Antique Daguerreotype & Ambrotype Images
Antique Mongolian Thangka Image, 8" x 6"Mar 13, 2024GROUPING of DAGUERREOTYPES, AMBROTYPES & TINTYPESFeb 24, 2024[Tintype] Lawman w/ BadgeMar 16, 2024[Daguerreotype] Soldier w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] “Mr. Grant” w/ Bowie KnifeMar 16, 2024[Ambrotype] Southern Character StudyMar 16, 2024[Tintype] Dashing CavalrymanMar 16, 2024Antique Civil War AmbrotypeMar 09, 2024Antique Photographs: Railroad Tintypes (2)Mar 09, 2024Antique Daguerreotype PhotographMar 09, 2024Antique Ambrotype Civil War PhotographMar 09, 2024Oil painting Portrait of a woman Alexander Arkadievich LitvinovFeb 27, 20245 Art Books, Antiques & History 1968- 2016Mar 13, 2024Antique Original Daguerreotype 19th century Young Boy Portrait with a HoopFeb 28, 2024Daguerreotype Antique Original, Woman Portrait with a HatFeb 28, 2024LARGE GROUP OF ANCESTRAL PHOTOGRAPHY Mostly 19th Century Cabinet cards 4" x 2.5" and 6.5" x 4.25".Mar 07, 2024Antique fire department glass magic lantern slideFeb 27, 2024ANTIQUE KORAN 1833Mar 01, 20243 Antique Daguerreotype PhotosFeb 29, 2024Two Antique Photo Books, Tin Types PLUSMar 04, 2024(23) DAGUERREOTYPES, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDRENApr 12, 2024(57) DAGUERREOTYPE IMAGES & THREE NEW CASESApr 12, 2024Antique Tintype Portrait W Gutta Percha Case Young CoupleMar 02, 202419th C. Photos Daguerreotype, Ambrotype & Tintypes (10)Mar 01, 2024