PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED28th President. TLS "Woodrow Wilson", 7x9.5, April 22 1923 on embossed personal stationery with outstanding post- World War I content on churches, in part: "...The churches can, -and I hope will, -doSee Sold Price
PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED28th President. TLS "Woodrow Wilson", 7x9.5, April 22 1923 on embossed personal stationery with outstanding post-World War I content regarding the role of churches in post-World War I America, in partSee Sold Price
Sold3 Woodrow Wilson Signed LettersThree (3) President Woodrow Wilson typed letters signed "Woodrow Wilson" as President and written on "The White House" letterhead. The 1913 letters were addressed to Lewis M. Coleman, U.S. District AtSee Sold Price
WOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED - PRESIDENTTLS "Woodrow Wilson", 7x9.5, Dec 26 1923 on embossed personal stationery with grand personal content, in part: "...Anything from you would have made us glad because of our affection for you and our plSee Sold Price
WOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED - PRESIDENT28th President. TLS "Woodrow Wilson", 6x8.25, February 27 1906, Princeton University letterhead as President of the University with interesting content to fellow author & educator Hamilton Holt, in paSee Sold Price
WOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED - PRESIDENT28th President. TLS "Woodrow Wilson", 6x8.25, February 27 1906, Princeton University letterhead as President of the University with interesting content to fellow author & educator Hamilton Holt, in paSee Sold Price
SoldWoodrow Wilson, as President,Woodrow Wilson, as President, typed letter signed, one page, octavo, to Col. John Temple Graves, editor of the New York Connection and People's candidate for Vice President in 1908, on White House staSee Sold Price
WOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED AS PRESIDENT28th President. TLS "Woodrow Wilson" AS PRESIDENT, 7x9, December 29 1914, The White House stationery, marked "Personal", in part: "It was very kind of you to join in a telegram of birthday greeting, aSee Sold Price
SoldWOODROW WILSON TYPED LETTER SIGNED AS PRESIDENT28th President. TLS "Woodrow Wilson" AS PRESIDENT, 7x9, December 29 1914, The White House stationery, marked "Personal", in part: "It was very kind of you to join in a telegram of birthday greeting, aSee Sold Price
Sold1917 WOODROW WILSON Typed Letter Signed as President Accepts a ResignationAutographs "Woodrow Wilson" as President "It is with deepest and most genuine regret that I accept your resignation from the Federal Trade Commission..." WOODROW WILSON, (1856-1924). 28th President ofSee Sold Price
SoldWoodrow Wilson Typed Letter Signed as PresidentTLS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, White House letterhead, April 27, 1916. Letter to novelist Margaret Deland, who would be awarded a cross from the Legion of Honor for her relief work in France duSee Sold Price
Woodrow Wilson TLS Sig Letter President 1918 AutographTyped letter signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Composed on White House stationary and dated 28 January 1918, letter reads in part: ''My dear Lieutenant Bunkley [Lieutenant J.W. Bunkley, U.S.S. SylphSee Sold Price
Woodrow Wilson TLS Signed Letter President 1918Typed letter signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Composed on White House stationary and dated 28 January 1918, letter reads in part: ''My dear Lieutenant Bunkley [Lieutenant J.W. Bunkley, U.S.S. SylphSee Sold Price
Woodrow Wilson TLS Signed Letter President 1918Typed letter signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Composed on White House stationary and dated 28 January 1918, letter reads in part: ''My dear Lieutenant Bunkley [Lieutenant J.W. Bunkley, U.S.S. SylphSee Sold Price
Sold28th President WOODROW WILSON - TLS Jan 1921Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th President. 6 ½” x 8 ½” typed letter signed, The White House, January 5, 1921, to Grant Squires. “…I wish to add now to my acknowledgment of your check for $13See Sold Price
SoldPRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON SIGNED LETTERTyped letter signed by Wilson, to Samuel Gompers of the AFL declining an opportunity to direct a message to Gompers's membership. Wilson says 'It really would embarrass me.'See Sold Price
SoldWoodrow Wilson Letter Signed TLS Autograph PresidentWoodrow Wilson typed letter signed in blue ink by the 28th U.S. President. Single-page, 7'' x 9'' letter, on White House letterhead, dated 26 February 1914, to Professor Garrett Droppers, Williams ColSee Sold Price
President WOODROW WILSON - Typed WH Ltr SignedWoodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th President. 8 ½" x 6 ½ " typed letter signed, two separate pages, The White House, November 29, 1920 to Mr. Squires. "…I would be glad to use my appointing power toSee Sold Price
SoldWoodrow Wilson Typed Letter SignedTLS as president, one page, 7 x 8.75, embossed presidential letterhead, June 27, 1919. Written from Paris, a letter to Major Douglas Johnson, in full: "I have your letter of yesterday with the accompaSee Sold Price
SoldPresident WOODROW WILSON- Typed Ltr Signed 1900Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th President. 7 ½" x 9 ½" typed letter signed, Princeton, New Jersey, June 26, 1900, to Francis Rawls. "…I shall not be aboard this summer. The dinner you speak of…iSee Sold Price
28th President WOODROW WILSON - TLSWoodrow Wilson (1856-19243) 28th President.7” x 6” (likely trimmed) typed letter signed, The White House, October 18, 1917, “Personal”, to W. A. Rogers. “…You are very generous to think ofSee Sold Price
President WOODROW WILSON - Typed Ltr SignedWoodrow Wilson. 7 ¾” x 10 ¼” typed letter signed, Princeton, New Jersey, March 5, 1898, to John E. Phillips. “…I wish I could say…that I would write the essay you want…The trouble is thaSee Sold Price
SoldPresident WOODROW WILSON - Typed Ltr SignedWoodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th President. 7 ¾" x 10 ¼" typed letter signed, October 14, 1897, Princeton, New Jersey, to Dr. Finley. "…It puts a strain on my heart to be forever saying Nay to a maSee Sold Price
TED KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENTJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HELLMAN, Lillian (1905-1984). Typed Letter Signed. New York...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
HOOVER, J. Edgar (1895-1972). Group of Five Typed Letters S...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[SCIENCE]. Group of Three Typed Letters Signed by Award-Win...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Woodrow Wilson Signed 7x8.8 1914 Letter On White House Letterhead BAS #AB14543Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[CIVIL RIGHTS] -- [DESEGREGATION]. FAUBUS, Orval E. (1910-1994). Typed letter signed ("Orval E.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
[AUTOGRAPHS]. A group of 11 autographs from African American politicians and notables, comprising:Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
3 Governor Pete/Pierre Du Pont Signed LettersRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Henri-Paul Royer (French, 1869-1938), "Hymne de La Liberte," Study for a Cover Dedicated toCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
WILSON EDITH: (1872-1961)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Signed Lillian Smith Writer LetterRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Authentic Woodrow Wilson Signed Letter 7x8.8 March 6 1914 White HouseMynt Auctions4.6(689)$501039 Lots Away