SoldRoman Bronze Surgical Knife1st-3rd century AD. A cast knife with single-edged scooped blade, thick round-section waisted handle with bulbous pommel. 132 grams, 17 cm (6 3/4"). From a Scottish collection. [No Reserve]See Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Zoomorphic Scalpel1st-2nd century AD. A scalpel or surgical knife formed as a pointed ferrous blade set into a cast bronze handle in the form of a dolphin gripping the blade in its jaws. 17 grams, 99 mm. Ex an old GermSee Sold Price
SoldFour Ancient Roman Bronze ArtifactsMediterranean region, ca. 1st-4th century AD. Consisting of a pair of tweezers with urn-form finial, a small Roman or early Byzantine knife (likely surgical), and two small spoons. Ex: Rhode Island coSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Surgical Knife1st century BC-1st century AD. A surgical tool comprising a bronze body and iron blade; the handle with scrolled lower edge, extended ellipsoid bowl to the rear, inset short blade with flat top and cuSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Military Surgeon's Knife1st-2nd century AD. A surgical knife comprising a curved single-edged iron blade with narrow point, fluted bronze tapering handle with bulb pommel, separate collar with hinged plaque and suspension loSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Medical Scalpel1st century BC-1st century AD. A small knife or scalpel with single-edged iron blade, square-section bronze handle with collar and knop finial. See Milne, J.S. Surgical Instruments in Greek and RomanSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Knifes c.2nd-4th centuryLot of 2 Ancient Roman Bronze Knifes c.2nd-4th century AD. Size 5 1/2 - 5 7/8 inches length. Knife with heavy hammered bronze handle with iron blade with typical Roman concave edge. Provenance: Ex EldSee Sold Price
SoldSet of Eleven Roman Bronze Surgical InstrumentsSet of Eleven Roman Bronze Surgical Instruments Fitted on stand. 6 1/4 x 11 x 3 in. (overall).See Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Surgical Tools from Germany (17)Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A fascinating group of 17 medical tools, all cast from bronze, most with beautiful, decorative handles that end in rounded terminals. This includes pSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 6 Roman Bronze Surgical ImplementsStarts at $150 Rome, ca. 2nd - 4th Century CE. A set of six bronze surgical implements. Incised rings on several. Bird finial on shortest piece. 2-3/4"L - 7"L. Provenance: Ex-Private New York CollectiSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Surgical Instrument2nd-3rd century AD A cast cyathiscomele or probe with waisted stem; to one end a rounded knop, used as a blunt probe and for mixing ingredients; to the other end a forked plate for removing sharp poinSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Surgical / Medical Implements (6)Rome, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. This is a collection of six cast bronze surgical and cosmetic instruments. There are two spoons, a spatula probe (spathomele), a probe/curette, an obstetrical hook, anSee Sold Price
SoldA set of 3 Roman bronze surgical implementsA set of 3 Roman bronze surgical implements, c. 1st – 3rd Century AD, including a large and small spoon and a spatula, all nicely displayed within a custom wood box with sliding lucite lid. LongestSee Sold Price
SoldA Roman bronze knife with iron bladeA Roman bronze knife with iron blade, c. 2nd - 3rd Century BC. The handle terminating in a dolphin or fish's head and the shaft with incised circle decorations. The well-preserved blade is a utilitariSee Sold Price
SoldRoman bronze knife handles and an iron bladeA pair of Roman bronze decorative knife handles and an iron blade, 1st - 2nd Century AD. The first handle in the form of an eagle's head, boldly rendered with great style and detail. L: 1 7/8 in (4.8See Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Surgical Scapel2nd-3rd century AD. A single-edged blade with rounded forward edge attached to an octagonal-section shank with lanceolate probe to the other end. 10 grams, 12.5cm (5"). Property of a Surrey collector;See Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Knife Handle Group1st century BC - 2nd century AD. A group of cast knife fittings comprising: a pommel with janiform male faces and transverse band; a handle for a folding-blade knife shaped as a horse's head and trunkSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN BRONZE SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS31. ROMAN BRONZE SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Wonderful collection of five scarce ancient surgical instruments used by Roman doctors to perform various surgical procedures on Roman soldiers. Displaying an attSee Sold Price
Sold164 Roman Bronze Knife & Ivory ImplementCa. 1st - 3rd century A.D., Finely turned ivory implement. The small knife with elongated blade. The largest measures 8 1/4" long.See Sold Price
SoldRoman - Bronze Surgical Shears3rd century AD. A fine pair of cast bronze surgical spring shears, the half-oval section handles ornamented with concentric ribs to provide grip. Size/Weight: 37 grams, 178 mm long. Size/Reference: SeSee Sold Price
Roman bronze knife handles and an iron bladeA pair of Roman bronze decorative knife handles and an iron blade, 1st - 2nd Century AD. The first handle in the form of an eagle's head, boldly rendered with great style and detail. L: 1 7/8" (4.8 cmSee Sold Price
Roman bronze knife handles and an iron bladeA pair of Roman bronze decorative knife handles and an iron blade, 1st - 2nd Century AD. The first handle in the form of an eagle's head, boldly rendered with great style and detail. L: 1 7/8" (4.8 cmSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Roman Bronze Surgical InstrumentsRome, ca. 2nd-4th Century CE. The first, a bronze spathomele, or spatula probe with an olivary point at one end and a spatula at the other. The pointed end was used to stir medicines, while the spatulSee Sold Price
Roman bronze knife handles and an iron bladeA pair of Roman bronze decorative knife handles and an iron blade, 1st - 2nd Century AD. The first handle in the form of an eagle's head, boldly rendered with great style and detail. L: 1 7/8 in (4.8See Sold Price
Roman Bronze Handle with Winged Lion and MaskTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Rare! ANCIENT ROMAN BRONZE HAND MIRROR: 2000 YR OLD ANCIENT ARTIFACTCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024