SoldTinplate clockwork twinengine Passenger AircraftTinplate clockwork twin engined Passenger Aircraft - resembles a DC3, possibly German manufacture, initials TWA livery, call sign NC223Y, motor drives front wheels and both propellers, wingspan 17cm,See Sold Price
SoldGerman Clockwork Tinplate Passenger AircraftUnknown German manufacture clockwork tinplate Passenger Aircraft - 4-engined liner is orange, cream wings, rotating propellers, marked "JHK" on tyres (possibly Krauss), light wear and would benefit frSee Sold Price
SoldMettoy large Tinplate Clockwork AircraftMettoy large tinplate clockwork Aircraft - impressive passenger Airliner model is cream, blue, with permanent key, with propellers to wing mounted engines, registration number G-AMTY - light wear to sSee Sold Price
SoldHuki Tinplate Clockwork AircraftHuki tinplate clockwork Aircraft. (1) Twin engined Passenger Aircraft, TRO 345 to wings, 17cm wing-span, (2) Single engined Aircraft is red - 15cm wing-span, both have clockwork operation to wheels anSee Sold Price
SoldHuki Tinplate Clockwork AircraftHuki tinplate clockwork Aircraft (1) Twin Engined Passenger Aircraft TRO 345 to wings, 17cm wingspan, (2) Single Engined Aircraft is red - 15cm wingspan - both have clockwork operation to wheels and pSee Sold Price
SoldTinplate Clockwork "Silver Streak" AircraftTinplate clockwork "Silver Streak" Aircraft - clockwork twin engine model with plated finish, some wear to top of fuselage, of unconfirmed manufacture, possibly German - Good, 17cm.See Sold Price
SoldJoustra tinplate tri motor AircraftJoustra tinplate tri motor Aircraft - tinplate clockwork French made model of a low wing passenger aircraft, red, silver, "Air France" to sides, clockwork motor works front wheels, wingspan 52cm - othSee Sold Price
SoldHuki and Other Tinplate Clockwork AircraftHuki (Germany) and other tinplate clockwork Aircraft (1) Twin Engined Passenger Plane with initials TRO345 to wings, clockwork operation drives wheels and propellers, some surface corrosion to wing tiSee Sold Price
SoldHuki & Other Tinplate Clockwork AircraftHuki (Germany) and other tinplate clockwork Aircraft. (1) Twin engined Passenger Plane, with TRO345 to wings, clockwork operation drives wheels and propellers, some surface corrosion to wing tip, 17cmSee Sold Price
SoldUnconfirmed manufacture Passenger AircraftUnconfirmed manufacture from the US zone of Western Germany tinplate twin engined Passenger Aircraft - silver, registration number HK541, clockwork motor drives wheels and propellers, light wear to edSee Sold Price
SoldIngap (Italy) Tri-Motor Passenger AircraftIngap (Italy) tinplate Tri-Motor Passenger Aircraft in red being a model of Savoia Marchetti - S81 - pre-war with clockwork motor driving front wheels. Fine model, well built. Wing-span 33cm, length 2See Sold Price
SoldML tinplate Passenger Liner AircraftML tinplate Passenger Liner Aircraft - French made single engined low wing aircraft is metallic green, detailed tinprinted wheels, red propeller, cut out windows to fuselage sides, clockwork operationSee Sold Price
SoldMettoy Twin Engine Low Wing Passenger AirlinerMettoy (Made in England) tinplate twin engines low wing Passenger Airliner in blue and cream, with cut-out windows to fuselage, call sign G-AMTY, clockwork motor driving front wheels. Wing-span 54cm,See Sold Price
SoldPair of Aircraft unconfirmed German manufactureA pair of Aircraft of unconfirmed German manufacture (1) Passenger Liner - orange, cream wings, clockwork motor drives wheels and 4 x propellers, wing span 27cm, (2) tinplate friction drive single engSee Sold Price
SoldPaya Hydroavion Tinplate Clockwork AircraftPaya (Spain) Hydroavion tinplate clockwork Aircraft - silver, red propeller, with detailed tinprinting. Lot also includes (2) Meteoro (Spain) Limited Edition plated tinplate Leyat Helice futuristic ViSee Sold Price
SoldModern Issue Tinplate Clockwork AircraftModern Issue tinplate clockwork Aircraft (1) Paya of Spain No.916 Hidroavion Plus Ultra - 1927 - silver, detailed tinprinting, with 2 x pilots and propellers, (2) DBS of Germany No.310 Kranich - red,See Sold Price
SoldJapanese and other Tinplate Clockwork AircraftJapanese and other Tinplate Clockwork Aircraft - boxed items include MYK Rescue Helicopter, 22cm, Chinese made Airplane 16cm and Flying Boat, 13cm - Near Mint to Mint including illustrated boxes. AssoSee Sold Price
SoldSchylling Tinplate Clockwork Aircraft x 3Schylling recent issue tinplate clockwork Aircraft (1) Explorer from the Classic Series, multi coloured fuselage and wings, with blue floats, 28cm wingspan, includes certificate, (2) Overseas AirwaysSee Sold Price
Mettoy K2010 Tinplate Clockwork Aircraft made inMettoy K2010 Tinplate Clockwork Aircraft made in Great Britain silver with red decals, wear in places, overall A/G condition, measures 34cm in length, wingspan44cm approx. unboxedSee Sold Price
SoldRico (Spain) and Other Tinplate AircraftRico (Spain) and other tinplate Aircraft (1) Rico tinplate clockwork Aircraft - blue, cream, brown spoked wheels, with yellow autogiro to top, 23cm wingspan, (2) Mettoy or similar British made tinplatSee Sold Price
SoldGuntherman (Germany) Tinplate AircraftGuntherman (Germany) large tinplate clockwork Aircraft - pre-war model is yellow, with black markings, 695E markings, some surface corrosion particularly to left hand and rear wings, lacks clockwork mSee Sold Price
SoldSchuco Elektro Radiant 5600 Empty BoxSchuco Elektro Radiant 5600 empty box - empty box only for this tinplate clockwork Aircraft is blue, with colourfully illustrated lid and an instruction sheet to interior with some inner packing - FaiSee Sold Price
SoldJoustra (France) Comete Tinplate AircraftJoustra (France) Comete tinplate clockwork Aircraft - yellow, with 3 x orange jet engines, permanent key, light wear to some raised edges - otherwise Good Plus, 33cm.See Sold Price
SoldSchuco Elektro Radiant 5600 Empty BoxSchuco Elektro Radiant 5600 empty box - empty box only for this Tinplate clockwork Aircraft is blue, with colourfully illustrated lid and an instruction sheet to interior with some inner packing - FaiSee Sold Price
Denver and Rio Grande Western RR Passenger Car Wood Step BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Erie RR-Set of 7 Custom Painted Athearn Passenger Cars-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Santa Fe RR 15 Unit Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Southern Pacific RR Daylight Steam Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR 11 Unit Steam Loco and Passenger Car Set-Bachmann/Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR 14 Unit Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot of 47 HO Scale Passenger CarsJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Carlisle & Finch Prewar 2 inch Gauge #34 Steam Loco and Tender with Three (3) Passenger Car Set circHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A Meccano tin-plate clockwork Motor Car Constructor Outfit No.2 set, British, 1930s, ((Qty))Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024