SoldSepik River style Papua New Guinea carvings(lot of 3) Sepik River style Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of a male standing suspension hook, the skeletal form surmounted by a bird, and having facial shell accents, 62"l x 14"w; together witSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings(lot of 2) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of a grave memorial marker depicting male and reptile forms, 41.5; together with a face mask having defined facial features accentedSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings(lot of 2) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of a suspension hook having a large face with defined facial features and cowrie shell eyes, 28"l; together with a face mask having pSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings(lot of 5) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of three architectural elements including two having pronounced facial features including an elephant form nose; together with an adzSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvingsSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of an Andingamai figure with human and animal characteristics 28"l; together with a spirit mask having defined features, 34"l Provenance: To benSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings(lot of 2) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved "Mantis" mask depicted with defined facial features, and accented by white, black, and brown pigments; together with a handled deity mask having rSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved Savi mask(lot of 2) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of a wood and clay Savi mask having polychrome facial decoration surrounding defined facial features with a protruding tongue, and frSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea wood carvings(lot of 2) Korogo Village, Iatmul, Middle Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea wood carving with pronounced features and pigment accents 55"l; together with an Abelam style, New Guinea carved wood MairSee Sold Price
SoldSepik Riverstyle, Papua New Guniea figureSepik River style, Papua New Guinea decorative carving of a human head and a bird, 33"h x 6"w. Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (Sacramento, CA)See Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea painted figuralSepik River style, Papua New Guinea painted figural erotic carving, 17.5"hSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea carvings(lot of 3) Papua New Guinea carvings consisting of two Koriwori River style, New Guinea carved wood Kamangabi figures, largest: 100"l; together with a Sepik River style standing male figure suspensionSee Sold Price
SoldPapua New Guinea, savi suspension hooks(lot of 2) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea, savi suspension hooks, each male form having elaborate facial and torso carvings, 73"h, Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (Sacramento, CA)See Sold Price
3 Sepik River style sculptures. c.20th century.A group of three Sepik River style sculptures. c.20th century. Papua New Guinea. ++ 17"h x 4 5/8"w x 3 3/8"d. ++ 19 3/4"h x 5 1/2"w x 4 3/4". ++ 13"h x 5 1/2"w x 5"d.See Sold Price
SoldLOT 2PCS Early Mid Century PAPUA NEW GUINEA HeavyDetails: This pair of early Mid Century Papua New Guinea heavy carved wooden Ramu River or Sepik River style masks, with intricate carving and artistry, were purchased along the Sepik River in the 19See Sold Price
Sold(lot of 3) Sepik River Papua New Guinea carvings(lot of 3) Sepik River Papua New Guinea carvings, consisting of an ancestor mask having a pigment decorated abstract surface surrounding stylized zoomorph features; together with a cowrie shell encrusSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved woodSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved wood standing hermaphrodite ancestor figure depicted with natural pigments, masculine facial features, feminine attributes, 44"hSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea, standing figure,Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea, standing figure, 20th century, composed of reed construction accented with shells, netting, and feathers, on a metal base, 23.5"h Provenance: To benefit the CrockeSee Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea fluteSepik River style, Papua New Guinea flute, the male form with scarification, pigment accents, and surmounted by a bird figure, mounted to woven bamboo, 71"h Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (See Sold Price
SoldMiddle Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved wood Middle Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved wood decorative gable or house mask having polychrome pigments 70" x 27" x 12" Condition: Good. Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (Sacramento,See Sold Price
SoldSepik river style Papua New Guinea polychrome standingSepik river style Papua New Guinea polychrome standing figure, surmounted by a bird,and having cowrie inset eyes, mounted on a wood plinth, 31.5" overallSee Sold Price
Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea large face maskSepik River style, Papua New Guinea large face mask depicted with pronounced features encrusted in shells surrounded by red and white pigment facial art accented by shells and cassowary bird feathers,See Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved woodSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved wood ancestor figure having defined features, and pigment details 35.5"h Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (Sacramento, CA)See Sold Price
SoldSepik River style, Papua New Guinea carved masks(lot of 2) Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea, mask having pronounced facial details encrusted with cowrie shells, and surrounded by raffia ; together with a Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea carveSee Sold Price
SoldMiddle Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea, carved woodMiddle Sepik River style, Papua New Guinea, carved wood woman's paddle, 68"l Provenance: To benefit the Crocker Museum (Sacramento, CA)See Sold Price
Papua New Guinea Middle Sepik Area Ceremonial Carving 42 inchesSuccetti Gallery4.6(84)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Food Spatula, Geelvink Bay, Northwest Coast Papua New Guinea, Early 20th C. or OlderMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kamanggabi Hook Figure, Upper Korewori River, PNG, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Papua New Guinea Exceptional wooden mask from Sepik River 3kg-53cmArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Early 20th C. Papua New Guinea Boiken Wood Food BowlArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
19th C. Papua New Guinea Stone Adze Blade, ex-Sotheby'sArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
An Iatmul War Trumpet, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea - A war trumpet (?Kul?) carved in wood, IatmulHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
20th C. PNG Sepik River Woven Dance Costume - 5 ft!Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024