17thC Enku Buddha Masterpiece, monk, poet, and famous Japanese pre-modern sculptorThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
13thC Japanese Bronze Buddha- Kamakura- Fine, DistinctiveThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
SoldVERY FINE JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO, MEIJIVERY FINE JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO, MEIJI. The finely carved figure depicting a fisherman standing along the shore with crashing waves at his feet and a net draped over his shoulders. Carved in full rSee Sold Price
SoldA Japanese Carved Okimono, Height 6 1/2 inches.A Japanese Carved Okimono, depicting an elderly nobleman, with tea stained and polychrome decoration throughout. Height 6 1/2 inches. Property from the Elizabeth Price Welch Legacy Collection, ChicagoSee Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO "TOADS WITH A SKELETON"JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO "TOADS WITH SKELETON" MEIJI PERIOD (1868-1912) Finely carved as a toad standing with a skeleton walking on his back, a smaller toad to the side holding a budding flower. HeightSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO FIGURE OF FEMALE WARRIORMeiji period figure of an Onna-bugeisha, or female Samurai on horseback, possibly meant to be Ishi-jo, defeating her foe with a naginata (missing front tip). Signed on inset cinnabar block on undersidSee Sold Price
SoldA JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO, MEIJIA JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO, MEIJI. Depicting a grandmother carrying grandchild and holding a basket of grapes. Carved in full round and of good proportions, parts of the surface etched and stained. UnSee Sold Price
SoldFINE JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO OF RATS, MEIJI PERIODJAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO OF RATS, MEIJI PERIOD (1868-1912) Realistically modeled as a pyramid of rats, fur etched and stained dark and the eyes inlaid in horn. Height 2 in. (5.1 cm.)See Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO OF A FARMER AND HIS SONCirca 1900. Appears unsigned. The father holds a rabbit, his son a pumpkin, on a carved wood base. Height 8.5 in. Width at base 7 in.See Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE CARVED OKIMONOMeiji Period, circa 1900. Depicting a serpent coiled atop a frog that sits on a human skull. Height 4.5 in. (Cond: good)See Sold Price
SoldTWO JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONOMeiji Period. Both unsigned. The first, a stack of multiple turtles on an oval stand with scrolled legs, the second a covered vessel carved with a fisherman spearing a monstrous octopus, the lid withSee Sold Price
SoldJapanese carved okimono, signed in red oval reserve.Japanese carved okimono, signed in red oval reserve. 3 "See Sold Price
SoldJapanese Carved Okimono SignedJapanese Carved Okimono Signed,H 13cm (5.3in),Preview from Aug. 21st to 25th from 1:00 PM TO 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Location: 15229 Display Court, Rockville MD 20850.See Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO OF A CRICKET COLLECTORThe underside signed, red seal. The middle-aged man poised before a stalk, and carrying a cage. Height 7 in. (Cond: good)See Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE CARVED OKIMONO OF A CRICKET COLLECTORThe underside signed, red seal. The middle-aged man poised before a stalk, and carrying a cage. Height 7 inSee Sold Price
SoldA Japanese Carved Okimono, Height 4 3/8 inches.A Japanese Carved Okimono, depicting a merchant with a box and bundle of papers, having tea stained accents, signed. Height 4 3/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA THREE PIECE GROUP OF JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONOSA THREE PIECE GROUP OF JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONOS, MOSTLY MEIJI PERIOD. Comprising a pair of fish, a pair of rabbits,and a pair of mice, together with a cast museum copy of a seated cat with glass eyesSee Sold Price
Sold(5pc) JAPANESE CARVED OKIMONOSIncluding a man with a mallet kneeling on a barrel; an elderly man holding a broom; a carpenter holding a mallet and a plane (chipped foot); a samurai holding a fan and gourd (missing signature plaqueSee Sold Price
SoldA VINTAGE JAPANESE CARVED NETSUKE OKIMONOA Meiji period vintage Japanese carved okimono depicting zodiac animals. The bodies of animals are intertwined with each other, obeying the general spherical shape of the okimono. There is a hieroglypSee Sold Price
SoldA VINTAGE JAPANESE CARVED NETSUKE OKIMONOA Meiji period vintage Japanese carved okimono depicting zodiac animals. The bodies of animals are intertwined with each other, obeying the general spherical shape of the okimono. Dimensions: H: 1 1/1See Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE IVORY & BOXWOOD OKIMONO MAN WITH TEAJAPANESE IVORY & BOXWOOD OKIMONO MAN WITH TEA Japanese carved okimono of seated man offering tea; early 20th C., boxwood robe with ivory elements and accents. Ivory cartouche on underside with signatuSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Two Carved Ivory Figures, Height of taller 9A Group of Two Carved Ivory Figures, comprising a Chinese figure of a woman with a flowering peony branch, the other a Japanese carved okimono of a lady holding a parasol. Height of taller 9 3/4 incheSee Sold Price
SoldJapanese ivory carved okimonoA fine Japanese ivory carved okimono depicting geisha girl with drum, a beautiful example, signed by artist (11.5"H)See Sold Price
SoldJapanese ivory carved okimonoJapanese ivory carved okimono depicting skull motif with nude, 3.6"HSee Sold Price
Japanese Carved Wood Okimono Figurine 3 Mouse on a Carrot 7.5" x 2.5"Auction Wallstreet4.5(49)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
3 Okimono Netsukes Hand Carved Japanese Sculptures H: 2.2"Carstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD CARVED WOOD FIGURAL NETSUKE together with two other netsukes &Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024