SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R, Congo hats; Nok, Nigeria clay bust(lot of 3) African objects including two Kuba style, D.R. Congo hats, one with cowrie shell and bead work, and a button work example; together with a Nok style, Nigeria clay bust with defined facial cSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican decorative wood carvings(lot of 6) African decorative wood carvings including a Songye Society style and Kuba Kingdom Society style, D.R. Congo male and female figures; Ibeji Yoruba Society, Nigeria female twin figure; and tSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo ''Mwaash Am-boy''Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, mid-20th century, ''Mwaash Am-boy'' of wood, beads, raffia fiber, animal furs, and trade cloth, probably made for use with signs of some age and quality but not extensive useSee Sold Price
SoldKete, Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, polychrome maskKete, Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, polychrome mask with long chin or beard, with interlocking motifs, some red and cream-colored painting of designs, conical protruding eyes, back gives the appearace ofSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, thick fetish figureKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, thick fetish figure, having a red face and yellow body, depicted wearing a skirt with Kuba patterning and a Kuba skullcap, not a classic work, probably made by an amateur orSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Kete maskKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Kete mask with long chin, more subtle than most examples, fine wood with excellent patina on back, signs of use and age, 22.5"h. Provenance: Retired Southern California Art PSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R.Congo textiles(lot of 8) Group of Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, textiles, two skirts and three skirt panels, together with three other African hand-painted examples, largest: 12'h x 23''w. Provenance: The Hemphill CollSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Mbwoom helmet maskKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Mbwoom helmet mask, with many cowries and fine sections of beadwork, a classic and good example, post-WWII, signs of use and age, 25"l. Provenance: Retired Southern CaliforniSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo carved wood masksKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo carved wood masks, possibly Kete regionSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, DKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Kete mask with long chin, more subtle than most examples, fine wood with excellent patina on back, signs of use and age, 22.5"h. Provenance: Southern California EstateSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 2) Kuba Kingdom, D(lot of 2) Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Mbwoom helmet mask, with many cowries and fine sections of beadwork, a classic and good example, post-WWII, signs of use and age, 25"l; together with a Makonde, TaSee Sold Price
SoldKete peoples, Kuba Kingdom, DKete peoples, Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo mask with a long chin; typically compelling angles and lines, remnants of attachments, fine wood with good patina on back, extensive signs of age and use, 23"h.See Sold Price
SoldCap, ''Velour du Kasi'' and Skirt Panel Kuba King(lot of 3) Group of associated textiles including a Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo woven cap, being subtle but very finely made, having a geometric linear design of blue on wheat color, also a Shoowa peopleSee Sold Price
SoldBaule people style carved wood mask(lot of 3) Baule people style carved wood mask, together with a modern Dan people carved wood mask, Liberia; and a wooden box, Kuba kingdom, D.R. CongoSee Sold Price
SoldKete peoples, Kuba Kingdom, D.RKete peoples, Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo mask with a long chin; typically compelling angles and lines, remnants of attachments, fine wood with good patina on back, extensive signs of age and use, 23"h.See Sold Price
SoldBwoom maskBwoom mask, Kuba Kingdom, D.R Congo, second half 20th century, having shell and bead decoration, 11"h x 10"wSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, DKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, Kete mask with long chin, more subtle than most examples, fine wood with excellent patina on back, signs of use and age, 22.5"h. Provenance: Southern California EstateSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican carvings(lot of 4) African carvings consisting of a Bwoom style mask, Kuba Kingdom, D.R Congo having burlap details with shell and bead accents; together with two D.R.Congo helmet masks including a Kuba KingdSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, D R Congo(lot of 3) Kuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, consisting of a reclining backrest, divination object and doll, each having a head shape distinctive to the Ndengense people of the Kuba Kingdom, largest: 26"lSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, DKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo carved wood prestige staff incorporating three drums, a female figure, and snakes, mounted to a custom stand (repaired), 37.5"hSee Sold Price
SoldKuba kingdom, D.RKuba kingdom, D.R. Congo, Binji mask with white-on-black triangular patterning, possibly made to sell, 18.5"h. Provenance: Retired Southern California Art Professor who collected tribal art beginningSee Sold Price
SoldKuba Kingdom, DKuba Kingdom, D.R. Congo, thick fetish figure, having a red face and yellow body, depicted wearing a skirt with Kuba patterning and a Kuba skullcap, not a classic work, probably made by an amateur orSee Sold Price
Remarkable Botryoidal Malachite FormationFossils & Gemstones of Houston4.4(18)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
VINTAGE CLAY BUST OF ROMAN EMPEROR CAESAR AUGUSTUSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(852)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
PAIR FRAMED ANTIQUE CONGO TRIBAL KUBA CLOTHCharleston Estate Services Ltd.4.5(58)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Jeralyn Lujan Lucero Clay Sculpture Bust of Woman.Absolute Auction Gallery4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Ancient Idoma African Mask Ex Sotheby's, Ex Samuelly CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.7(290)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Mask - Beads, Cauris, Plant fibre, Wood - Ngaady A Waash Bushoong - Kuba - Congo (Copy)Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Mukyeem mask - Beads, Cauris, Plant fibre, Raphia, Wood - Kuba - DR CongoJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lele Mask - Cauri`s, Copper, Plant fibre, Wood - KUBA - CongoJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024