SoldFINE AQUATIC REPTILE SKULL: MOSASAURFINE AQUATIC REPTILE SKULL: MOSASAURHalisaurus sp.Cretaceous, Maastrichtian stageKhouribga phosphate deposits, MoroccoThe Mosasauridae of the late Cretaceous were a widespread family of marine reptileSee Sold Price
SoldNEW AQUATIC REPTILE FOSSILNEW AQUATIC REPTILE FOSSILSinohydrosaurus lingyuanensis Jurassic, Early CretaceousCentral AsiaThis fine little aquatic reptile looks similar to the well-known Nothosaurs, but close eSee Sold Price
SoldSUPERB MOSASAUR SKULL CASTSUPERB MOSASAUR SKULL CASTMosasauridaeLate CretaceousGranite Bay, California, USAThis is a research-quality cast of an exceptional mosasaur skull. These marine reptiles were apex predators at the endSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF AQUATIC REPTILE PLAQUESPAIR OF AQUATIC REPTILE PLAQUESKeichousaurus huiTriassicCentral AsiaOne of the most popular and emblematic species from the Triassic Asian fossil beds, this is a fine pair of Keichousaurs. Members ofSee Sold Price
SoldAmazing Late Cretaceous Fossilized Mosasaur SkullNorth Africa, Khouribga, Morocco, Late Cretaceous, ca. 80 to 70 million years ago. A fantastic and massive fossilized skull of a mosasaur, (platecarpus ptychodon) an extinct and prehistoric reptile! TSee Sold Price
SoldMoroccan Late Cretaceous Fossilized Mosasaur SkullNorth Africa, Morocco, late Cretaceous, ca. 101 to 66 million years ago. A truly massive fossilized skull of a mosasaur, a massive extinct reptile from the age of the dinosaurs. In the last 20 millionSee Sold Price
Massive Mosasaur Prognathodon Fossilized SkullNorth America, ca. 70 to 65 million years BCE. Mosasaurus ("lizard of the Meuse River") is a genus of Prognathodon. These carnivorous, aquatic lizards somewhat resembled flippered crocodiles, with eloSee Sold Price
SoldFine Skull Mask, Possibly HimalayanSkull Mask, Possibly Himalayan. Carved wood. Size: 12" x 7" x 4". Provenance: Max Garb, Chicago, Illinois.See Sold Price
SoldA nice fossil aquatic reptile from the TriassicA nice fossil aquatic reptile from the Triassic, c. 250 - 200 Million Years Old, the Keichousaurus is a genus if marine reptile which went extinct at the end of the Triassic in the Triassic-Jurassic eSee Sold Price
LARGE AQUATIC REPTILE FOSSILLARGE AQUATIC REPTILE FOSSILHyphalosaurs lingyuanensisLate JurassicCentral AsiaThis fossil represents one of the largest of the freshwater aquatic reptiles, the Hyphalosaurus (synonymous with SinohydrSee Sold Price
Sold150 Million-Year-Old Aquatic Reptile FossilFossils and RelatedLarge Water Dragon Fossil 150 Million-Year-Old Aquatic Reptile From China. This complete, 15”-long specimen is virtually complete missing only a couple of claws on one of itsSee Sold Price
SoldAQUATIC REPTILE FOSSILAQUATIC REPTILE FOSSIL Keichousaurus huiTriassicTingziao Formation, Guizhou ProSee Sold Price
SoldFossil Aquatic Reptile, Kueichousaurus hui, MiddlFossil Aquatic Reptile, Kueichousaurus hui, Middle Triassic Period, c.240 Million Years old. From the Guanglin Formation, Xinyi City, Guizhou Province, China. A small, but finely detailed and articulaSee Sold Price
SoldAquatic Reptile from China, 125 Million Year OldFossils and Related125 Million Year Old Aquatic Reptile, China. This new and unusual reptile, Sinohydrosaeurus lingyuanensisgen, lived in fresh water and was buried in a huge volcanic eruption 125 milSee Sold Price
SoldCrocodyliform Reptile SkullCrocodyliform Reptile Skull. Dryosaurus phosphaticus was a huge 15-25 foot long marine reptile that somewhat resembled a marine crocodile but with a longer and more narrow snout. This large 20 inch loSee Sold Price
Sold140 Million Year Old Aquatic Reptile from China.Fossils and Related140 Million Year Old Aquatic Reptile from China. This virtually complete 4” long Sinohydrosaurus, “Chinese water dragon”, is remarkably preserved in the same positSee Sold Price
SoldA baby Sinohadrosaurus- a aquatic reptile- rarelyA baby Sinohadrosaurus- a aquatic reptile- rarely fossilized, late Jurassic, Liaoning Province, ChinaSee Sold Price
SoldFISH & REPTILE MOSASAUR TOOTH MARINE FOSSILS LOTLot of 2 fossils: 1) "Knightia Eocaena", a freshwater schooling fish fossil from the Green River formation in Wyoming, and 2) a 2-inch fossilized Mosasaur tooth. Mosasaur were carnivorous marine reptiSee Sold Price
Reptile Skull Skeleton 14"Reptile Skull Skeleton - Replica - Dimensions:14" x 13" - Weight: SHIPPING - Estimated Shipping: $20 - Most orders ship within 15-25 business days of purchase, but sometimes it takes up to 30-40 businSee Sold Price
Reptile Skull Skeleton 14"Reptile Skull Skeleton - Replica - Dimensions:14" x 13" - Weight: SHIPPING - Estimated Shipping: $20 - Most orders ship within 15-25 business days of purchase, but sometimes it takes up to 30-40 businSee Sold Price
SoldFramed Painting of Prehistoric Aquatic Reptiles & FishFramed Painting of Prehistoric Aquatic Reptiles & Fish. This is a fabulous painting of a Mosasaurus hunting fish and other prehistoric aquatic animals. It was done on wood paneling and has a chromSee Sold Price
Jean-Michel Basquiat style of American Abstract Expressionism mixed media human skullVintage Art Finder Gallery4.3(3)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
Tempera on paper Pablo Picasso after Spanish Cubist painting skull still lifeVintage Art Finder Gallery4.3(3)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Jar With Floral And Aquatic DesignRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Hand Carved Human Skull In Rare Ocean Jasper StoneCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Ludvig Lofgren Gold Art Glass Skull for Kosta BodaKavanagh Auctions4.6(307)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
An Egyptian Post-Pharaonic Glazed Steatite Fish AmuletThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Giuliano Bekor Fine Art Photography, Skull SKR8DL LED 3D LenticularFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
HERB RITTS, EONA, HOLDING ZEBRA SKULL, REAR VIEW, 1994White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024