SoldRUSSIAN LINOCUTS, IVAN PAVLOV, 1914IVAN NIKOLAEVICH PAVLOV (RUSSIAN 1872-1951). A folio with four color linocuts from the series ???????? ???? – Vanishing Russia, Moscow 1914, published by U.I. Lepkov and printed by I.M. Mashistov.See Sold Price
SoldIVAN PAVLOV 12 Linocuts Old Moscow RussianIVAN NIKOLAEVIC PAVLOV 1872 - 1951 (Russian) Old Moscow (Staraia Moskva) -1947 Portfolio with 12 Original Linocuts Title: Old Moscow (Staraia Moskva) . Technique: Portfolio with 12 original Linocuts iSee Sold Price
SoldIVAN PAVLOV 12 Linocuts Old Moscow RussianIVAN NIKOLAEVIC PAVLOV 1872 - 1951 (Russian) Old Moscow (Staraia Moskva) -1947 Portfolio with 12 Original Linocuts Title: Old Moscow (Staraia Moskva) . Technique: Portfolio with 12 original Linocuts iSee Sold Price
A GROUP OF FIVE IMPERIAL RUSSIAN PERIOD PRINTSA GROUP OF FIVE IMPERIAL RUSSIAN PERIOD PRINTS. Comprising two linocut prints by Ivan Pavlov (1872-1951) depicting Old Russian cityscapes, each measuring 8.75 inches x 11.75 inches (22 x 30 cm). TogeSee Sold Price
SoldIVAN NIKOLAEVICH PAVLOV (Russian 1872-1951); FourIVAN NIKOLAEVICH PAVLOV (Russian 1872-1951); Four linocuts from the ''Old Moscow'' folio 1947 (two framed); All signed and dated; Prints: 19 1/2'' x 14 1/4''See Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892 - 1956 Paris (Russian) Portfolio: L'Atelier - 1914-1920 10 Original Stamp Signed and Hand-Colored Linocuts Title: PortfoSee Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892 - 1956 Paris (Russian) Portfolio: L'Atelier - 1914-1920 10 Original Stamp Signed and Hand-Colored Linocuts Title: PortfoSee Sold Price
JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
SoldPOUGNY JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY [Ivan Albertovich Puni]Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892 - 1956 Paris (Russian) Portfolio: L'Atelier - 1914-192010 Original Stamp Signed and Hand-Colored Linocuts Title: PortfoliSee Sold Price
JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892 - 1956 Paris (Russian) Portfolio: L'Atelier - 1914-1920 10 Original Stamp Signed and Hand-Colored Linocuts Title: PortfoSee Sold Price
JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892 - 1956 Paris (Russian) Portfolio: L'Atelier - 1914-1920 10 Original Stamp Signed and Hand-Colored Linocuts Title: PortfoSee Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
JEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
SoldJEAN POUGNY 10 Linocuts Russian 1914JEAN POUGNY 1892-1956 [Ivan Albertovich Puni] Kouokkala, Finland (now St Petersburg) 1892-1956 Paris (Russian) Title: Portfolio L'Atelier, 1914-1920 Technique: Portfolio of 10 Original Signed LinocutsSee Sold Price
SoldFolio of Russian prints by Pavlov Moscow 1919IVAN NIKOLAEVICH PAVLOV (RUSSIAN 1872-1951). A folio of 14 prints from the series - Landscape Themed Hand Engravings, Moscow 1919. Comprising 14 individually mounted linocut prints of rural landscapeSee Sold Price
SoldPAVLOV IVAN: (1849-1936) Russian Physiologist, NobelPAVLOV IVAN: (1849-1936) Russian Physiologist, Nobel Prize winner for Physiology or Medicine, 1904, thus becoming the first Russian Nobel Laureate. Rare A.L.S., I. Pavlov, two pages, 8vo, Rue WedenskaSee Sold Price
SoldPAVLOV IVAN: (1849-1936) Russian Physiologist, NobelPAVLOV IVAN: (1849-1936) Russian Physiologist, Nobel Prize winner for Physiology or Medicine, 1904, thus becoming the first Russian Nobel Laureate. Rare A.L.S., I. Pavlov, two pages, 8vo, Rue WedenskaSee Sold Price
SoldIVAN PAVLOVIVAN PAVLOV (1849 - 1936) Russian physiologist known for his momentous studies of reflex behavior, specifically the conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in dogs which greatly influenced the developmSee Sold Price
SoldIVAN PAVLOV444. IVAN PAVLOV (1849-1936). Russian physiologist and psychologist awarded Nobel Prize in Medicine (1904) for his work pertaining to the digestive system; best known for developing concept of conditiSee Sold Price
Large Antique Ivan Khlebnikov Signed Reliquary 840 Solid Silver Russian Spice BoxHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
1540 Russian Ivan The Terrible Silver Denga CoinConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
IVAN KHLEBNIKOV - LARGE RUSSIAN SILVER SERVING SPOONV.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Max Avadiyevich Birshtein Rowan Tree Oil PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Max Avadiyevich Birshtein Bluebells Oil PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ATTR NICOLAS DE STAEL MID 20TH C FRENCH OIL PAINTINGAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Jean Pougny (aka Ivan Puni), View from the Balcony, Linocut on RivesRoGallery4.5(81)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
After Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Russian, 1817-1900) Oil on Canvas PaintingAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
VOLKHOVSKY FELIKS: (1846-1914)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Ivan Kozlov (Russia,b 1937) watercolor paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMay 19, 2024
[Russian North]. "Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin and Otto Yulyevich Schmidt in the Soviet Embassy inARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Attributed to Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 1817 - 1900) oil painting onJoshua Kodner4.2(387)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
BOOK HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN RUSSIA VOLUME 1 1914.Antique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024