SoldBB Marbles: Steve Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Six-panel onionskin. Transparent clear base. Blue subsurface layer. Various colored bands in rainbow of colors. Three panels of mica on top of them. SignSee Sold Price
SoldBB Marbles: Steve Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Panelled onionskin design. Transparent clear base. Ten aventurine green panels alternating with ten panels of gold lutz on yellow. Stunning. Signed "StevSee Sold Price
Sold69290 BB Marbles: Steve Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Gorgeous onionskin. Transparent clear base. White core. Stretched light green, yellow, blue and red. Signed "Steve Davis". 1-7/16". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold67205 BB Marbles: Steve DavisCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Onionskin Lutz. Transparent clear base. Core is yellow, blue and green onionskin, with loads of lutz. Signed "Steve Davis". 1-9/16". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold68150 BB Marbles: Steve Davis SnakeskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Steve Davis. Huge Snakeskin. Transparent clear base. Subsurface snakesking of orange, yellow, white, green, blue, black and green aventurine. Stunning. Signed "Steve Davis 03".See Sold Price
SoldBB Marbles: Steve Davis SnakeskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Twenty one lobe snakeskin. Orange, green, yellow, blue, white. Gorgeous. Signed "Steve Davis 03". 2-1/4". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold73227 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Banded SwirlCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Banded. Transparentclear base. Dark blue subsurface layer. One spiraling panel of four white strands. Signed "SteveDavis 03". 1-9/16". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold69142 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Solid CoreCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Transparent clear base.Solid core of mixed yellow and blue. Outer layer is stretched partial bands of yellow and blue.Signed "Steve Davis". 1-9/16". MintSee Sold Price
Sold67211 BB Marbles: Steve DavisCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Snakeskin. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer of yellow, orange and black snakeskin. Gorgeous. Signed "Steve Davis". 1-7/16". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold70128 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Marbrie CONTEMPORA70128 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Marbrie CONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Transparent clear base. Core is four panels of red, teal and yellow, pulled into a marbrie pattern. Signed "Steve DSee Sold Price
69101 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph CoatCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Joseph Coat. Eight bandsubsurface layer. Four are black. Four are red and yellow. Signed "Steve Davis 04". 1-7/16". Mint(9.9).See Sold Price
Sold75197 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph CoatCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Joseph Coat. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is alternating bands of red, white, blue and a cane of red and white, repeating five times. Beauty.See Sold Price
Sold73228 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph CoatCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Joseph Coat.Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is packed bands of black, white, purple, yellow, orange.Signed "Steve Davis 03". 1-9/16". Mint (9.9)See Sold Price
Sold72085 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph CoatCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Joseph Coat. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is alternating bands of black, yellow, orange and white, repeating twice. Beauty. Signed "Steve DavSee Sold Price
Sold67203 BB Marbles: Steve DavisCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Two panel. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is four panels. Two are black panel with mica on them. Two are white and aventurine green bands. SignSee Sold Price
Sold69127 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph Coat CONTEM69127 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph Coat CONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Joseph Coat. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is rainbow bands separated by aventurine green. Beauty. SSee Sold Price
Sold67218 BB Marbles: Steve DavisCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is two panels. One is mica on black. Other is bands of orange, yellow and white. Signed "Steve Davis 2003". 1-1/See Sold Price
Sold72084 BB Marbles: Steve Davis Joseph CoatCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Joseph Coat. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is rainbow bands with a sprinkling of mica. Beauty. Signed "Steve Davis 03". 1-7/16". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold78222 BB Marbles: Jim Davis Onionskin 1-1/2" 9.978222 BB Marbles: Jim Davis Onionskin 1-1/2" 9.9 CONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Jim Davis Onionskin. White core. Pink, blue, green, yellow skin. Signed "Jim Davis" on the bottom. 1-1/2See Sold Price
Sold78211 BB Marbles: Jim Davis Onionskin 2-1/16" 9.78211 BB Marbles: Jim Davis Onionskin 2-1/16" 9.9 CONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Large Jim Davis onionskin. White core. Onionskin and lutz panels. Signed "Jim Davis" on the bottom. 2-1See Sold Price
Sold80091 BB Marbles: Jim Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Multicolor onionskin. Transparent clear base. Opaque white core. Green, yellow, blue and pink panels on the core. Signed "Jim Davis". 1-1/2". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold80092 BB Marbles: Jim Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Multicolor onionskin. Transparent clear base. Opaque white core. Various colors onit. Seven wide bands of ruddy red stretching pole to pole, on the core.See Sold Price
Sold85079 BB Marbles: Jim Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Transparent clear base. Subsurface layer is three bands of stretched color. One each of pink, blue, white. Marble is signed "Jim Davis". Marbles signed bSee Sold Price
Sold85090 BB Marbles: Jim Davis OnionskinCONTEMPORARY HANDMADE, Davis Handmade Marbles. Onionskin of white, yellow, green, blue, in clear. Marble is signed "Jim Davis". 1-9/16". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
3 1/4" Thebes. Colorful Carter Cave Flint. Davis COATony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Boris Artzybasheff (Russian, 1899-1965) 11 steel making printsRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Roger Brown (American, 1941-1997) 'Sketchbook 1982Rachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Carroll, Lewis- Alice in wonderland, illus by Marie Laurencin. Black Sun PressRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19/20th c. Figural gilt bronze and marble floor clockRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Howard Finster (American 1916-2001) wood cut outRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Kataro Shirayamadani (1865-1948) vase for Rookwood PotteryRachel Davis Fine Arts4.7(476)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024