SoldVARIOUS SILVERED / MERCURY GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF SIXVARIOUS SILVERED / MERCURY GLASS OPEN SALTS, LOT OF SIX, including four pedestaled examples, each with base plug and two with floral decoration; and a master and individual set raised on three legs. 1See Sold Price
SoldMERCURY / SILVERED GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF 18MERCURY / SILVERED GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF 18, comprising six figural candles, seven figural flowers, and five open salts. 19th century. 1 3/8" to 14 1/4" HOA.One colorless bulbed rose being cracked toSee Sold Price
Rare Mercury Glass Open SaltRare Mercury Glass Open Salt 1-1/2 Inches Tall 1-1/2 Inches Wide. We Will Not Ship Nor Pack This Item. Please Contact a Third Party Shipping Company To Make Arrangements To Have This Item Shipped To YSee Sold Price
SoldSILVERED / MERCURY GLASS OPEN SALTSILVERED / MERCURY GLASS OPEN SALT, engraved "B" within two foliate sprays, slight ogee-form bowl raised on a circular foot with a reddish paper covering the original cork seal imbedded in the rough pSee Sold Price
Rare Mercury Glass Open SaltRare Mercury Glass Open Salt. Measures 1-1/2 Inches Tall 1-1/2 Inches Wide. We Will Not Ship Nor Pack This Item. Please Contact a Third Party Shipping Company To Make Arrangements To Have This Item ShSee Sold Price
SoldSILVERED / MERCURY GLASS OPEN SALTSILVERED / MERCURY GLASS OPEN SALT, engraved vine decoration, gold-washed bowl interior, raised on a circular foot with original metal plug covered by a glass disk. 1860-1880. 2 1/2" H, 2 3/4" D.ProofSee Sold Price
SoldNEW ENGLAND SILVERED / MERCURY GLASS FOOTED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWONEW ENGLAND SILVERED / MERCURY GLASS FOOTED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWO, strong lead content, cupped pedestal forms, bases with original metal seal plug, each marked "NEG Co.", covered with a glass disc, oSee Sold Price
SoldSix Pattern Glass Open SaltsModern reproductions, including Museum of Modern Art Lacy Sandwich Style, and three Sandwich Acorn Lafayette style Boats. Most very good, a few chips to rims etc. Keywords: Flint Glass, Pattern, AntiqSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SILVERED / MERCURY GLASS PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS,ASSORTED SILVERED / MERCURY GLASS PEDESTAL OPEN SALTS, LOT OF SEVEN, each cupped bowl raised on a circular foot, one with engraved decoration, five with acid-etched decoration, three with original pluSee Sold Price
Sold3 Mercury Glass Pedestal Open SaltsThree mercury glass pedestal open salts. One master salt, having engraved grape border, one individual salt with monogram 'G' and one undecorated individual salt. 19th century. Master salt measures: 2See Sold Price
SoldSILVERED / MERCURY GLASS FOOTED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWOSILVERED / MERCURY GLASS FOOTED OPEN SALTS, LOT OF TWO, strong lead content, cupped pedestal forms, bases with original metal seal plug, one marked "NEG Co.", covered with a glass disc, both bases andSee Sold Price
Sold46 Colored Glass Open SaltsForty six colored glass open salts. Various colors, some sets. All appear to be in good condition, not individually inspected. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, Depression, Pattern Glass, ElegantSee Sold Price
Sold11 PC VINTAGE CUT GLASS / CRYSTAL PIECES BOWLS +1- Hobstar Relish, nicks to teeth 11 1/2".2- Etched and Cut Nappy 6". 3- Etched and Cut Bowl 6". 4- Two Cut Crystal Knife Rests from West Germany 3 3/4". 5- Six Glass Leaves Open Salts each 3". WeightSee Sold Price
Sold6 Figural Glass Open Salt / Candy ContainersSix figural glass open salts / candy containers. Including: Opalescent / green sleigh, repro amber cradle, milk glass wheel barrow, clear glass wheel barrow with cover, clear glass sleigh, amber carpeSee Sold Price
Sold6 Art Glass Open Salts: BlueSix assorted blue glass open salts. Including: Cobalt pedestal salt signed (illegible) 1960, blue cut to white, light blue / clear pulled feather style pattern, aqua with flared rim, cobalt pedestal wSee Sold Price
Sold26 Art Glass Open SaltsTwenty six miscellaneous art glass open salt. In various colors, forms, maker's and age. All appear to be in good condition, not inspected individually. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, Carnival, ElegSee Sold Price
Sold6 Cut Glass Open Salts. Hawkes, LibbeySix clear cur glass open salts. 3 marked Hawkes, 3 marked Libbey (pair and pedestal). All in excellent condition, minor nicks. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, American BrilliantSee Sold Price
Sold46 Colored Pattern Glass Open SaltsForty Six colored pattern glass open salts. Various colors and patterns, some sets. All appear to be in good shape, not inspected individually. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, EAPG, Vaseline, AmericaSee Sold Price
Sold6 Cut Glass Open SaltsSix clear cut glass open salts. Better quality, likely some American Brilliant Period with good miter lines. Various patterns. Unmarked. Small rim flakes. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt Dip, ABP, AntiqueSee Sold Price
Sold6 Degenhart Glass Dewdrop Open SaltsSix Degenhart Glass Dewdrop open salts. Including: 2 clear with star, 2 blue milk, milk, amber with star. All in excellent condition. Keywords: Salt Cellar, Salt DipSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed set of six sterling silver and glass open salts wBoxed set of six sterling silver and glass open salts with six spoons 2.25”l.See Sold Price
SoldGORHAM STERLING SILVER AND GLASS OPEN SALTS, SIXGORHAM STERLING SILVER AND GLASS OPEN SALTS, SIX :Six sterling silver open salts with cobalt blue glass liners and sterling silver spoons.See Sold Price
SoldSix English Sheffield Cobalt Glass Open SaltsSix English Sheffield Cobalt Glass Open Salts Comprising a pair of lattice salts with ball and claw feet, a pair of lozenge form open salts with gadroon rim and pad feet, signed "Roberts & Belk, SheffSee Sold Price
SoldSET OF SIX SHEFFIELD PLATE AND GLASS OPEN SALTSThe stands with silver plated undersides and gold washed tops, foliate cast borders, fitted with an Anglo Irish diamond cut salt bowl. Dia. of stand: 2 cm (4 3/4 in.)See Sold Price
Vtg Set of Six Pressed Glass Open Salts w/ SpoonAuctions by Adkins, LLC4.3(193)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Silver tea strainer, mustard spoon, cased spoons, open salt, napkin rings, etc.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024