SoldMaya head fragment from Quiche areaA large Maya head fragment from the Quiche area of Guatemala, c. 400 - 800 AD. This unusual example is 3" high, 3" wide and is a rare depiction of a sideways facing individual, who is adorned with a lSee Sold Price
SoldMaya head fragment from GuatemalaA large Maya head fragment from the Quiche area of Guatemala, c. 400 – 800 AD. This unusual example is 3 in (7.6cm) high, 3 in (7.6cm) wide and is a rare depiction of a sideways facing individual, wSee Sold Price
SoldMaya figural fragment from the Yucatan area of Mexico,A large Maya figural fragment from the Yucatan area of Mexico, ca. 400 – 700 AD. It is 4-1/4” high and depicts a Xipetotec priest, wearing the flayed skin of a sacrificial victim over his head. NiSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Head Fragment of a Young LordMaya Head Fragment of a Young Lord Mayan, Northern LowlandsC. 800-1100 ADPolisSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Head Fragment - Guatemala, ca. 400-700 ADAn excellent Maya head fragment from Guatemala, ca. 400 - 700 AD. It is 2-1/4 inches high and portrays an individual adorned with large ear ornaments. Nicely detailed, strong calcification. Mounted onSee Sold Price
SoldMaya head fragment from GuatemalaA classic Maya head fragment from Guatemala, c. 250 – 700 AD. It is 1-3/4 in high and depicts the expressive face of an elder or one of the Old Gods. Strong mineral deposits, mounted on stand. ESee Sold Price
SoldExceptional Early Maya head fragment from MexicoAn exceptional Early Maya head fragment from Mexico, ca. 400 - 100 BC. It is 3 in high and depicts an elite individual with eyes deeply set in an expressive face. A great example with strong mineral dSee Sold Price
SoldExcellent Maya head fragment from GuatemalaAn excellent Maya head fragment from Guatemala, ca. 250 – 700 AD. It is 2-1/8 in high and depicts a classic Maya face. Mounted on stand. Ex Pennsylvania estate.See Sold Price
SoldA choice Maya head fragment from MexicoA choice Maya head fragment from Mexico, ca. 250 – 700 AD. It is 2-1/4 in high and depicts an individual with a regal face, incised coif and headband. Beautifully detailed, strong dendrites. MountedSee Sold Price
Large Maya head fragment from GuatemalaA large Maya head fragment from Guatemala, ca. 400 – 700 AD. It is 3 in high, 3-1/4 in wide and depicts an individual wearing an elaborate headdress. Good mineral deposits, mounted on stand. Ex PennSee Sold Price
A large Maya head fragment from GuatemalaA large Maya head fragment from Guatemala, c. AD 250 – 700, depicting an individual with finely incised teeth visible in the open mouth, his coif is protruding from under his headdress and the eyesSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Maya Jaguar Head FragmentLarge Maya Jaguar Head Fragment Maya, Southern LowlandsC. 400-600 ADPolished aSee Sold Price
SoldA Pre-Columbian Maya Jaguar Head FragmentA large pre-Columbian Maya jaguar head fragment from ancient Guatemala, circa 600 A.D. - 900 A.D. This hollow head fragment measures about 4" tall by about 5 1/2" wide (fragment alone, unmounted) andSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Maya deity head fragments from MexicoA pair of Maya deity head fragments from Mexico, c. AD 500 - 1000. These rare Tohil Plumbate examples originated in the Soconusco region of Mexico and were traded throughout the Maya cultural regions.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Maya Items c. 600 - 900 AD A large YucateTwo Maya Itemsc. 600 - 900 AD A large Yucatec or Veracruz Maya style head - fragmSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR PRE-COLOMBIAN PIECESComprising two figural vessels, fetish an a vase with figural handle. Three of them with notations: MAYA-QUICHE (N/W area Guatemala 800 AD) 8"H TallestSee Sold Price
Maya Camahuil idol from Quiche area of GuatemalaA fine Maya Camahuil idol from the Quiche area of Guatemala, ca. AD 250 – 600. This nicely detailed example is 2-1/2 in high and is carved from a light green hard stone in the characteristic manner.See Sold Price
SoldA fine Olmecoid head fragmentA fine Olmecoid head fragment from the Chalchuapa area of El Salvador, c. 1000 BC. It is 2-1/4 in high and depicts an individual with incised coif. Good mineral deposits, mounted on stand. Ex RosenberSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Maya Camahuil idol from the Quiche areaA large Maya Camahuil idol from the Quiche area of Guatemala, ca. AD 250 – 600. This elaborately detailed example is 4-1/4 in high and is carved from a light green hard stone in the characteristic mSee Sold Price
A MAYAN BROWN-GLAZED TERRACOTTA HEAD FRAGMENTA MAYAN BROWN-GLAZED TERRACOTTA HEAD FRAGMENT OF A DEITY Maya culture. The face with a noble expression with large eyes and nose, full lips, wearing earrings, protruding breasts, incised infinity symbSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Assortment of Head Fragments, Thirty-one PLarge Assortment of Head Fragments, Thirty-one Pieces Maya, Tlatilco, Veracruz, Etc.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Terracotta Head Fragment**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Mayan Territories, Central Mexico, Maya, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A fine terracotta visage of an eye-catching Mayan male figure with almond-shaped eyes, a prominentSee Sold Price
A Greco-Roman Marble Head Fragment, Circa 1st Century BC to 4th Century ADThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chinese Marble Quan Yin Head Fragment on StandAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Ancient Sokoto Head Fragment 500 BC African ArtifactTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024