SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with five blue spiraling stripes and alternating groups of white stripes, opaque black No. 1 base, brass connector, No. 1 collar. Fitted withSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP, soft ruby font with six groups of triple spiraling white stripes, brass stem with stamped ornamentation and single-step marble base, No. 1 fine-line collar. Fitted wSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP, colorless inverted pyriform font with spiraling blue and opal threads, stamped brass stem and single-step marble base, No. 1 fine line collar. Fitted with a period sSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with spiraling pink and opal stripes graduated in width, stamped brass stem and single-step marble base, No. 1 fine line collar. Fitted withSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP colorless font with six blue spiraling stripes and alternating groups of white stripes, canary No. 2 base, underside of base embossed "2" in one corner, brass connectSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP, colorless inverted pyriform font with spiraling blue threads outlined with opal, opaque black No. 1 fluted stem base, underside embossed "1" in one corner, brass conSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with six blue spiraling stripes and alternating groups of white stripes, opaque white No. 1 base, underside of base embossed "1" in one corneSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless inverted pyriform font with five spiraling blue stripes alternating with five groups of opal stripes, brass stem and single-step marble base, coloSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless and bubbly inverted pyriform font with three spiraling blue and three spiraling cranberry stripes alternating with five groups of opal stripes, brSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, ruby urn-form font with 24 opal stripes swirled right and 24 swirled left creating a lattice design, opaque black marked No. 1 base, brass connector, peg apSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless inverted pyriform font with six groups of spiraling blue stripes alternating with quadruple groups of opal stripes, brass stem and single-step marSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless urn-form font with spiraling fine-spaced opal stripes, brass ribbed stem and single-step marble base, No. 1 single-rib collar, colorless wafer conSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless spherical font with spiraling fine-spaced opal stripes, brass stem with stamped ornamentation and single-step marble base, No. 1 single-rib collarSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, soft ruby pyriform font with 18 spiraling white stripes creating a cross-hatching style pattern, brass ribbed stem and single-step marble base, No. 2 fine-lSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, ruby urn-form with bulge base font, 24 spiraling white stripes creating a cross-hatching style pattern, brass stem and single-step marble base, brass connecSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with spiraling wide blue stripes having narrow white-stripe edges, raised on a stamped brass stem and single-step marble base, brassSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, soft ruby urn-form font with 18 spiraling white stripes creating a cross-hatching style pattern, with a partial area of slightly darker ruby; brass ribbed sSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, soft pale ruby pyriform font with opal swirling stripes in opposite positions creating a lattice effect, opaque black No. 1 base, No. 1 fine-line collar, coSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform diminutive font with five cobalt blue spiraling stripes and alternating groups of white stripes, brass ribbed pedestal stem and later blaSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless, pyriform font with six cobalt swirls and 13 opal swirls, raised on a waisted brass stem with vine decoration to the upper half and single-step maSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE AND REED FONT STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE AND REED FONT STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with five blue spiraling stripes and alternating groups of white stripes, lower half only with reed pattern, opaque white with lightSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT WITH CUT OVERLAY PUNTY STEM SLATTICINIO STRIPE FONT WITH CUT OVERLAY PUNTY STEM STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with spiraling white threads, green cut to colorless stem, opaque white square base, underside of base with a holSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with white spiraling stripes, brass stem and single-step marble base, No. 1 fine-line collar, colorless wafer construction. Probably theSee Sold Price
SoldLATTICINIO STRIPE KEROSENE STAND LAMPLATTICINIO STRIPE KEROSENE STAND LAMP, colorless pyriform font with five cobalt blue spiraling stripes and alternating groups of white stripes, very unusual multi-color swirling marbled columnar-formSee Sold Price
A 20thC standard lamp with triform base and foliate decoration. Together with two wrought iron styleClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
20" Bronze Designer 2 Layer of Peacock Lamp with 2 Wicks (Hoysala Art)Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vans Primary Check Red Blue White Men's 11 1/2Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A large figural lamp stand together with a vase and paper mache figures 65cm (4)Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A vintage brass table lamp stand 27 x 14 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A pair of gilt metal opaline glass lamp stands decorated with a floral pattern 54 cm (2).Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Porcelain Night Stand LampRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot: Vintage Art Deco Smoking Stands and Lamp.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Paul Evans "Cityscape" Table Lamp & Plant StandAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025