Ostrogoth Spangenhelm Helmet - Migration PeriodEast Roman Empire, Sassanidian Type, ca. 5th - 7th Century CE. An early medieval helmet of the East Roman (Byzantine) provinces. Helmet is of rounded shape, with two decorated bands crossing over top,See Sold Price
Roman / Ostrogoth Iron Helmet - Migration PeriodProvincial Roman Empire, Ca. 4th - 5th Century CE. Late antique / early Medieval iron helmet of the East Roman / Byzantine Empire, most likely used by an East Germanic people, such as the Ostrogoths)See Sold Price
An Eastern Eurepean conical helmet, migration period,Slightly oval conical iron skull of four overlapping riveted segments with simple lower edge. Pierced holes for chin strap fastening on either side. The surface with encrustations and signs of corrosiSee Sold Price
Slavic Banded Nasal Helmet, Late Migration PeriodDanube Valley, ca. 9th - 11th Century CE. Of conical form and constructed of for quadrant-shaped bronze plates riveted within a framework comprised of a broad brow-band and four medially-ridged verticSee Sold Price
SoldNorman Period - Spangenhelm Helmet with ContemporaCirca 11th century AD. An extremely rare iron helmet, fabricated from four triangular iron plates, skillfully made to accommodate the curvature of the human head and with a slight point at the apex; cSee Sold Price
SoldViking Period 'Spangenhelm' Four-Part Helmet9th-10th century AD. A helmet fabricated from four triangular iron plates curved to conform to the human head, held by a continuous broad (circa 40mm) horizontal band and two curved cross-straps formiSee Sold Price
A banded helmetCentral Europe, Migration Period, 5th/6th century The skull made in two pieces with a broad riveted ridge band, and a broad circular brow band. Skull and ridge band are heavily corroded and flawed inSee Sold Price
SoldAn iron banded helmetMigration Period, 5th/6th century The lightly conical bowl is forged in two halves with the crestband riveted to it in groups of three rivets and lightly widening in the neck section, the also rivetedSee Sold Price
SoldNorman Spangenhelm Helmet8th-11th century AD. A Norman or Viking period two-plate iron helmet, skilfully made to accommodate the curvature of the human head and with a point at the apex; contoured so that the top and bottom pSee Sold Price
SoldSpangenhelm Helmet8th-11th century AD. A Norman or Viking period four-plate iron helmet, skilfully made to accommodate the curvature of the human head, and with a point at the apex; contoured so that the top and bottomSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY 19TH C HELMET - Anglo-Saxon Spangenhelm orEARLY 19TH C HELMET - Anglo-Saxon Spangenhelm or Pioneer Helmet in steel, bronze and horn, built around an authentic period circa 600 AD razorback boar crest (with two replaced legs), the form based oSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY 19TH C. HELMETAnglo-Saxon Spangenhelm or Pioneer Helmet in steel, bronze and horn, built around an authentic period ca. 600 AD razorback boar crest (with two replaced legs), the form based on the Benty Grange HelmeSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Silver Bracteate Pendant - 3.8 gNorthern Europe, Scandinavia, pre-Viking period (often called Migration period or Germanic Iron Age), ca. 6th to 7th century CE. An elegant bracteate pendant, made from 98% silver. Shaped like a roundSee Sold Price
SoldMIGRATION PERIOD IRON BATTLE AXE WITH FISH PATTERNC. 600 AD. Migration Period. A large iron axe featuring a broad blade with a slightly hooked bottom, flaring head, and long, circular eye. The blade features incised decoration depicting a fish withinSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Battle Horse Harness Mount Set6th-7th century AD. A large set of silver mounts comprising of: fourteen with rectangular base and 'fleur-de-lis' to the top, two-hundred and one domed discoid bosses, ten fragments from the same set.See Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Gold Clad Spearhead5th-7th century AD. A slender iron spearhead with tapering tubular socket, possibly later sheet-gold collar with chevrons above the thickened rim. 115 grams, 23.6cm (9 1/4"). Ex private English collecSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Migration Period Silver Radiate-Headed Bow7th-8th century AD. A miniature silver radiate-headed bow brooch with D-shaped headplate and raised arch, five radiating lugs to the upper edge, footplate formed with collar and knop below; pin and caSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Silver Bracteate Pendant - 3.8 g**Originally Listed At $500** Northern Europe, Scandinavia, pre-Viking period (often called Migration period or Germanic Iron Age), ca. 6th to 7th century CE. An elegant bracteate pendant, made from 9See Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Gold Ring with Triple Bezel5th century AD. A gold finger formed as three curved serpents on a field with beaded wire borders, the heads conjoined at each end into an openwork panel extending to the tapering hoop. See FranceschiSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Gold Pendant with Birds Heads, c.Migration Period Gold Pendant with Birds Heads, c. 6th-7th Century A.D.Wide crescent shape finely decorated with filigree and granules, addorsed bird-heads to the finials, wide granuled suspension looSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period / Early Viking Silver Pendant - 3.2 g**Originally Listed At $1000** Northern Europe, Scandinavia, pre-Viking period (often called Migration period or Germanic Iron Age), ca. 6th to 7th century CE. An elegant, rare bracteate pendant, madeSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Radiate-Headed Bow Brooch7th-8th century AD. A bronze miniature radiate-headed bow brooch with D-shaped headplate and raised bow, five radiating lugs to the upper edge, openwork footplate formed with collar and knop below; piSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Silvered Bow Brooch7th century AD. An openwork bronze bow brooch with a D-shaped headplate with profile horse heads emerging from the top, lobe above, shallow bow, tongue-shaped footplate with discoid lobe; pin lugs toSee Sold Price
SoldMigration Period Silver Bow Brooch5th century AD. An elaborate silver bow brooch with deep keeled bow and lozengiform decorated footplate, square headplate with loop, attached a bar around which the spring and pin are wound, catchplatSee Sold Price
Migration Period Iron Sword with Garnet and Shell Cross Guard with Gold and Amber Sword BeadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Antique Japanese Edo Period Lacquered Kabuto Ceremonial Samurai HelmetAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Migration Period silver and gilt animal head bracelet,Lyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
A Chinese yellow-ground famille rose lidded jar, Guangxu period, Qing dynastyOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
A near pair of Chinese ruby red-ground famille rose 'figural' jars, 18th centuryOakridge Auction Gallery4.5(192)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Neoclassical Carnelian Intaglios - Classical MythologyArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024