Iron Age Celtic Bronze Votive Miniature Sword3rd century BC-1st century AD. A cast miniature sword with thin, D-section blade, ribbed and balustered hilt and large discoid pommel. 3.06 grams, 10.5 cm (4"). Ex Gawain McInley collection; formerlySee Sold Price
Iron Age British Celtic Votive Dagger Handle3rd-1st century BC. A bronze miniature hilt for a dagger with D-shaped lower guard, biconvex grip, D-shaped pommel; the lower guard with enamel panels to each face, the grip with running zigzag to theSee Sold Price
Iron Age British Celtic Votive Dagger Handle3rd-1st century BC. A bronze miniature hilt for a dagger with D-shaped lower guard, biconvex grip, D-shaped pommel; the lower guard with enamel panels to ech face, the grip with running zigzag to theSee Sold Price
SoldIron Age Celtic Dagger Pommel with Bull Heads5th century BC. A bronze pommel with part of a hilt from a dagger, taking the form of a standard with two bull or boar heads, hatched crescent to the centre. See Moscati, S. (ed.), I Celti, Milano, 19See Sold Price
Late Viking Sword Classified As A Type WUnder the Petersen Chronology or a type VII under the Wheeler Typology. The hilt is made of bronze rather than iron which is the primary difference between a W and an X classification. Swords such asSee Sold Price
SoldViking Age Iron Sword with Cocked Hat Type Pommel10th century A.D.. Petersen Type L variant with double-edged pattern-welded blade showing evidence of being employed, tapering fullers and hefty tang; boat-shaped lower guard, cocked hat pommel with tSee Sold Price
SoldMEDIEVAL VIKING AGE IRON SWORDCa.700-900 AD A nice Medieval Viking Era iron sword with the organic material from scabbard remaining along the lenght of the the blade; Good Condition; on a custom stand; 620x83mm; 24.428x 3.2702 in;See Sold Price
Viking Iron Sword with Bronze Guard and Pommel10th century AD A composite sword, the straight-flat-section blade small, probably intended for a youth or as a prestige item; the grip narrow; the guard small and curved; the pommel of Petersen's TypSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING PERIOD IRON CAVALRY SWORD700-1000 AD, Viking Age. An iron sword with a long, single-edged blade, culminating in a point and a rectangular guard. The sword was an elite weapon during the Viking period, and only the most well-oSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING IRON SWORD WITH HANDLE900-1100 AD. Viking age. An iron sword with a long, doubled-edged blade, with a deep fuller or "blood-groobe" culminating in a point, a simple lunate guard and an integral handle with a spade-shaped pSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING PERIOD IRON CAVALRY SWORD700-1000 AD. Viking age. An iron sword with a long, single-edged blade, culminating in a point, a rectangular guard and tapering handle. The sword was an elite weapon during the Viking period, and onlSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING IRON SWORD WITH HANDLE700-1000 AD. Viking age. An iron sword with a long, doubled-edged blade, culminating in a point and a wide, broad, tapering guard and circular pommel, corresponding broadly to Petersen’s Type WSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING IRON SWORD WITH HANDLE700-1000 AD. Viking age. An iron sword with a long, doubled-edged blade, culminating in a point with a wide, rectangular guard and hemi-spherical pommel, corresponding broadly to Petersen’s TypSee Sold Price
VIKING IRON SWORD WITH HANDLE700-1000 AD. Viking age. An iron sword with a long, doubled-edged blade, culminating in a point, a wide, broad, tapering guard and semi-circular pommel, corresponding broadly toe Petersen’s Type W.See Sold Price
SoldVIKING PERIOD IRON CAVALRY SWORD700-1000 AD. Viking Age. An iron sword with a long, single-edged blade, culminating in a point, a rectangular guard and tapering grip. The sword was an elite weapon during the Viking period, and onlySee Sold Price
Fabulous Khmer Bronze & Iron SwordCambodia, Khmer Empire, ca. 11th century. Increidble and once quite deadly iron sword with bronze hilt and handle. Long sweeping blade with angular tip, 8-pointed star-shaped hilt and spooled handle dSee Sold Price
VIKING PERIOD IRON CAVALRY SWORD700-1000 AD. Viking age. An iron sword with a long, single-edged blade, culminating in a point, and tapering grip. The sword was an elite weapon during the Viking period, and only the most well-off waSee Sold Price
SoldVery Rare Viking Iron & Bronze Sword - Type LNorthern Europe, Viking / Norse culture, ca. 9th to 10th century CE. A stunning and exceedingly rare complete Petersen Type L sword. The forged-iron weapon has a straight blade with a slightly-raisedSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE VIKING AGE BRONZE SWORD AMULETCa. 700-1100 AD. Viking Age. A bronze pendant in the shape of sword comprising an openwork triangular pommel, short handle lozenge-shaped blade with repeating diamond-shaped impressions. this simple ySee Sold Price
SoldA Luristan iron sword with exceptional bronze hilt, 9th – 8th century B.C.A Luristan iron sword with exceptional bronze hilt, 9th – 8th century B.C. Iron sword with elaborately designed bronze hilt. From the iron blade only a short, expertly preserved piece is conservSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING AGE BRONZE SWORD SHAPED PENDANT700-1100 AD. Viking Age. Bronze sword-shaped amulet with suspension loop at the top, and a stylised depiction of a leaf-shaped blade with a fuller or blood groove. The era known as the Viking age lastSee Sold Price
SoldVIKING AGE BRONZE SWORD SHAPED AMULET700-1100 AD. Viking Age. Bronze sword-shaped amulet with suspension loop at the top, and a stylised depiction of a leaf-shaped blade with interlocking diamond-shaped decoration. The era known as the VSee Sold Price
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape Collection10th-12th century A.D. Comprising: a small and narrow type (Paulsen's Gruppe I 2, Untergruppe d) with an openwork panel to each face filled by a cross-shaped motif with curved cross-bar, and a dentillSee Sold Price
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape Collection10th-11th century A.D. Comprising: a long and narrow tongue-shaped type (Paulsen's Gruppe V 2A, Untergruppe C) with scooped upper edge and palmette motif to the centre, spurs to the a vertical band ofSee Sold Price
Viking Age Iron Sword with Seven-Lobed PommelTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Viking Age Sword with Engraved Mammen Style HiltTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Tortoise Brooch with RavensTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Viking Age Silver Sword Chape with Interlaced DesignTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Large North-Western Persian Bronze Sword BladeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Gilt Bronze Openwork Roundel with Interlaced SnakesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Bracelet with Club TerminalsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Viking Age Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024