SoldBLACK DUCK by Harry Fennimore, Bordentown, NJ, circaBLACK DUCK by Harry Fennimore, Bordentown, NJ, circa 1920-25. Very good restored condition. See “New Jersey Decoys” by H. Fleckenstein, Jr., page 192See Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK, H. MILLERVERY FINE BLACK DUCK by Herb Miller, Beach Haven, NJ. Delaware River carving in excellent original paint and unused condition. Very small chip to one tail feather. Deep ice groove, raised carved wingSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK, H. CONKLINRARE SWIMMING BLACK DUCK by Hurley Conklin, Manahawkin, NJ. Very good original paint and unused condition. An early example, circa 1950s. Hollow construction. Area of filler missing to left side seam.See Sold Price
SoldMINIATURE BLACK DUCK, H. MORSEEARLY AND RARE MINIATURE BLACK DUCK by Harold Morse, circa 1970. Fine original paint and structural condition. Very small rub to underside of tail. Deep relief-carved wings and very detailed painted fSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK, H. JOBESBLACK DUCK by Capt. Harry Jobes, Aberdeen, MD. Excellent original paint and unused condition. Detailed painted feather work overall. Sturdy head with painted dots overall. Retains keel weight, riggingSee Sold Price
SoldPETER STORM DECOY.PETER STORM DECOY. Early 20th century Black Duck H: 7" W: 18" D: 7"See Sold Price
SoldHollow Black Duck Decoy, FennimoreHollow black duck decoy with glass eyes, carved wing and tail detail, in unused condition. Signed "Clarence Fennimore, Bordentown, NJ, 1965 Provenance: Literature:See Sold Price
SoldBlack duck, Harry Fennimore, Bordentown, New Jersey,Black duck, Harry Fennimore, Bordentown, New Jersey, 1st quarter 20th century. Two piece hollow body with tack eyes. Head which is set on a slight angle so that neck and bill rest against the full croSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK PAIR, H. HADDONPAIR OF ONE-QUARTER SIZE BLACK DUCKS by Harry Haddon, Neptune, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Both with carved raised wing tips and fluted tails. Detailed paint pattern overall. Hen is neSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK, H.V. SHOURDS`BLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. Paint taken down to original with some old working paint remaining. Very good structural condition. Hollow construction. Inlet weight remaining. 300-400See Sold Price
SoldFINE BLACK DUCK by H.M. ShourdsFINE BLACK DUCK by H.M. Shourds, Ocean City, NJ, circa 1920. Very good original and condition with some minor shot scarring to head area. Hollow construction. Fine scratch feather paint to back and siSee Sold Price
SoldDecoy lot of (8): a hollow carved NJ Brant, a hollowDecoy lot of (8): a hollow carved NJ Brant, a hollow carved NJ Black duck signed "H. Ross", plus (6) working. Condition: good to excellent.See Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK, H.V.SHOURDSBLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. Restored paint and very good condition Retains scratch feather paint. Hollow construction. Retains inlet weight. 200-300See Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ, circa 1900.BLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ, circa 1900. Very good restored condition. Scratch feather paint. Hollow construction with inlet weight and rigging. A classic example of this maker's workSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ, circa 1900.BLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ, circa 1900. Good working paint, some of which appears to be original. Good structural condition with professional repair to bill and neck. Rare hollow swimmeSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY BLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. VeryEARLY BLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. Very old working paint and good structural condition. Hollow construction. Inlet bottom weight. Tight check in left cheekSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. RestoredBLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. Restored condition with scratch feather paint. Inlet bottom weight. Retains Hillman collection tagSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK, H.V. SHOURDSOVERSIZED BLACK DUCK by H.V. Shourds, Tuckerton, NJ. Good flocked paint with old working paint to head. Structurally very good with small chip on tip of bill. Hollow construction. Retains inlet weightSee Sold Price
SoldBlack Duck, NJ, Signed H. HoffmanHollow, New Jersey black duck with “H. Hoffmann, Thorofare, N.J.” stamped into weight. Old, thickly applied paint shows light wear. Small rubs to bill and tail tip. Head slightly loose.See Sold Price
SoldBlack DuckBlack Duck Thomas H. Gelston (1851-1924) Quogue, Long Island, NY, c. 1900 A hollow, over-sized decoy from this famous Long Island carver. The decoy displays glass shoe button eyes, a carved bill, an iSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK by Clarence Fennimore, Wrightstown, NJ.BLACK DUCK by Clarence Fennimore, Wrightstown, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Hollow, Delaware River gunning model. Preening position with raised wing tips and fluted tail. Pad weight. SiSee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK PAIR, C. FENNIMOREFINE PAIR OF BLACK DUCKS by Clarence Fennimore, Wrightstown, NJ. Excellent original paint and unused condition. Hollow carved in the Delaware River style. One carved in a preening position with fine pSee Sold Price
SoldRARE BLACK DUCK by Harry FennimoreEXTREMELY RARE BLACK DUCK by Harry Fennimore, Bordentown, NJ (1886-1970). Good working paint and condition. Hollow construction. Snug head model with raised wing tips. Pad weight stamped N. BIDDLE PHISee Sold Price
SoldBLACK DUCK by Clarence Fennimore, Wrightstown, NJ.BLACK DUCK by Clarence Fennimore, Wrightstown, NJ. Excellent original paint and condition. Carved in a preening position. Hollow construction. Raised, carved wing tips and fine detailed carved tail. RSee Sold Price
Black Duck Decoy by Harry V. Shourds (1861-1920)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Black Duck Decoy by C. Ridgway Marter (1893-1977)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Black Duck Decoy by John English (1848-1915)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Black Duck Decoy by Clark Madera (1883-1953)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
An Exquisite Monumental 19 Century French Automation Musical Jeweled Bracket ClockFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
RARE BLACK DUCK, H.M. SHOURDSFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
ONE-HALF SIZE BLACK DUCK, H. CONKLINFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
American Hand Carved And Painted Wood Duck Decoys, Ca. Early 20th C., H 6" L 13" Depth 5.5" 3 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024