Gigantic Lot of Cameras & Photography EquipmentOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Busch Pressman Camera w/ Schneider Super Angulon.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Graflex Graphic View w/ Schneider Symmar 210mm.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Large Lot of Vintage Film Cameras and LensesWorld Auction Gallery LLC4.7(264)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Nikon D100 Camera with Nikon SWM ED IF Aspherical 67 & 77 Camera LensesLOS ANGELES ESTATE AUCTION4.5(287)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
French Detective Camera, c. 1900French Detective Camera, c. 1900 Presumably Radigult & Massiot. Size 9 x 12 cm, lens: Orthoplanétique Extra-Rapide 1:8, guillotine shutter. - Peculiarity: horizontally and vertically shiftable lens bSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Luxury Detective Camera, c. 1900French Luxury Detective Camera, c. 1900 Marked: "Frou Frou", for 9 x 12 cm plates, dark-red leather covering with decorative brass fittings, lens: Rectiligne Aplanetique, guillotine shutter 1–1/100See Sold Price
SoldUnidentified Detective Camera, c.1900concealed strut-folding camera built into a leather pocket case for plates 4.5x6cm, lens in dial-set Compur shutterSee Sold Price
SoldHess & Sattler Detective Camera, c.1900rare 9x12cm wooden detective camera in very good original condition, working shutter, with six plate holders The buyers premium for all items exported out of E.C. (European Community) is 23%. For itemSee Sold Price
Sold2 French Folding-Bed Cameras, c. 19002 French Folding-Bed Cameras, c. 1900 1) E. Caillon, Paris. Noble folding-bed camera with dark-brown polished wood, plate size 5 x 7 in., dark-red bellows, lens: Hermagis, Paris, "Aplanastigmat 1:6 f=See Sold Price
SoldFrench Plate Camera, c. 1900French Plate Camera, c. 1900 Unmarked, plate size 3 ½ x 4 ¾ in., black leather-covered wooden box, lens by C. P. Goerz in Berlin: Doppel-Anastigmat Serie III/o F=120 mm, viewfinder and focusing screSee Sold Price
SoldFrench SLR Detective Camera, c. 1890French SLR Detective Camera, c. 1890 Unmarked, Size approx. 9 x 12 cm, focal plane shutter, lens: Russel "Rectiligne", magazine stuck, shutter cannot be tested. Französische SLR-Magazinkamera, um 189See Sold Price
SoldFrench Magazine Camera, c. 1900French Magazine Camera, c. 1900 Presumably Pipon & Canal. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, gravity plate-changing system, guillotine shutter with 3 shutter speeds (not working), 2 Newton viewfinders. FranzösiscSee Sold Price
French Magazine Camera, c. 1900French Magazine Camera, c. 1900 Presumably Pipon & Canal. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, gravity plate-changing system, guillotine shutter with 3 shutter speeds (not working), 2 Newton viewfinders. FranzösiscSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Stereo Plate Camera, c. 1900French Stereo Plate Camera, c. 1900 Comptoir Française de Photographie, Passage des Petites-Ecuries, 8, Paris. Tropical wood, two 6 x 9 cm on 9x12 plate, dark-red leather bellows, 2 x Anastigmat Sym�See Sold Price
SoldFrench Magazine Camera (Tropical Model), c. 1900French Magazine Camera (Tropical Model), c. 1900 Unmarked. Polished wood, gravity plate-changing system, plate size 9 x 12 cm, guillotine shutter P + I, brass fittings, 2 Newton viewfinders. FranzösiSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Detective Camera by Pierre Chesneau, c. 1890French Detective Camera by Pierre Chesneau, c. 1890 Pierre Chesneau, Constructeur Breveté, S.G.D.G. 24, Rue Cannebiére, 24, Marseille. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, tropical wood, unmarked brass lens with rSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Magazine Camera (Tropical Model), c. 1900French Magazine Camera (Tropical Model), c. 1900 Unmarked. Polished wood, gravity plate-changing system, plate size 9 x 12 cm, guillotine shutter P + I, brass fittings, 2 Newton viewfinders. FranzösiSee Sold Price
Sold2 French Folding-Plate Cameras, c. 1890-19002 French Folding-Plate Cameras, c. 1890-1900 1) Tiranty (Spécialités Tiranty, Paris). Folding plate 9 x 12 cm camera, polished wood with brass fittings, dark-red bellows, lens by HüttigSee Sold Price
SoldDetective Camera 9 x 12 cm, c. 1900Detective Camera 9 x 12 cm, c. 1900 Unmarked, polished wood with brass fittings and leather changing-bag. Hinged cover on back missing. Detektivkamera 9 x 12 cm, um 1900 Unbezeichnet, EdelholzgehäSee Sold Price
SoldDelta Detective Camera (Leather) by Dr. Krügener, c.Delta Detective Camera (Leather) by Dr. Krügener, c. 1900 Dr. R. Krügener, Bockheim by Frankfurt. For rollfilm, size 9 x 12 cm, with Goerz Doppel-Anastigmat 154 mm, guillotine shutter. - Rare box cSee Sold Price
SoldFrench 13 x 18 cm Stereo Camera, c. 1900French 13 x 18 cm Stereo Camera, c. 1900 Unmarked, but inside: Alfred Lieutier. Size 13 x 18 cm, black leather covering, dark-red bellows, 2 x Anastigmatique 14 cm by Steinheil, Paris. 2 focal plane sSee Sold Price
SoldF.A.T.A. Tropical Reflex, c. 1900F.A.T.A. Tropical Reflex, c. 1900 French SLR camera, size 10 x 15 cm, by Thornton-Pickard, England for F.A.T.A. Tropical wood with attractive brass fittings, focal plane shutter (stuck but complete),See Sold Price
SoldFrench Stereo Camera with Zeiss Wide-Angle Lenses, c.French Stereo Camera with Zeiss Wide-Angle Lenses, c. 1900 Breveté S.G.D.G. Tropical wood with brass trim, plate size approx. 3 1/6 x 6 in. (8 x 15 cm), body serial no. 162, 2 Krauss/Zeiss lenses: "ASee Sold Price
Sold2 Folding-Bed Cameras, c. 19002 Folding-Bed Cameras, c. 1900 1) Unmarked folding-bed camera, presumably French. Plate size 5 x 7 in., dark-brown bellows, unmarked brass lens 1:8, iris stop, roller-blind shutter (working uneven), fSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Detective Camera with Motor and Automatic PlateFrench Detective Camera with Motor and Automatic Plate Changing Mechanism, c. 1910 Photo-Hall, Paris. "Perfect Detective Magazine Camera" for plates of 9 x 12 cm, with Rapid Rectilineaire Extra RapideSee Sold Price
Sold2 Cameras, c. 19002 Cameras, c. 1900 1) Eastman Kodak, Rochester. No. 2 Bull's Eye, model from 1897, for 101 rollfilm. With rare instruction booklet (French). (3/3) – 2) Kodak Film Tank No. 2 ¼, complete with develoSee Sold Price
SoldDetective Magazine Camera9x12cm, beautifully made green leather covered wooden French detective camera in very good condition, with Retilinear lens in shutter mechanism (c.1905, condition: B+)See Sold Price
Sold2 Folding-Bed Cameras, c. 1890–19002 Folding-Bed Cameras, c. 1890–1900 1) Unmarked folding-bed camera, presumably French. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, dark-red bellows, unmarked brass lens 1:7, iris stop, in Thornton-Pickard roller-blind shSee Sold Price
Two Pairs of Antique French C. 1900 opera glasses/ binocularsWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANTIQUE FRENCH SIGNED BRONZE CHERUB FIGURE C 1900Antique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Bronze Sculture of Lion by Charles Masson, French C.1900Carstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
SCOVILL WATERBURY DETECTIVE CAMERA, ORIGINAL MODELAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
ANTHONY CLIMAX DETECTIVE CAMERA & DARLOT LENSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024