SoldRoman Bronze Statuette of DionysusRome, ca. 100-200 CE. Beautifully detailed lost wax bronze statuette of the god Dionysus with neat beard and wreath in his hair. He stands naked holding a wine jug in his right hand and animal skin clSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Dionysus StatuetteCirca 1st-2nd century AD A cast bronze statuette of the god Dionysus with neat beard and wreath in his hair, naked, holding a jug in his right hand and cloak in his left. Bronze, 22 grams, 57 mm (2 1/See Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Young Dionysus Statuette2nd-3rd century AD. A cast statuette of the youthful Dionysus standing nude, the left arm extended at shoulder height and right arm bent at the elbow; the hair curled with two two locks above the foreSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Young Dionysus Statuette2nd-3rd century AD. A cast statuette of the youthful Dionysus standing nude, the left arm extended at shoulder height and right arm bent at the elbow; the hair curled with two two locks above the foreSee Sold Price
SoldRoman to Medieval Style Artefact GroupA mixed group of undated archaistic items comprising: a cat bronze statuette of Dionysus with a satyr behind; a cast clerical head 'pilgrim badge'; a stained glass panel with face, hand and luxuriantSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Phallic Bacchus Statuette1st-2nd century AD. A bronze statuette of Bacchus (Dionysus) standing and naked apart from a chlamys over the left shoulder; wreath to the hair and holding a snake in both hands that loops about the nSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Dionysus Statuette2nd century AD. A detailed bronze statuette of the mature god Dionysus (Roman Bacchus) or his worshipper with neat beard and wreath in his hair, standing naked and holding a wine jug in his right handSee Sold Price
SoldNaughty Roman Bronze Priapus StatueRoman Empire, Ca 2nd century CE. Bronze statuette of the Greek god Priapus - son of Dionysus, and god of fertility and the male genitalia. He is shown with long beard, standing with cape draped over tSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Roman Bronze Bacchus FigureRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st century CE. A cast bronze statuette depicting the bearded Olympian god Bacchus (Greek Dionysos or Dionysus) - god of wine, pleasure, ritual madness, ecstasy, and theatrSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Pan Carrying Dionysus FigurineCirca 1st-2nd century AD. An important well-modelled nude figure of Pan holding pipes in the right hand with right leg raised; with Dionysus seated on his upper left arm, holding a bunch of grapes inSee Sold Price
ROMAN BRONZE FIGURINE OF YOUNG MALE WITH GRAPESCa.100 AD. A small figure depicting youth and beardless with a lean physique and short hair; holding grapevine in left hand; Possibly a young Dionysus. Good Condition; on a custom stand; with stand: 1See Sold Price
SoldRoman - Dionysus FigurineCirca 1st-2nd century AD. A cast bronze figurine depicting a naked Dionysus standing on a hollow waisted plinth with left arm raised, right hand holding a cup; the hair curled with two protrusions atSee Sold Price
Roman - Silenus InkwellCirca 1st century BC-1st century AD. A cast bronze figurine of Silenus, the bald, obese satyr who taught Dionysus; the figurine is hollow, with a round opening on the top of the head and a rectangularSee Sold Price
Soldbronze statue of Bacchus (Dionysus)A bronze sculpture by the very well listed French Beaux Arts sculptor Louis Gossin (1846-1928), titled Bacco, depicting the Roman god of wine, holding a chalice and gazing playfully at a bunch of grapSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bacchus Figure1st-2nd century AD. A bronze figurine of Bacchus (Dionysus) in contrapposto pose on a rectangular base, clutching grapes in his left hand at his hip; mounted on a custom-made stand. 79 grams, 79mm (3See Sold Price
Greek God of Wine Bronze SculptureThe Greek god of wine and plenty, Dionysus is often viewed as a deity of hedonism and ecstasy, he was also quite popular among the Romans, who knew him as Bacchus. He was also the patron deity of agriSee Sold Price
RARE ROMAN BRONZE STATUETTE OF THE NYMPH EGRERIACA. 100 – 200 AD. Important Ancient bronze statuette depicting the nymph Egreria on its original stand, holding a scroll; elaborate robe and prominent facial features. Egeria (Latin: ?geria) was a nSee Sold Price
SoldROMAN BRONZE DIONYSUS MOUNTA fine Ancient Roman religous amulet depicting of the God Dioysus with vine leafs in his hair, intregal loop - 55mm, 48 grams - ca.100-200AD - Property of a Oxford private collector; - All items comeSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Statuette of PriapusRome, ca. 1st-2nd Century CE. A bronze figure of the fertility god Priapus depicted with permanently erect phallus and holding an armful of fruit, vegetables, and grain. A long mustache is seen extendSee Sold Price
SoldRoman bronze statuette of winged sleeping ErosA lovely Roman bronze statuette of winged sleeping Eros, 2nd - 3rd Century AD, resting his head on his hand while holding a basket of fruit. His features are well rendered with great surfaces. H: 2 3/See Sold Price
SoldA Roman Bronze Statuette - Running MaleRome, Ca. 2nd–3rd century CE. Small bronze statuette of a running man with incised eye and mouth detail. This piece likely served as a votive in the tomb of a young athlete. 2-3/4"H, custom stand. PSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Statuette - Messenger God Mercury**Originally Listed At $2500** Rome, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A superb bronze statuette of the messenger god Mercury - cast with fully mythological attributes. In the nude, he standSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Statuette of Jupiter / ZeusRoman Empire, ca. 2nd to 3rd century CE. Lovely bronze statuette of Jupiter (known by Zeus to the Greeks who "invented" this god). Jupiter was the god of the heavens and earth and the head honcho of tSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Roman Bronze Statuette of Mercury**Originally Listed At $300** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A miniature, solid leaded bronze statue of Mercury (Greek Hermes) depicted standing and holding his caduceus against hiSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Silenus Statuette Casket FittingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(183)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Bronze Statuette Hand Holding Victory WreathTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(183)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024