SoldLionel 812T, 152 & 35 AccessoriesIncludes a super 35 boulevard lamppost; 152 crossing gate, spring needs adjustment & a boxed 812T O-gauge 3pc tool set with wrapping paper. All are like new, C8See Sold Price
Sold4 Boxed LIONEL Accessories, 45N, 152; 812T; 1045812T Tool Set, has original wrapping, C8; 45N Gateman,C6; 1045 Flagman; 152 Crossing Gate, rest C7 obs, 2 wornSee Sold Price
Sold6 LIONEL ACCESSORIESO ga, 2 #35 lamp posts, 70 lamp post, 189 villa, 0209 barrels, 152 crossing gate, 5 orig boxes only, C5-9.See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 LIONEL Accessories2 Silver #35 Lampposts, tops intact; 2 #57 Street Lamps, 1 is Broadway & 21st, upright upgraded to C6+ since photo; other Broadway & Main; 152 Crossing Gate, tip dented, oxi spot at tip under pedestriSee Sold Price
SoldPre War Lionel AccessoriesIncludes the 3 tools from the 812T set; 270 girder bridge, C7+; 2 #214 girder bridges, 92 gray; 152 crossing gate, no pedestrian gate; 118 tunnel. American Flyer crossing sign. Rest show light to modeSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed Lionel 136 & 35 AccessoriesIncludes a 35 lamppost, still retains its UI label; 136 Stop Station. Both are clean, showing light playwear with boxes, C7-7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Boxed LIONEL 93 & 152 Accessories152 Crossing Gate w/insert; 93 Water tank, small mark on front from spout hitting, both have bright silver & very slight signs of use, nice obs, o/w C8See Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 152 153 154 252 OBs 151Lionel postwar accessories; 152 automatic crossing gate with an original cardboard insert, 153 automatic block signal, 154 automatic road crossing signal with a 145C track connector and a 252 automatiSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 115 & Boxed 152 AccessoriesIncludes a 115 stop station and boxed 152 crossing gate. They are clean & shiny, showing light to moderate playwear, C6+-7See Sold Price
SoldBoxed Lionel 397, 152 & 145 AccessoriesIncludes a 397 coal loader with loose cola; 152 crossing gate with insert; 145 gateman. All show light to moderate playwear with boxes, 145 incomplete, C6-7See Sold Price
SoldLionel accessories 152, 56, 156, 153, etcLionel prewar / postwar O gauge accessories including 152 crossing gate, 56 lamp post, 156 station platform, 153 block signal, 41 contactor, 167 whistle control, and a second 167. C6 to C7 with some wSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Boxed LIONEL 80, 045 & 152 Accessories045 Gateman; 152 Crossing Gate, oxi spot on tip, missing pin; 80 Semaphore, strong castings, obs, 80 is rough, o/w C7See Sold Price
Lionel Accessories 152 153 154 252 LN BoxedLionel postwar signals including; 152 automatic crossing gate with original cardboard insert, 153 automatic block signal with 153C contactor and instruction sheet, 154 automatic road crossing signal wSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 152 153 153 154 OBsLionel postwar accessories; 152 automatic crossing gate with an original cardboard insert, two 153 automatic block signal and control each with a 153C contactor and a 154 automatic road crossing signaSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Postwar Accessories 152 58 OBs 70Lionel postwar 152 automatic crossing gate with a 153C contactor in OB with original cardboard insert and a 70 yard light. The 152 is C7 and the yard light is C8. The box for the 152 is missing threeSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 151, 152, 156, 252 accessories in OBPostwar Lionel O gauge 151 semaphore, 152 crossing gate, 156 station platform in original boxes, 252 OB doesnÕt have an insert. 252 has surface rust on counter weights, otherwise accessories look C6-See Sold Price
SoldLionel prewar accessories, 35, 56, 57, 068, 58, 61Lionel prewar accessories, three 35 boulevard lamps, 56 street lamp, 57 Broadway and Main Street street lamp, two 068 crossing signs, two 58 street lamps (mustard yellow is an old repaint), two 61 sinSee Sold Price
SoldLionel O Gauge Accessories; 152 Crossing Gate, 153Lionel O Gauge Accessories; 152 Crossing Gate, 153 Semaphore, (3) 260 Bumpers, KW Transformer, Dogan Transformer and (4) Colber Street Lamps. Condition: Fair to good.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 152 w/OB, 152, 47, 184 accessoriesPrewar/postwar Lionel O/standard gauge accessories, two 152 crossing gates with one box, 47 crossing gate with 88 control switch, and 184 bungalow. Accessories look C5-6.See Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories (2) 35 boulevard lamp post, 31(2) 35 boulevard lamp post, 310 1961 billboard set with uncut sheet of 5 billboards. (Postwar) Q1-Q3 B3 Gauge: OSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 151 152 153 153 252 OBsLionel postwar accessories; 151 automatic semaphore, 152 automatic crossing gate with original cardboard insert in OB, two 153 automatic block signals and controls, one in an OB and a 252 automatic crSee Sold Price
SoldModel train cars, parts & accessories (approx 35),Model train cars, parts & accessories (approx 35), Marx, Lionel, American Flyer, light poles, crossing guards, track, etc., all Good/VG cond.See Sold Price
SoldLionel prewar accessories 90, 152, 93 in OBLionel prewar accessories in original boxes. 90 flagstaff and flag in worn OB. 152 crossing gate in worn OB. 93 water tank in C8+ OB. Accessories are nicer C6+.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 164, 470, 465, two 35 postwar accessoriesLionel 164 log loader w/controller, 470 missile launching platform, 465 dispatching station w/microphone and two 35 boulevard lamps. Accessories look C5-6. 164 has a hairline in roof and base. 465 hasSee Sold Price
Lot of Lionel O27 Accessories and TransformersBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Mixed group of Lionel postwar O accessoriesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel Prewar Accessories 93 Water Tower and 80 Automatic SemaphoreHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar 152 Automatic Crossing Gate and 47 Double Crossing GateHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Prewar 812T Tool Set and 208 Original Box only for Tool BoxHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024