SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach - chrome plated Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - overall Good (Coach tarnished with some chrome pitting and flaking) in Good to Good Plus box wiSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - Coach Excellent Plus but two horses have one rear leg detached - Good in Good lift-off lid all card box complete withSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach finished in gold with 8 horses and 4 outriders (issue with Queen figure only) - overall condition is generally Excellent in Good lift off lid box with papeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach - finished in gold with 8 horses (4 out-riders), comes with King and Queen figures - Good Plus in Good lift off lid box with paper label (grubby around corSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach complete with figures of King & Queen - horses and outriders generally Excellent complete with original brass chains, coach has damaged roof - Good in FairSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox early Lesney Toys - large scale Coronation Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - horses and outriders are Good Plus to Excellent (central bar rusty) The Coach's front springs and coupliSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach finished in gold with Queen figure, complete with 8 horses, (4 Outriders), white, red, grey - overall condition is generally Good Plus in Fair but completeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach finished in silver with 8 horses (4 outriders) - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (although one rear wheel is badly damaged pieces are presSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Early Lesney large scale Coronation Coach with figures of King and Queen - Coach Excellent with some paint loss to wheels - horses and outriders badly damaged - Poor and lack the majority ofSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Early Lesney large scale Coronation Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - coach Good (has been heavily polished over the years and has some corrosion), horses and outriders are ExcellenSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach finished in gold with 8 horses and 4 outriders, Queen figure only - Excellent including inner card packing for horses, outer lift off lid box with paper laSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Early Lesney Toys large scale Coronation Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - horses and outriders are Good Plus to Excellent (central bar rusty), the Coach's front springs and couplinSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach - gold complete with King and Queen figures, 8 x horses with 4 x outriders - Excellent Plus in Good Plus lift off lid box with paper label, also comes compSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach - chrome plated issue, 8 x horses (4 out-riders) with Queen figure only - Good in Fair but complete lift off lid box with paper label.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach finished in gold with 8 horses (4 without riders) - Queen figure only - overall condition is Excellent Plus in Good maroon lift off lid box with paper labeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Early Lesney Toys large scale Coronation Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - nicely repainted in Good lift off lid box.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach - finished in gold with 8 x horses (4 out-riders) - Queen figure only - Good still displays well including lift off lid box with paper label (grubby aroundSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach with Queen figure - gold with white, red and gold horses with 4 x outriders - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (does require attention in cSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach finished in silver with 8 horses (4 outriders) - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (although one rear wheel is badly damaged pieces are presSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach with Queen figure only - gold, white, red and gold horses with 4 x outriders - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (requires some slight attenSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Large Scale Coronation CoachMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach. Finished in silver with 8 horses (4 outriders) - overall condition is generally Good to Good Plus (although one rear wheel is badly damaged - pieces are pSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach withMatchbox Lesney large scale Coronation Coach with figures of both King and Queen. Harder to find. Generally VG to E.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Early Lesney Toys Coronation CoachMatchbox Early Lesney Toys large scale Coronation Coach - gold, King and Queen figures, 8 x horses with 4 x outriders - Good Plus in Fair maroon lift off lid box with paper label.See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox Lesney Horsedrawn Coronation CoachMatchbox early Lesney large scale Horsedrawn Coronation Coach with figure of Queen Elizabeth only - Fair to Good (two horses have one missing leg and others have legs bent out of shape).See Sold Price
19TH C. LARGE SCALE ROMANESQUE HOURGLASSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
YOUSUF KARSH (NY/MA/CANADA, 1908-2002)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Matchbox Lesney King Size K-8 Guy Warrior Car TransporterSJ Auctioneers4.5(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
(4) Matchbox Lesney Diecast Cars Carrying CasesDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(4) Matchbox Lesney Diecast Cars Carrying CasesDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
19th C. Bronze Reclining Mandalay Buddha BangkokEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Phillip Vander Weg (American b.1943) PaintingEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Curtis Jere Giant Oversize Large Scale Aluminum Can OpenerHughes Auctions4.4(165)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Toys: A quantity of assorted die cast scale model Matchbox Models of Yesteryear by Lesney to includeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Toys: A quantity of die cast scale model Matchbox Models of Yesteryear by Lesney to include Y1 1936Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
ca. 1880's Antique Persian Woven Wool Serapi Carpet, 13’6" x 10’7"Neue Auctions4.6(356)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Dale Chihuly Art Glass Sculpture - Green & YellowKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceDec 29, 2024