SoldPENNSYLVANIA AMISH TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEPENNSYLVANIA AMISH TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a pair of wool wedding stockings, a bird-form pincushion and a braided hot pad. First half 20th century. Stockings 22" L. Provenance: TheSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA AMISH TEXTILES, LOT OF NINEPENNSYLVANIA AMISH TEXTILES, LOT OF NINE, all check fabric, comprising a hand-stitched bonnet and matching apron with two pockets, and seven machine-stitched aprons. Early and mid 20th century. VariouSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN HOMESPUN TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEAMERICAN HOMESPUN TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a two joined paneled twill woven table covering with fringe to each end, and two double-paneled linen sheets consisting of one 85" x 67" wiSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE / VINTAGE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEANTIQUE / VINTAGE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a multi-colored striped wool blanket with fringe, a red plaid wool blanket with fringe, and a woven covering or rug with Turkish motifs ofSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ANTIQUE / VINTAGE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED ANTIQUE / VINTAGE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a panel of ticking fabric with tan and red stripes machine sewn into cover, a linen towel, and a plaid dress/gown. Second half 19tSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE TEXTILE AND OTHER ARTICLES, LOT OF THREECHINESE TEXTILE AND OTHER ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a framed embroidered panel depicting a frog and flowers, a framed decorative print, and a large embroidered silk panel depicting a villageSee Sold Price
SoldWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA STENCILED STONEWARE ARTICLES, LOTWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA STENCILED STONEWARE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, salt-glazed, each with Albany-slip glazed interior, comprising an approximately half-gallon gallon capacity canner, slight conical formSee Sold Price
SoldWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA STENCILED STONEWARE ARTICLES, LOTWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA STENCILED STONEWARE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, salt-glazed, comprising a Birmingham five-gallon, double-handled jug (one lacking) with seven advertising lines, and two Williams and RSee Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEJAPANESE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, including three unused rolls of fabric comprising a lightweight blue wool woven with white and red geometric pluses and dashes; a roll with mauve flowers on a bSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OFASSORTED CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, comprising three needlepoint pillows, a crocheted pillow, and two embroidered cloths. 20th/21st century. One pillow 13 3/4" x 13".Each with eSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF SIXANTIQUE TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, comprising a three-pieced set of fringe yardage measuring 77", 94", and 105" in length, a long loop of hand-tied cotton fringe yardage, a brown/fugitive black macSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOAMERICAN TEXTILE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, comprising one Amish-style crib quilt, hand and machine stitched, with velcro mounting on back for hanging; and one hooked rug with burlap edging on underside anSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEASSORTED CERAMIC ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a Pennsylvania semi-ovoid lead-glazed redware jar and two carpet balls with blue striped designs. Fourth quarter 19th/early 20th century. 4 7/8" HOASee Sold Price
SoldUNION CIVIL WAR REUNION ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEUNION CIVIL WAR REUNION ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising Co. E, 124th Pennsylvania Vol. Inf.; Philadelphia Brigade, 106 Regt. P.V.V., 1887; and 50th Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg. Late 19th/earlySee Sold Price
SoldWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEWEDGWOOD JASPERWARE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, including two pitchers with England only markings. 20th century. 3" to 8 3/4" H. Provenance: Property of a Pennsylvania family.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SATIN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEASSORTED SATIN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a figural fairy lamp and two rose bowls. Fourth quarter 19th century. 3 1/4" to 5 3/4" H.Provenance: From an old Pennsylvania collection.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED HISTORICAL / ANIMAL ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEASSORTED HISTORICAL / ANIMAL ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, including a colorless stag plate with handles. Late 19th/early 20th century. Plate 9" x 10 1/2" OA. Provenance: From a Pennsylvania private collectSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS STATES EAPG ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, colorVARIOUS STATES EAPG ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, colorless, consisting of a Pennsylvania large spooner, and a Virginia covered sugar bowl and berry bowl. Fourth quarter 19th century. 3 3/4" to 7" h overallSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SATIN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEASSORTED SATIN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a shaded caramel bowl with a pinched and folded rim, an orange/rose Diamond Quilt squat form urn vase, and a rainbow Diamond Quilt gourd vase. VSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CUT OVERLAY ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEASSORTED CUT OVERLAY ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a green to colorless diamond and fan handled nappy, a ruby to colorless punty cut tumbler, and a green to colorless star and drape small bowl wiSee Sold Price
SoldBEADED DRAPE MINIATURE LAMP ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEBEADED DRAPE MINIATURE LAMP ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, cased red/ruby with satin finish, comprising two globular-form fonts and one matching patterned ball-form shade, period collars. Fitted with periodSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED FLINT GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEASSORTED FLINT GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, Canary (black lighted), comprising a Loop and Petal candlestick, a Baby Thumbprint tumbler, and a pressed Rosette curtain tie-back. Various makers. 1840-18See Sold Price
SoldDIAMOND QUILT AIR-TRAP MOTHER-OF-PEARL SATIN GLASSDIAMOND QUILT AIR-TRAP MOTHER-OF-PEARL SATIN GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a pair of shaded blue vases with ruffled rims and rough pontil marks, and a shaded rose spooner with tightly crimpSee Sold Price
Lucas Samaras (American/Greek, B. 1936) - PanoramaFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
2 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Dolly and Reindeer DollsDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
6 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Kitchen, Fruit - Group FDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
6 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Kitchen, Fruit - Group GDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
10 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Pink and Blue - Group LDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
10 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Yellow and More - Group XDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024