SoldJUBAL EARLY HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT194. JUBAL A. EARLY (1819-1894). Confederate major general who fought throughout the war, leading a division at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Spotsylvania, and conducted a threatening raiSee Sold Price
SoldWyatt Earp EndorsementExceedingly rare and very early handwritten endorsement, signed “W. S. Earp, Const,” on the reverse of a subpoena from the state of Missouri. The subpoena, dated February 28, 1870 reads, in part:See Sold Price
SoldJubal A. Early Endorsement SignedCivil War-dated manuscript endorsement, signed "J. A. Early, Maj. Genl.," on an off-white 3 x 2.75 lightly-lined slip. Endorsement reads, "Head Qrs. Early's Div. 20 April 1864, Resp. Forwarded. ApprovSee Sold Price
SoldLEW WALLACE HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER COLLECTIONMAJOR GENERAL WALLACE THOUGHTS ON THE WAR IN 1863143. LEW WALLACE (1827-1905). Union major general who defended Baltimore and Washington from Confederate forces under Jubal Early at the Battle of MonoSee Sold Price
SoldLEW WALLACE HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER /ARCHIVEWALLACE EXPRESSES CONCERNS AND DUTIES DURING WAR184. LEW WALLACE (1827-1905). Union major general who defended Baltimore and Washington from Confederate forces under Jubal Early at the Battle of MonocSee Sold Price
SoldLEW WALLACE HANDWRITTEN SIGNED LETTER W/BOOKWALLACE MAKES RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING HIS BOOK224. LEW WALLACE (1827-1905). Union major general who defended Baltimore and Washington from Confederate forces under Jubal Early at the Battle of MonocSee Sold Price
SoldSTONEWALL JACKSON HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENTRARE JACKSON ENDORSEMENT IN 1863 HIGH MARK OF THE CONFEDERACY191. THOMAS J. 'STONEWALL' JACKSON (1824-1863). Confederate lieutenant general considered by military authorities a skilled tactician and aSee Sold Price
SoldABRAHAM LINCOLN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT501. ABRAHAM LINCOLN AES "A. Lincoln" removed from letter, 3½"x2", Dec 26, 1864. In full: "I will discharge him & send him back..." Darkly penned in black ink. Folds on either side; else a Fine stronSee Sold Price
SoldNAPOLEON BONAPARTE HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENTNAPOLEON IN EGYPT ATTEMPTS TO PACIFY SHEIK SADAT343. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE 1769-1821). Emperor of France who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of the French Revolution. His brilliance in thSee Sold Price
SoldABRAHAM LINCOLN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT388. ABRAHAM LINCOLN AES "A. Lincoln," 2¾"x2". In full: "Let this man take the oath of Dec. 8, 1863 & be discharged..." Darkly penned and signed, adding "Feb. 24, 186See Sold Price
SoldJubal Early Signed CDVJubal Early Signed CDV A Boude & Miley (Lexington, Virginia) carte de visite signed by ex-Confederate General Jubal Early (1816-1894) as "JA Early" along the bottom of the sepia-colored albumen silverSee Sold Price
SoldABRAHAM LINCOLN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT387. ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809-1865). Martyred sixteenth President of the United States (1860-65) who led the nation through the Civil War. AES removed from larger document, 3¼"x1", WashiSee Sold Price
SoldABRAHAM LINCOLN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENTLINCOLN PARDONS ACCUSED DESERTER485. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Lengthy war-date AES "A. Lincoln" on verso of integral leaf of War Department partly printed DS, 1p, 8"x9¾", Feb 19, 1863.See Sold Price
SoldJEFFERSON DAVIS HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT118. JEFFERSON DAVIS (1808-1889). President of Confederate States of America; Secretary of War appointed by Franklin Pierce (1853-57); US senator from Mississippi. AES on blue paper, 3¼"x2½". In fulSee Sold Price
SoldFRANKLIN PIERCE EARLY HANDWRITTEN SIGNED DOCUMENT563. FRANKLIN PIERCE (1804-1869). Fourteenth President of the United States (1853-57); brigadier general during Mexican War. Early ADS as "Justice of the Peace," 1p, 18½"x13¾", Hillsborough, Aug 25,See Sold Price
SoldJOHN L. WORDEN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT248. JOHN L. WORDEN (1818-1897). Union naval Captain; commander of the Monitor and later the Montauk participating in the attack on Charleston in Apr, 1863; promoted to rear admiral (1872). AES on parSee Sold Price
SoldULYSSES S. GRANT HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT526. ULYSSES S. GRANT Uncommon AES as President, 5½"x5¼", removed from larger document. Penned on verso of imprint with engraving of "The Moody Floating Fort" with statistics. Endorsed "Refered to tSee Sold Price
SoldMANSFIELD LOVELL HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT102. MANSFIELD LOVELL (1822-1884). Confederate major general never forgiven for losing New Orleans. AES cut from military document, 3½"x1¾". On faded blue paper he writes in full: "apprd & respty foSee Sold Price
SoldULYSSES S. GRANT HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT523. ULYSSES S. GRANT AES "U.S. Grant" as President, removed from larger document, 3"x5½", Jun 24, 1869. In full: "Respectfully referred to the Sec. of the Treas. for such action as he deems proper.See Sold Price
SoldJAMES BUCHANAN HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT480. JAMES BUCHANAN (1791-1868). Fifteenth President of the United States (1857-61). Serving only one term, Buchanan tried unsuccessfully to unite a nation divided by slavery and suffering economic deSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE B SHAW HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT655. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW (1856-1950). Leading British playwright of Major Barbara and Pygmalion awarded Nobel Prize for literature in 1925; founding member of Fabian Society, a socialist educational oSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCIS BERNARD HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT89. FRANCIS BERNARD (1712-1779). Colonial governor of New Jersey and Massachusetts; aroused bitter opposition by his Tory policies and was removed from office (1769). He resisted the State Assembly'sSee Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH HOLT HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT159. JOSEPH HOLT (1807-1894). Union brigadier general; Judge Advocate General presiding at trial of Lincoln assassins; prewar postmaster general and secretary of war (1861). Lengthy AES "J. Holt" as JSee Sold Price
SoldPETER DU PONCEAU HANDWRITTEN SIGNED ENDORSEMENT25. PETER S. DU PONCEAU (1760-1844). French linguist and philosopher; aide to General von Steuben during Revolutionary War; president of American Philosophical Society from 1827. He is noted for his aSee Sold Price
Banknotes - USA - Connecticut Treasury Office 1782 - Line Bond Se-Tenant PairTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Important Signed Early 1900's Antique American Summer Landscape Framed Original Oil PaintingCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(120)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of Nine Early Signed Glass PaperweightsNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(401)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Herb Ritts American 1952-2002 Portrait Actor Richard Gere signed photographGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Herb Ritts American 1952-2002 Portrait Axl Rose signed photographGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
GENERAL WILLIAM T. SHERMAN d.1891 handwritten/signed letter framed display-PSAMynt Auctions4.6(680)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
HANDWRITTEN LETTER SIGNED JOHN SINGER SARGENT (1856-1925).Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(101)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
ILLEGIBLY SIGNED (EARLY 20TH CENTURY) "LANDSCAPE WITH FENCE AND FIGURES".Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(101)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Early Signed Jack Lord Oil Painting / Tile / Wood Frame USA c. 1940sBidhaus4.3(747)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Early / Signed Chromolithograph - Venetian LandmarksArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Early signed Bell System telephone early 1900'sBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.3(462)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
4 Early Signed Chinese Small Silver PlatesWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(261)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
JOSEPH H. GREENWOOD (Massachusetts, 1857-1927), Landscape, early spring., Oil on board, 9" x 11".Eldred's4.7(409)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Abraham Lincoln Handwritten & Signed Discharge Note Dated March 3, 1864Dalshire International4.6(2.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024