SoldCorgi No.428 Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee"Corgi No.428 Smith's Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue, spun hubs - Excellent Plus in Excellent blue and yellow carded picture box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Ice-cream Van "Mister Softee"Corgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Mobile Ice-cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, pale blue, spun hubs - Excellent (although requires attention in cleaning) in Excellent blue and yellow carded box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee"Corgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, pale blue, spun hubs - Excellent in Good Plus blue and yellow carded box - displays well.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee"Corgi - No.428 Smith's Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue, spun hubs - Good Plus - still a nice example in Good blue and yellow carded box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice Cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue, spun hubs - Good Plus in Good blue and yellow carded box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice Cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue, spun hubs - Good Plus (although does require slight attention in cleaning) in Good although grubby blue and yellow carded boxSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smith's Karrier Ice Cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smith's Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue including interior with figure, spun hubs - Mint (apart from a couple of very minor factory marks) in Good Plus blue and yellSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice-cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice-cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue, spun hubs - Good Plus to Excellent (although does have some small retouching marks) in Good blue and yellow carded box (grubbSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smith's Karrier Ice Cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smith's Karrier Ice Cream Van "Mister Softee" - cream, blue including interior with plastic figure, spun hubs - Mint in Good blue and yellow carded box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice-cream Van "MiCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice-cream Van "Mister Softee" - light blue, cream upper body, spun hubs - Good Plus to Excellent still a nice bright example in a fair boxSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 "Mister Softee" Icecream VanCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier Mobile Ice-cream Canteen "Mister Softee" - blue, cream, spun hubs - Mint (apart from very minor factory marks) in Excellent blue and yellow carded box with collectors clubSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi - No.428 "Mister Softee" Ice Cream VanCorgi - No.428 Mister Softee Ice Cream Van - light blue lower, cream upper, spun hubs, small retouch to roof - otherwise Excellent Plus in a Fair card box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Ice Cream VanCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Ice Cream Van - cream/light blue, spun hubs, decals to both sides, some overall paint touch-ins, Excellent in Good Plus card box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 "Mister Softee" Ice-cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smith Karrier "Mister Softee" Ice-cream Van - cream, blue, spun hubs - Excellent in Good to Good Plus blue and yellow carded box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Ice Cream VanCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Ice Cream Van - blue/white body, transfers to both sides, numberplate and window stickers, shaped spun hubs - Near Mint to Mint in Excellent picture card box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 "Mister Softee" Ice Cream VanCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier "Mister Softee" Ice Cream Van - cream, blue, spun hubs - Excellent in Fair blue and yellow carded box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smiths Mister Softee Ice Cream VanCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier Mobile Ice Cream Canteen "Mister Softee" - pale blue, cream, spun hubs - Excellent (although does have a couple of minor marks around protruding edges) in Good blue and yelSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smith's Mister Softee Ice Cream VanCorgi No.428 Smith's Mister Softee Ice Cream Van - blue/cream, transfers to both sides, shaped spun hubs - small rub to front bumper - otherwise Near Mint to Mint in Good picture card box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smiths Mister Softee Ice-cream VanCorgi No.428 Smiths Mister Softee Ice-cream Van - cream upper, light blue lower body, decals to both sides, light blue interior, figure, spun hubs - Excellent in Excellent card picture box, sellotapeSee Sold Price
Corgi No.428 Mister Softee Karrier Ice-cream VanCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Karrier Ice-cream Van - blue/cream body, pale blue interior, shaped spun hubs, transfers - Near Mint in Good card picture box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Karrier Ice-cream VanCorgi No.428 Mister Softee Karrier Ice-cream Van - blue/cream body, pale blue interior, shaped spun hubs, transfers - Near Mint in Good card picture box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier Ice-cream VanCorgi - No.428 Smiths Karrier "Mister Softee" Ice-cream Van - cream, blue, spun hubs - Good in Poor box.See Sold Price
SoldCorgi 428 Smiths Karrier Mister Softee Ice CreamCorgi No.428 Smiths Karrier "Mister Softee" Ice Cream Van - cream, blue, spun hubs - Good (does require attention in cleaning) in Good Plus blue and yellow carded box and No.447 Ford Thames "Walls IceSee Sold Price
SoldCorgi No.428 "Mister Softee" Window PosterCorgi toys window poster for No.428 "Mister Softee" Ice-cream Van - overall condition is generally Excellent.See Sold Price
Sealtest Ice Cream Advertising Light Up Sign and ClockDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A "Carnation Fresh Milk & Ice Cream" Trolley Sign.Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Carnation Ice Cream Parlor Menu and Unused Check.Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Haunted Mansion “I Scream Sundae?? Ice Cream Spoon.Van Eaton Galleries4.6(99)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Hoods Ice Cream 1950s Plastic Lighted Advertising SignHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ice Cream Tray, ABCG, Mandarin Pattern By DorflingerWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
1940s/50s Dunhill Soda Fountain Co. Commercial Ice Cream BarMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024