SoldBeautiful Veracruz Terracotta FigureStarts at $200 Pre-Columbian, Vera Cruz, Mexico, Ca 400 to 700 CE. In the form of a standing priest, figure wears a huge and ornate headdress decorated with large bird beak and a large stone necklace.See Sold Price
Published Veracruz Female Dancer, ex-Platt FriendbergPre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz, ca. 550 to 950 CE. Earth colored terracotta figure of a female dancer holding a spirit rattle.  She is wearing a beautiful skirt and blouse painted in yellow  withSee Sold Price
Published Veracruz Female Dancer w/ Spirit RattlePre-Columbian, Vera Cruz , Mexico, ca. 550 -950 CE. Earth colored terracotta figure of a female dancer holding a spirit rattle.  She is wearing a beautiful skirt and blouse painted in yellow  with rSee Sold Price
SoldRare Standing Veracruz Terracotta FigurePre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz region, Ca 600 to 800 CE. Â A large and exceptional pottery standing figure. Â Â Person of indeterminate sex standing with hands held outward to shoulders, wearings toSee Sold Price
Veracruz Terracotta Figure on a SwingPre-Columbian, Gulf of Mexico, Classical Veracruz / Remojadas culture, ca. 400 to 750 CE. This is a hollow pottery figure depicting a figure -- probably a woman, based on clothing -- wearing a ponchoSee Sold Price
A Veracruz terracotta figure, Remojadas, late Classic,A Veracruz terracotta figure, Remojadas, late Classic, c. 550-950 A.D. The mould-made male in an ecstatic posture, hands and legs outstretched wearing typical head-dress and with usual features, 31cmSee Sold Price
Antique Japanese Kabuki Actor Statue, 19th CentItem: 19th Century Antique Japanese Kabuki Actor Statue Materials: Terracotta Size: 13" x 13"This beautiful terracotta figure stands 13" tall and 13" at its widest. Considering his age, he is in verySee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful Greek terracotta figure of a womanA beautiful terracotta figure of a woman holding an open box, Greek, c. 4th Century BC, wearing a chiton and himation, her hair styled into two curled locks coming down over each shoulder. Some loss tSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz Terracotta Ritual FigurePreColumbian Veracruz Mexico Remojadas ceremonial ritual standing open-mouth figure, terracotta / ceramic / earthenware. 14" H x 9" W x 5" D; with base 17.75" H x 4.5" square base. Loss to proper righSee Sold Price
SoldVera Cruz Terracotta Figure in Ceremonial RegaliaPre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz/Veracruz, ca. 400 to 600 CE. An expressive and quite tall Vera Cruz terracotta figure, dressed in ceremonial regalia comprised of a long cape, fanciful headdress, wideSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz Terracotta Sonriente Figure**Originally Listed At $800** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz, ca. 100 BCE to 800 CE. This is a pottery standing "Sonriente" figure (perhaps male?) from the Veracruz region of Gulf Coast Mexico. SonrSee Sold Price
SoldA beautiful terracotta fertility figure, Syria - LevantA beautiful terracotta fertility figure, Syria - Levant, c. 1000 - 600 BC, her features lovely and wearing an elaborate headdress, beaded necklace, earrings and bracelets, her gown opened to expose heSee Sold Price
SoldA beautiful Greek terracotta figure of a womanA beautiful Greek terracotta figure of a woman, c. 4th Century BC, wearing chiton and himation, her features in fine style and her hair styled back behind a flowery diadem into a coiled bun at the napSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful Roman terracotta figure Isis and HorusA beautiful Roman terracotta figure Isis and Horus, 2nd – 3rd Century AD, the goddess sits on her throne suckling the infant god Horus, who she cradles with her left arm. She wears long robes and isSee Sold Price
SoldA Veracruz Terracotta Deity FigureA Veracruz Terracotta Deity Figure Circa 600-900 A.D. Height 9 1/4 x width 6 inches. This lot is located in Chicago.See Sold Price
Beautiful terracotta fertility figure, Central AsiA beautiful terracotta fertility figure, Central Asia, 3rd Millennium BC, elaborately adorned with hair in tall, layered domes of hair and a multi-tiered, punctuated necklace with diadem suspended betSee Sold Price
Sold3 Veracruz Style Terracotta Figures. 20th c.A group of three Veracruz style terracotta figures. Mesoamerica. 20th century. Largest 5 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 2 1/4". Smallest 4 3/4" x 2 1/2" x 2".See Sold Price
SoldGreek terracotta figure of a priestess of IsisA beautiful Greek terracotta figure of a priestess of Isis, Ptolemaic Egypt, c. 3rd - 2nd Century BC, wearing robed with characteristic knot between her bare breasts. She wears an elaborate headdressSee Sold Price
SoldGreat Hellenistic figure of Selinus with DionysosA beautiful polychrome terracotta figure of Selinus, Hellenistic, c.3rd - 2nd Century BC. He depicted as a pedagogue, wearing himation, with Socratic satyr face and pig's ears, holding infant DionysosSee Sold Price
12 7/8 Large Hellenistic terracotta figure of VenusA large and beautiful Hellenistic terracotta figure of a woman, c. 1st Century BC, perhaps Venus, resting against a herm (the herm detailed with a portrait and a penis). She is wrapped in a voluminousSee Sold Price
Ecuadoran Polychrome Seated Figure with HatPre-Columbian, Bahia or Esteros, Ca 200 to 500 CE. An aesthetically beautiful terracotta seated figure with large, double-tiered hat and bracelets. Exceptional rendering with almost Buddha-like tranquSee Sold Price
Egyptian terracotta figure of seated HarpokratesA beautiful Egyptian terracotta figure of seated Harpokrates, Ptolemaic, c. 3rd - 1st Century BC, the youthful god sits on integral base facing to right, nude, with chlamys over his left shoulder andSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Style Terracotta Standing Figure. 20th c.A Veracruz style terracotta standing figure. Mesoamerica. 20th century. 22" x 11 3/4" x 6 3/4". Visible repairs and abrasions. Figure is fragile._x000D_ Provenance: From the ex collection of Maudie BuSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Style Terracotta Standing Figure. 20th c.A Veracruz style terracotta standing figure. Mesoamerica. 20th century. 10" x 6 1/4" x 2 3/4". Visible repairs to arms. Some abrasions._x000D_ Provenance: From the ex collection of Maudie Bullington oSee Sold Price
Archaic Greek Terracotta Figure of Mounted Warrior with ShieldTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Archaic Greek Terracotta Figure of Mounted Warrior with ShieldTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Franklin Mint Fuchsia Flower Hummingbird Faberge Egg On Gold Toned StandWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
ANTIQUE CHINESE QING TERRACOTTA FIGURE OF A WARRIORAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ANCIENT GREEK ARTIFACT, 11" tall, 4th to 3rd century BCE hollow cast terracotta figure: PurchasedCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A large antique Terracotta figure of a female carrying piglets 84 cmHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024