SoldA Regency carved rosewood library amchair,A Regency carved rosewood library armchair, with tapestry back and seat and scroll end arms on turned and fluted legs, fitted brass castors (a.f)See Sold Price
SoldRegency Carved Rosewood Library TableA Fine Regency Carved Rosewood Library Table, early 19th c., rectangular top with rounded corners, frieze drawers, lotus and scroll carved trestle supports centered by a turned stretcher, scroll feet,See Sold Price
SoldPair of Regency Carved Rosewood Library ArmchairsA Pair of Regency Carved Rosewood Library Armchairs for the China Trade, early 19th c., concave crest rail, reticulated back, curved arms with carved supports, caned seat, tapered reeded legsSee Sold Price
A Regency carved rosewood library tableA Regency carved rosewood library table The rectangular top with beaded edge above a pair of panelled drawers with opposing simulated drawers, above lotus leaf and paterae scrolling end supports and bSee Sold Price
SoldA superb pair of Regency carved rosewood shaped backA superb pair of Regency carved rosewood shaped back library armchairs on carved supports and castorsSee Sold Price
SoldA superb pair of Regency carved rosewood shaped back liA superb pair of Regency carved rosewood shaped back library armchairs on carved supports and castorsSee Sold Price
SoldLate Regency Carved and Gilt Rosewood Dropleaf LibraryLate Regency Carved and Gilt Rosewood Dropleaf Library Tablecirca 1820, rosewood veneers, deal, pine, and mixed woods secondary, rectangular top, drop leaves with double developed butterfly support, tSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Carved Rosewood, Mahogany Library TableAn English Carved Rosewood and Mahogany Library Table in the Regency Taste , mid-19th c., the molded top over frieze drawers on scroll supports, trestle base, suppressed bun feet , height 30 in., widtSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Regency Library TableSupports flanked by carved rosewood scrolls, ball feet, on casters. 36" W X 24" D 29" H. Loss to veneer. (From an East Side Townhouse)See Sold Price
SoldA late Regency rosewood library armchair,A late Regency rosewood library armchair, button upholstered in a green patterned fabric, the show wood carved with bell flower and rosette to lapit carved legs on brass casters 90 x 67cm (35 x 26in)See Sold Price
SoldLate Regency Rosewood Library TableA Good Late Regency Rosewood Library Table , early 19th c., the top with later inset tooled leather above the skirt, end drawers; raised on paired trestle supports ending in carved disc feet, height 2See Sold Price
SoldAntique Regency Library TableSupports flanked by carved rosewood scrolls, ball feet, on casters. 36" W X 24" D 29" H. Loss to veneer. (From an East Side Townhouse)See Sold Price
SoldIRISH REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLEthe rectangular shaped top with rounded corners, above a frieze drawer, raised on carved panelled & platform ends, terminating on claw feet 77 cm h x 71 cm w x 42 cm dSee Sold Price
A late Regency rosewood library table, circa 1825, theA late Regency rosewood library table, circa 1825, the rectangular top with a heavy beaded border, on a trestle base with turned stretcher to carved scroll supports and leaf carved scroll feet, 74cm hSee Sold Price
SoldWonderful Fine Regency Rosewood Library Table,with a rectangular top, with curved edges, each end carved and pierced with scroll and acanthus work tapering downwards to carved supports resting upon carved paw feet, 73cm x 105cm x 61cmSee Sold Price
SoldA Regency rosewood library table, in the manner ofA Regency rosewood library table, in the manner of Trotter , circa 1815, with leather inset top above two short drawers with lion mask handles above substantial turned and carved supports, with IonicSee Sold Price
SoldA GOOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, the beadedA GOOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, the beaded rectangular top with clipped corners, a single frieze drawer with shell carved decoration, on four turned legs united by a similar stretcher. 138cms lSee Sold Price
A Regency rosewood library table, circa 1815, in theA Regency rosewood library table, circa 1815, in the manner of Trotter, with leather inset top above two short drawers with lion mask handles above substantial turned and carved supports, with Ionic cSee Sold Price
SoldREGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE EARLY 19TH CENTURYREGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE EARLY 19TH CENTURY the rounded rectangular top above a pair of frieze drawers, raised on reeded and lotus-carved end supports on trestle bases with scrolled feet and braSee Sold Price
SoldA Regency rosewood library table, circa 1815,A Regency rosewood library table, circa 1815, rectangular top with gadrooned edge, on trestle supports with scrolling corner brackets, the ends united by a turned stretcher, scroll carved feet and casSee Sold Price
SoldA GOOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, with roundedA GOOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, with rounded rectangular top, column supports united by a carved and turned stretcher on carved feet.See Sold Price
SoldA REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, with roundedA REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, with rounded rectangular top, a frieze drawer to each side, on a carved octagonal column support, platform base with scroll feet. 137cms long x 90cms wide x 76cms higSee Sold Price
SoldPERIOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, English, c.PERIOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, English, c. 1830, having a large round top centered over a hexagonal column issuing from a trefoil platform on carved whorl feet. Diameter - 50-5/8 inches.See Sold Price
A GOOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, with roundedA GOOD REGENCY ROSEWOOD LIBRARY TABLE, with rounded rectangular top, two panelled frieze drawers with carved scroll ends, on a pair of turned carved column supports, platform bases with scroll feet. 1See Sold Price
19th Century Carved Rosewood Chinese Export StandPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Old Fine Chinese Antique Hand Carved Rosewood Happy Buddha with Footy Wood StandNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Hand Carved Rosewood Nesting Four Stacking Mini Tables, Hong Kong MadeNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
American Classical Carved Rosewood Tilt Top Breakfast Table, H.- 27 1/4 in., Dia.- 47 3/4 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
English Regency Carved Mahogany Triple Pedestal Banquet Dining Table, early 19th c., H.- 28 in., W.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
English Carved Rosewood Necessaire de Toilette, 19th c., H.- 7 in., W.- 12 in., D.- 9 1/4 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A REGENCY CARVED TORTOISESHELL CARD CASE. 10.5 cm x 7.75 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
PAIR 19TH C. ENGLISH LION CARVED LIBRARY CHAIRS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
1.26 ctw Certified Quality Diamond Necklace 10k Rose GoldPacific Global Auction3.9(274)See Sold PriceJul 27, 2024