SoldMercantile LotThe lot includes 23 cards of lace and trim; buttons; ornamental hair pin; 2 crocheted baby dress tops; 1 lace dress top; 1 cloth dress top; 1 cloth dress collar; crochet cross book mark; 1 ball of mohSee Sold Price
Sold2 Piece SIgn Lot- Mercantile & Farm Fresh Eggs 12" x2 Piece SIgn Lot- Mercantile & Farm Fresh Eggs 12" x 16" 22 1/4" x 36 1/4"See Sold Price
SoldMercantile Oak Counter Top Display c. 1890-1900'sFeatured in this lot is a mercantile oak and glass countertop display case originating from the late 1890’s to early 1900’s. The display case features beautiful oak construction with glass slidingSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 1900's Mercantile Counter Top Display CaseFeatured in this lot we have a Mercantile counter top display case originating from the early 20th century. The case showcases solid oak construction with a dark stain and glass display windows. The pSee Sold Price
Mercantile Primitive Beadboard HutchFeatured in this lot we have a Mercantile Primitive beadboard hutch. The hutch is constructed out of beadboard pine and originates from around the early 1900's. The piece shows three large windowed stSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 1900's Store Front Storage CabinetIncluded in this lot we have a mercantile store front storage cabinet originating from the early 1900's. The cabinet shows solid wood construction with beadboard pine backing. The cabinet displays sixSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Mercantile Haberdashery Kitchen CabinetThe lot features a nice Mercantile Haberdashery kitchen hutch or cabinet with an antique age. The cabinet shows solid wood construction with three pull drawers and three cabinet doors across the bottoSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Oak Mercantile Display Case w/ Mirrored BackFor auction in this lot is an antique oak mercantile display case. The oak bordering on the case surrounds four glass panes and two sliding doors, both sliding doors house mirrors that reflect the conSee Sold Price
SoldMissoula Mercantile Gun Cabinet Display Case c1900Featured in this lot we have a Missoula Mercantile gun cabinet display case originating from the early 1900’s in Kalispell, MT. The piece dates to circa 1897-1911. This impressive gun cabinet displaSee Sold Price
SoldEphemera LotMisc. ephemera lot including military photos, International Mercantile Marine" certificate, war ration books, McCarthy poster, George Bush photo, "True War" magazines, early photo "Touring Washington"See Sold Price
SoldDakota Globe Apothecary Candy Jar The lot featuresThe lot features an original Apothecary Mercantile Candy Jar showing wonderful condition. The jar is a Dakota Globe from circa 1890-1920. This is a rare and desirable jar. Measures 14" tall and 7" diaSee Sold Price
SoldMercantile Cigar Co. Glass Jar & Antique MarblesIncluded in this lot we have a original Mercantile Cigar Co glass jar and tin lid with a collection of antique glass marbles. The jar displays glass construction with embossed lettering across the extSee Sold Price
SoldSaco, Montana Mercantile Mission Oak Cabint c 1900The lot features an original Saco, Montana Mercantile Cabinet with excellent Mission and Arts & Crafts style constructed of quarter sawn oak. The Sako Mercantile was also known as the Saco Co-OperativSee Sold Price
SoldMissoula Mercantile Co. Gunpowder Tea CrateUp for bidding in this lot is an early original Missoula Mercantile Company Gunpowder Tea crate. The box originally held 5lbs of gunpowder tea. Starting in 1880, the Missoula Mercantile Company once wSee Sold Price
SoldMissoula Mercantile CO Leather Bound Catalog 1938For sale in this lot is a circa 1938 Missoula Mercantile Company leather bound catalog, from Missoula, Montana. The catalog shows a hardbound, leather cover, adorned with embossed letters, and gorgeouSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Mercantile Cigar Store Humidor CabinetThe lot features an excellent early antique mercantile cigar store humidor cabinet from the late 19th Century to early 20th Century. The cabinet shows a wonderful quarter sawn oak craftsmanship with rSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Mercantile Wall Mount Oak CabinetThis lot offers an early 1900's mercantile wall mount oak cabinet. This cabinet features carved borders around the crown, three shelves, and a working locking mechanism with the key! the cabinet measuSee Sold Price
Vintage Bottle LotLot of 21 vintage bottles including: The Morey Mercantile Co., Denver, Colo.; Hayes Bros. Chicago, Ills.; Robert H. Graupner Brewery Harrisburg, PA; Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co.; T&W, 141 Franklin SSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 10 Whiskey BottlesTwo one gallon Morey Mercantile bottles, Denver. Col.; Walter Raupfer, Columbia City, Ind.; Buffalo Brewing Sacramento Cal.; Frederick Stearns, Detroit, Mich.; Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, NY.;See Sold Price
SoldOne shelf plus of Oakland mercantile ephemera(lot of one shelf plus box) Oakland, California mercantile ephemera, including antique and vintage photographs of historic Oakland businesses, chromolithographic advertising for 'Napa Rock Natural MinSee Sold Price
SoldTin mercantile Japan tea boxShows a lot of wear and some paint loss but still retains some great original graphics!! 15 1/4 in wide 18 inches deep 18 in tall.See Sold Price
SoldGriffin, James 1895 Lot of 9 Prints of FlagsChromolithographs Published 1895, Portsmouth for "Flags National and Mercantile..." by James Griffin. Paper Size: 8.5 x 5 inch (22 x 14cm) Left margins slightly trimmed and minor soiling in parts. OthSee Sold Price
SoldGriffin, James 1895 Lot of 6 Prints of Martime FlagsChromolithographs Published 1895, Portsmouth for "Flags National and Mercantile..." by James Griffin. Paper Size: 8.5 x 5 inch (22 x 14cm) Left margin slightly trimmed. Good ConditionSee Sold Price
SoldGriffin, James 1895 Lot of 8 Prints of Martime FlagsChromolithographs Published 1895, Portsmouth for "Flags National and Mercantile..." by James Griffin. Paper Size: 8.5 x 5 inch (22 x 14cm) Left margin slightly trimmed. Good ConditionSee Sold Price