SoldFleischmann HO US Outline Rolling StockFleischmann HO US Outline Rolling Stock. Metal body 4-6-2 Pacific with DB Bogie Tender, 7 x various tinplate Box Cars, Bogie Gondola, Bogie Hopper and Caboose (badly distorted) Fair to Excellent unboxSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin Z Gauge US Outline Rolling StockMarklin Z Gauge US Outline Rolling Stock. (1) No.88321 pack containing PRR green Class F7 Diesel (2 x A Unit & 1 x B Unit) and brown Caboose, (2) No.82591 pack of 5 x PRR brown Bogie Hoppers all MintSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin Z Gauge US Outline Rolling StockMarklin Z Gauge US Outline Rolling Stock, (1) No.88035 Denver & Rio Grande Western black/orange 2-6-0 Loco and Tender, (2) No.87910 pack of 4 x Open Veranda Clerestory Bogie Coaches including BaggageSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin US Outline Rolling StockMarklin US Outline Rolling Stock. Santa Fe 2 x Streamlined Bogie Coaches and Streamlined Bogie Baggage Car, 9 x various Box Cars (some duplication), 5 x various Caboose - Excellent to Mint, 2 x SantaSee Sold Price
SoldUS Outline Rolling StockUS Outline Rolling Stock. Athearn Union Pacific Caboose, Mantua 2 x Bogie Flat with timber load all Near Mint to Mint in Good to Excellent boxes. Plastic kits including Walthers Union Pacific Jordan SSee Sold Price
SoldTriang/Hornby US Outline Rolling StockTriang/Hornby a group of North American Outline Rolling Stock comprising 4 x Canadian National silver and black livery Passenger Cars (R444 Coach, R445 Observation, R446 Kitchen/Baggage and R447 DinerSee Sold Price
SoldTrix Twin US Outline Rolling StockTrix Twin US Outline Rolling Stock. No.673U Bogie Timber Wagon with load, No.681U Flatcar, No.685U Boxcar, No.686U Refrigerator Car, No.687U Fruit Car, No.688U Union Oil Bogie Tanker, No.689U Texaco BSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Rolling Stock and AccessoriesHO American Outline Rolling Stock and accessories including 14 x AHM Track Packs (4 x straight and 9 x curves) Girder Bridge, 7 x Acme switch control panel, Ideal Models Trestol & Bridge kit, MinikitsSee Sold Price
SoldUS Outline Rolling StockUS Outline Rolling Stock. Model Power 5 x various Diesel Locos, 2 x 0-4-0 Loco and Tender, 3 x 0-4-0 Tank, Central Pacific Bogie Coach and Workman's Caboose. Also Bachmann 3 x "The Prussia" 4-wheel GeSee Sold Price
SoldTrix Twin Unboxed US Outline Rolling StockTrix Twin group of unboxed US Outline tinplate Rolling Stock. 2 x Pullman Coach, 4 x Pullman Baggage Car, 5 x grey Gondola, 1 x black Gondola, 3 x Box Car, 3 x Refrigerator Car, 1 x Fruit Car, 2 x BogSee Sold Price
SoldHO - A Group of US Outline Locos & Rolling StockHO a group of American Outline Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Bachmann Spectrum 81408 Rock Island Line EMC Gas Electric (Doodlebug) "The Rocket", 89941 Acela Amtrak Express Café Coach, RivarossiSee Sold Price
SoldUS Outline HO Rolling StockUS Outline HO Rolling Stock including 9 x various Rivarossi Coaches (3 complete with Fair to Good Plus boxes), 3 x further Kitbuilt Bogie Coaches (one lacks bogies), 57 x Bogie Freightcars including BSee Sold Price
SoldTrix Twin US Outline Bogie Rolling StockTrix Twin US Outline Bogie Rolling Stock. 4 x No.685 Box Car, No.687 Fruit Car, No.688 Union Oil Bogie Tanker, No.686 Refrigerator Car, 2 x No.682 empty Lumber Car, No.684 grey Gondola, 3 x No.681 FlaSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Goods Rolling StockHO Gauge American Outline Aurora AHM, Lionel and other manufacturers Goods Rolling Stock consisting of Dupont Tank Car, CN Caboose, Norfolk & Southern Open Wagon, Sotties Reefer and 2 others togetherSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Locos, Rolling Stock & AccessoriesHO US Outline Locos, Rolling Stock and accessories comprising Life-Like 8294 Santa Fe red and silver livery GP 38 Diesel Unit, 8542 Santa Fe Caboose, 2 x 8414 Tropicana Box Car, Tyco Freedom Train redSee Sold Price
SoldWesa US Outline Union Pacific Rolling StockWesa US Outline Union Pacific Rolling Stock, (1) No.190/3 Gas Turbine A Unit and Bogie Fuel Tanker (lacks central B Unit) and No.610 Observation Car, Good Plus to Excellent Plus in Good to Poor boxes.See Sold Price
SoldN Gauge US Outline Loco and Rolling StockN Gauge USA Outline Loco and Rolling Stock comprising Lima 3 x Bogie Flat with containers, Bogie Flat with 2-cars, conditions Good to Good Plus in Fair to Good boxes, Life-Like Delaware & Hudson blueSee Sold Price
SoldRivarossi US Outline Steam Locos & Rolling StockHO Rivarossi North American Outline Steam Locos and Rolling Stock comprising 1244 2-8-4 Nickel Plate Road Berkshire Class Loco No.779, 1271 0-8-0 Rio Grand switcher loco No.1600, 1225 0-4-0 BaltimoreSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Freight & Passenger Rolling StockHO a group of USA Outline Freight and Passenger Rolling Stock comprising Bachmann 2 x Amtrak silver livery Passenger Cars, 2 x 51' steel Reefer (P.F.E and Safeway), 2 x 51' steel Box Car (CP Rail andSee Sold Price
SoldN Gauge US Outline Locos & Freight Rolling StockN Gauge USA Outline Locos and Freight Rolling Stock comprising Atlas 2185 0-4-0 Baltimore and Ohio Yard Switcher No.96, 9 x Freightcars (3 x Caboose, Stock Car, Single Dome Tanker, Gondola, 4-bay HoppSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Passenger & Freight Rolling StockHO a group of US Outline Passenger and Freight Rolling Stock comprising Athern 5 x New York Central Passenger Cars (Observation, Diner, Baggage, Pullman, Standard Coach with Clerestory Roof) CanadianSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Locos and Freight Rolling StockHO group of US Outline Locos and Freight Rolling Stock comprising Rivarossi 1955 New Haven orange, black and white livery type EA8 Unit, Atlas 8592 New Jersey Transit livery ALP-44 Type Overhead ElectSee Sold Price
SoldHO US Outline Diesel Locos and Rolling StockHO a group of North American Outline Diesel Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Walthers Train Line 931-107 Southern Pacific EMD type GP9M Unit No.3877, 931-152 Amtrak livery GE type dash 8 40BW unit NSee Sold Price
SoldTrix Twin 3-Rail 9/331 US Outline Passenger SetTrix Twin 3-Rail 9/331 American Outline Passenger Train Set comprising 0-4-0 black American style Loco No.4762 with cowcatcher to front and lamp to smokebox door, 3 x Passenger Rolling Stock (BaggageSee Sold Price
Group Lot of 5 Lionel O27 Rolling Stock Freight CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Huge Lot of 60+ HO Gauge Rolling Stock TrainsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Large Lot of HO Gauge Rolling Stock Freight and Box CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group of Lionel postwar original instruction sheets for rolling stockToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024