SAN ANTONIO. Lot of 36 imprints.
Arthur Jeffreys, Bluebonnet Landscape, 1936Feb 24, 2024Signed Moad, Colorful Adobe SceneFeb 24, 2024Longhorn Horn Wall MountFeb 24, 2024Clay McGaughy, "The Tri-Colored Hills"Feb 24, 2024Jewel Piper, Bluebonnet LandscapeFeb 24, 2024W. B. Franklin, Texas HomesteadFeb 24, 2024G. Harvey, "Rawhide and Thunder" GicleeFeb 24, 2024Riley & McCormick Wooly ChapsFeb 24, 2024Appaloosa Trading Company Brown Fringe JacketFeb 24, 2024Alan Michael Brown Leather CoatFeb 24, 2024Saunders, Mirror SignalFeb 24, 2024Hickory Chair Leather Armchair and OttomanFeb 24, 2024Wrought Iron Cigar StandFeb 24, 2024Vintage Porcelain Model Tobacco SignFeb 24, 2024Gene Dieckhoner, "Partners", 1975Feb 24, 2024Gene Dieckhoner, "African Serval", 1974Feb 24, 2024Brown Leather LoveseatFeb 24, 2024Pair of Vintage Leather ArmchairsFeb 24, 2024Tom Murray, Canyon de Chelly, 1992Feb 24, 2024Collection of (5) Red Stone JewelryFeb 24, 2024R. Hobbs, General Store InteriorFeb 24, 2024William George, Mountain Men, 1980Feb 24, 2024Billy Saathoff, "Hill Country Dawn"Feb 24, 2024(2) Amado Pena Posters and Rooster APFeb 24, 2024