+See Sold Price
SoldICE WAGON OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUGPainted porcelain; A. Kellerman (?); gilt paint loss overall; H-3 1/2", G-G+See Sold Price
SHAVING MUG "THE PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA" Occupational Series Limoge FranceSJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Vintage Felda China Germany Hand-Painted Porcelain Shaving MugLUXUR Fine Art Auction4.5(58)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024