SoldA Miscellaneous Collection of Pressed Clear and CoA Miscellaneous Collection of Pressed Clear and Colored Glass Open Salts.See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN CLEAR & RUBY GLASS OPEN SALTS, 12AMERICAN CLEAR AND RUBY GLASS OPEN SALTS, TWELVE:Ex. Collection of the Kingman Museum of Natural History, Battle Creek, MI. Donated to the museum by The Estate of Susan Stebbins Stark, Lansing, MI, CiSee Sold Price
SoldA Miscellaneous Collection of Pressed and Cut, ColoredA Miscellaneous Collection of Pressed and Cut, Colored and Clear Glass, Master and Open Salts, 19th/20th Century.See Sold Price
SoldBLUE, AMBER, FROST, YELL. & CLEAR GLASS SALTSAMERICAN BLUE, AMBER, FROSTED, YELLOW & CLEAR GLASS FIGURAL OPEN SALTS, C.1870-1880, TWELVE:depicting different types of fowl and animals; Ex. Collection of the Kingman Museum of Natural History, BattSee Sold Price
SoldLate 18th c pattern molded Stiegel type expandedLate 18th c pattern molded Stiegel type expanded diamond pattern master salt, clear glass, open pontil, ht 2 1/2”, dia 3”, Dr Oliver Eastman collection, undamagedSee Sold Price
Sold22 pieces Steuben clear glasssix cream pitchers, 2-1/4 in.; four open salts, 1-3/4 in., [three with interior scratches;] 12 saucers, 3 in., all marked "Steuben". Most in excellent condition. Provenance: Private CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of seven pressed glass open salts, earlCollection of seven pressed glass open salts early 19th century Oblong shapes, all variant decoration, one in cobalt to match a clear piece.See Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Sterling Silver Salt Cellars.A Collection of Sterling Silver Salt Cellars. Comprising one pair of open cellars, one Mexican open cellar with wood and silver spoon, one open cellar with clear glass liner, one covered cellar, one oSee Sold Price
SoldA Collection of Sterling Silver Salt Cellars.A Collection of Sterling Silver Salt Cellars. Comprising one pair of open cellars, two with clear glass liners, one with a cobalt glass liner and one without a liner. Together with one pair of sterlinSee Sold Price
Sold2 Unique Almost Matching Lizard Toothpick Holder &Two (2) Unique Almost Matching Glass Items. Including: a Clear Glass Toothpick Holder with Lizard Decoration and a Clear Glass Open Salt with Frog Decoration. Unsigned, But Probably Made by the Same GSee Sold Price
Sold12 Clear Glass Open Double SaltsTwelve clear glass double open salts. Various patterns: Dog, chickens, basket, etc. All appear to be in good condition, not inspected individually. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, Figural, VictorianSee Sold Price
Sold6 Cut Glass Open Salts. Hawkes, LibbeySix clear cur glass open salts. 3 marked Hawkes, 3 marked Libbey (pair and pedestal). All in excellent condition, minor nicks. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, American BrilliantSee Sold Price
Sold27 Cut Glass Open SaltsTwenty seven clear cut glass open salts. Various patterns. Unmarked. Overall condition is good, but some with nicks, body contact marks, etc. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, American BrilliantSee Sold Price
Sold9 Clear Painted Intaglio Glass Open SaltsEight clear intaglio cut glass painted, one unpainted, open salts. Subjects include: Camel, dogs, equestrain, ship, birds, pheasant (unpainted). All appear to be in good condition, one bird has paintSee Sold Price
Sold5 Cut Glass Open Master SaltsFive clear cut glass open master salts. Various patterns. Unmarked. All appear to be in good condition, likely some with small rim flakes, not inspected individually. Largest dimension: 3.5" Keywords:See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Estate GlassA compote with a blue foot and clamp both bowl with gilt decoration and a polychrome decorated blown glass vase with applied handles and foot, and a collection of ten pressed glass open salts with eigSee Sold Price
Sold90+ pressed & cut glass open saltsA very large group of clear press and cut glass open salts. Assorted patterns and designs. Age and Condition Varies, 19th and 20th Century, American etc. Keywords: Brilliant, heart, club, square, rounSee Sold Price
Sold10 Pattern Glass Pedestal Open SaltsTen clear pressed pattern glass pedestal open salts. Various patterns. Late 19th century. All appear to be in good condition, some rim nicks, contact marks etc. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, EAPG,See Sold Price
A Group of Estate GlassA compote with a blue foot and clamp both bowl with gilt decoration and a polychrome decorated blown glass vase with applied handles and foot, and a collection of ten pressed glass open salts with eigSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN GLASS SALTS, TUREEN, DISH & DOORKNOB,AMERICAN GLASS SALTS, TUREEN, DISH & DOORKNOB, EARLY 19TH C., SIX PIECES, DIA 2"-3":Clear glass includes 1 pedestal open salt, Dia.2 3/4" (chipped), 1 pedestal open salt, Dia.2 1/4", 1 compote-form opSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of approx 60) Crystal and glass open salts(lot of approx 60) Crystal and glass open salts collection, including pressed glass and cut crystal examples as well as (4) Fenton colored glass examples, together with a Baccarat toothpick holder, taSee Sold Price
Sold4 Moser Glass Open SaltsFour Moser Glass open salts. All clear with various colored glass cameos and gilt enamel scrolling pattern. Two pedestal, 2" diameter x 2 1/8" high. Two flat, 2 1/8" x 1 1/8". All in excellent conditiSee Sold Price