FEDERAL OX-BOW SLANT LID DESK. Probably MassachusFEDERAL OX-BOW SLANT LID DESK. Probably Massachusetts. Birch with pine secondary. Stepped interior has eight dovetailed drawers, nine pigeonholes and traces of red paint. Four graduated drawers, withSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk,Chippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, probably Massachusetts, c. 1790, old replaced brasses, refinished, (minor imperfections), ht. 44, wd. 41 3/4, dp. 21 1/2 in. Provenance: Handwritten lSee Sold Price
SoldBoston Federal ox-bow mahogany desk,highly figured mahogany with white pine secondary, slant lid opening to fitted interior with seven drawers and ten cubbyholes, four graduated serpentine drawers on boldly formed original ogee bracketSee Sold Price
SoldNew England Chippendale Oxbow Slant Front Deskprobably Massachusetts, circa 1780, birch, white pine secondary, dovetailed case, with hinged lipped fall front lid with bread board ends, interior with nine drawers and seven valanced pigeon holes, fSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale 18th C. oxbow slant lid deskChippendale 18th C. oxbow slant-lid walnut desk with fitted interior double step with fan carved drawer and pigeon holes, case with four graduated drawers, shaped apron on claw and ball feet old brassSee Sold Price
Sold18th c. Chippendale Oxbow Slant Lid Desk18th c. mahogany Chippendale oxbow slant lid desk with ball and claw feet. Fitted interior. 40 1/2" x 21 1/2" x 43 1/2" Ht..See Sold Price
SoldChippendale Mahogany Carved Oxbow Slant Lid Desk,Chippendale Mahogany Carved Oxbow Slant Lid Desk, North Shore, Massachusetts, c. 1770-75, original brasses, old finish, (minor imperfections), ht. 44, wd. 41 3/4, dp. 22 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Chippendale Oxbow Slant Lid Desk. All origAmerican Chippendale Oxbow Slant Lid Desk. All original, ball & claw feet, Boston origin. Circa 1770See Sold Price
SoldChippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk,Chippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, Massachusetts, c. 1770-80, old replaced brasses, refinished, ht. 44, wd. 42 1/2, dp. 22 in.See Sold Price
SoldChippendale Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, North SChippendale Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, North Shore area, Massachusetts, late 18th century, the lid opens to an interior of three central drawers flanked by drawers and three valanced compartments,See Sold Price
SoldChippendale Oxbow Slant Lid Desk, 18th centuryChippendale Oxbow Slant Lid Desk, 18th century Massachusetts, old warm surface, birch with white pine secondary, divided interior with letter slots and short drawers over four graduated long drawers,See Sold Price
SoldChippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk,Chippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, Massachusetts, c. 1770-80, old replaced brasses, refinished, ht. 44, wd. 42 1/2, dp. 22 in.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Chippendale Birch Oxbow Slant-Lid Desk,American Chippendale Birch Oxbow Slant-Lid Desk, third quarter 18th century, the top surface having an exposed dovetailed case and the lid opening to a fitted interior with a shell-carved center draweSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Chippendale Birch Oxbow Slant-Lid DeskAmerican Chippendale Birch Oxbow Slant-Lid Desk, third quarter 18th century, the top surface having an exposed dovetailed case and the lid opening to a fitted interior with a shell-carved center draweSee Sold Price
HEPPLEWHITE OXBOW SLANT LID DESK. RefiniHEPPLEWHITE OXBOW SLANT LID DESK. Refinished maple and birch with pine secondary wood. High French feet with scalloped returns and a band of inlay around the base. Dovetailed drawers with beaded edgesSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk,Chippendale Carved Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, Massachusetts, c. 1760-80, the lid opens to a multi-drawer compartmented interior, brasses appear to be original, refinished, (restoration and imperfeSee Sold Price
Chippendale-style Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, America, 20th century.Chippendale-style Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, America, 20th century. Top with mitered front edge dovetailed to conforming ends of case, supporting cleated slant lid opening on hinges over an interiSee Sold Price
Chippendale Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, North SChippendale Mahogany Oxbow Slant-lid Desk, North Shore area, Massachusetts, late 18th century, the lid opens to an interior of three central drawers flanked by drawers and three valanced compartments,See Sold Price
SoldCHIPPENDALE OXBOW SLANT-LID DESK ATTRIBUTED TOCHIPPENDALE OXBOW SLANT-LID DESK ATTRIBUTED TO NATHANIEL GOULD Salem, Massachusetts, Second Half of 18th Century In mahogany. Stepped interior fitted with pigeonholes and drawers. Case with four graduSee Sold Price
Sold18th C. Boston Slant Lid Desk18th century Boston Oxbow slant lid desk, mahogany, 45 1/2" h x 45" w x 22" d. Provenance: From a Massachusetts estate.See Sold Price
SoldNew England Chippendale mahogany oxbow slant-lidNew England Chippendale mahogany oxbow slant-lid desk, c.1780, with a pigeonholed and document drawered interior, carved skirt and bold ogee bracket feet. 43.5"h.x42"w.x22"d.See Sold Price
CHIPPENDALE TIGER MAPLE SLANT LID DESKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
RARE MINIATURE QUEEN ANNE SLANT FRONT DESKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
THE TYLER BIGELOW BOSTON FEDERAL SECRETARY DESKJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
TWO OPEN HANGING SPOON RACKS.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
AMER. CHIPPENDALE SLANT LID DESK ON OGEE BRACKET FEET , WALNUT (43 1/2' TALL X 38" WIDE X 20" DEEP)Carlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Newport Chippendale Shell Carved Mahogany Slant Front DeskBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
18TH C. MA OXBOW MAHOGANY CHEST ON CLAW & BALL FEET.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. MA. CHIPPENDALE OXBOW MAHOGANY CHEST.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
FINE 18TH C. CHIPPENDALE CT CHERRY OXBOW DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. BOSTON MA CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY OXBOW DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. ENGLISH GEORGE II MAHOGANY SLANT LID DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024