Sold6 Zeiss Lenses for Exakta Varex6 Zeiss Lenses for Exakta Varex Carl Zeiss, Jena. 1) Flektogon 4/20 mm, no. 6970623. (3+/2) - 2) Biotar 2/5,8 cm T (black), no. 3430294 (3-/2-3) - 3) Biotar 2/58 mm T, Nr. 4128160, with automatic diapSee Sold Price
SoldEXAKTA VX II A CAMERA.EXAKTA VX II A CAMERA. With a 55mm Xenon lens. Together with an Exakta VX1000 with a 35mm Carl Zeiss lens, an Exakta Varex camera with a 58mm Carl Zeiss Biotar lens, and a Miranda camera with a 135mmSee Sold Price
SoldExakta Varex IIa with 14 Zeiss Lenses'Exakta Varex IIa with 14 Zeiss Lenses Ihagee, Dresden. 1) Exakta Varex IIa, no. 929409. - 2) Carl Zeiss, Jena. Tessar 3,5/50 T. - 3) Tessar 2,8/50. - 4) Tessar 2,8/50, chrome. - 5) Tessar 4,5/40 T. -See Sold Price
SoldExakta Varex VX with extensive accessoriesExakta Varex VX with Extensive Accessories 1) Nice camera, excellent working condition, waist-level finder, body cap. - 2) 6 lenses 50 mm, all with caps. - And: 3) Accessories: 2 prism finders, 2 waisSee Sold Price
Sold6 Mixed Exakta Lenses "35 mm"6 Mixed Exakta Lenses "35 mm" Carl Zeiss Jena. 6 x Flektogon 2,8/35 mm, various designs and engravings: "Jena", "aus Jena"," Carl Zeiss Jena". No. 6437127, no. 6461407, no. 6589738, no. 8129665, no. 8See Sold Price
SoldZeiss Biotar 1,5/7,5 cm TZeiss Biotar 1,5/7,5 cm T Carl Zeiss, Jena. No. 3322107, for Exakta Varex, aluminum body, with typical formation of bubbles, otherwise in excellent condition. - Rare and sought-after Zeiss lens! ZeissSee Sold Price
SoldZeiss Biotar 1,5/75 mm TZeiss Biotar 1,5/75 mm T Carl Zeiss, Jena. No. 3841608, for Exakta-Varex, aluminum body, with typical air bubbles, otherwise in excellent condition. Rare and sought-after Zeiss lens! Zeiss Biotar 1,5/See Sold Price
SoldGroup of 3 Ihagee Exakta Varex SLR CamerasGroup of 3 Ihagee Exakta Varex SLR cameras, for 35mm film. Includes two Varex (Ludwig Meritar lens 50mm f/2.9) cameras, and one Exakta V (Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar lens 58mm f/2) with fitted leather caseSee Sold Price
Exakta Varex IIa Film Camera Zeiss Pancolor 2/50 LensWith instruction manual. Body shows light use, but not abused. Lens has no evidence of mold. Has not been tested, and I am sure it has not been used in many years, so working condition is not guaranteSee Sold Price
SoldExacta Varex IIa Camera Body & Guide BookExakta Varex IIa camera body by Jhagee, Dresden, Germany, ca. 1956-63; No. 868310. With camera lens Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm 1:3.5 (Nr. 3577947). With guide book: W.D. Emanuel, "Exacta Guide:See Sold Price
Sold5 Exaktas and 10 Lenses5 Exaktas and 10 Lenses Ihagee, Dresden. 1) Exakta Varex VX, with Travemat-Prism and Zeiss Jena Flektogon 2,8/35 mm. (3/3) - 2) Meyer Trioplan 2,8/100 mm. (3/3) - And: 3) Zeiss Jena Tessar 4,5/4 cm T,See Sold Price
Sold2 x Exa and Exakta with Trioplan Lenses'2 x Exa and Exakta with Trioplan Lenses Ihagee, Dresden. 1) Exakta Varex IIa, no. 826222. - 2) Meyer, Görlitz. Trioplan 2,8/100, black, iris stop with 6 blades. - 3) Exa model 047, with Ihagee bodySee Sold Price
SoldCamera and accessoriesCamera and accessories including a Novoflex Rapid Focus pistorl-grip lenss 1:5,6 f+40cm, P11290; Kodak Projection Zoom Ektanar Lens 4 to 6 inches, f:3.5; Ihagee Exakta Varex IIa 24 x 36mm camera withSee Sold Price
SoldThree Vintage CamerasA Zehum-C serial number 59952722, a Zorki 4, serial number 71003230 and a Exakta Varex IIb with Spiratone telephoto lens. Dimensions: From 5 1/2" x 3" x 4" to 6 1/2" x 2" x 4".See Sold Price
Sold3 Exakta Cameras, Lenses and Accessories3 Exakta Cameras, Lenses and Accessories Ihagee, Dresden. 1) Exakta B, 4th version, 1935, no. 477971, 4 x 6,5 cm, Tessar 2,8/7,5 cm, no. 1452412, not working. (3-/5) - 2) Exakta Varex IIa, 2nd versionSee Sold Price
Sold6 Exakta Lenses in Chrome Mounts6 Exakta Lenses in Chrome Mounts 1) C.Z. Jena, Flektogon 2,8/35 mm, no. 4425282. (3/3–4) – 2) Carl Zeiss Jena, Flektogon 2,8/35 mm, no. 5952498. (2–3/2-) – 3) Meyer, Trioplan 2,8/100 mm, no. 2See Sold Price
SoldVarious lenses f. ExaktaTaika Duo-Focus 4.5/140mm no.40714 (hood) , Carl Zeiss Jena Triotar 4/13.5cm no.3285193, Schneider Tele-Xenar 5.5/360mm no.5418248 (hood, cap) , Kilfitt Tele-Kilar 5.6/300mm no.208-5523 (hood, cap) ,See Sold Price
SoldCarl Zeiss Jena "Spiegelobjektiv" 5,6/1.000 mmCarl Zeiss Jena "Spiegelobjektiv" 5,6/1.000 mm No. 7199317, with case, lens cap and 3 adapters: Exakta VX, Praktina and Canon FL (without camera). Very rare! Carl Zeiss Jena Spiegelobjektiv 5,6/1.000See Sold Price
SoldCarl Zeiss Jena Tele-Tessar 6.3/18cmfor Exakta 66 (pre-war, chrome tele-lens in very nice condition (condition: B+, serial no: 2540628, 1939) Carl Zeiss Jena Tele-Tessar 6,3/18cm Für Exakta 66 (Vorkrieg), Chrom Teleobjektiv in sehr gutSee Sold Price
Sold13 Tessar Lenses, 1920-5013 Tessar Lenses, 1920-50 Carl Zeiss, Jena. 1) Tessar 8/5.5 cm, for Exakta 4 x 6.5. (3/3) - 2-3) Tessar 4.5/15 cm and Tele-Tessar 6.3/25 cm, both with helical mounts for the same screw ring. (3/3) - 4See Sold Price
SoldCarl Zeiss Jena Spiegelobjektiv 5.6/1000mmhigh quality mirror lens, mint in case with caps, adapters for M42, Exakta, Praktina, Pentacon Six (condition: A-, serial no: 7370586, c.1970) Carl Zeiss Jena Spiegelobjektiv 5,6/1000mm Neuwertig in KSee Sold Price
SoldTessar 6,3/6,5 cm for Exakta 66, 1938Tessar 6,3/6,5 cm for Exakta 66, 1938 Carl Zeiss, Jena. No. 2353735, apparently only 250 lenses were ever produced! – Very rare! Tessar 6,3/6,5 cm für Exakta 66, 1938 Carl Zeiss, Jena. Nr. 2353735,See Sold Price
Sold6 Lenses for Exakta6 Lenses for Exakta 1) Angenieux Retrofocus Type R1 2,5/35 mm, manual diaphragm, with original cap. – 2) Schneider Curtagon 2,8/35 mm, auto diaphragm. – 3) Meyer Orestor 2,8/100 mm, manual diaphraSee Sold Price
18pc Canon EOS 20D 8.2MP DSLR Camera with AccessoriesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Sigma APO DG Macro Telephoto Zoom Lens with Hoya FilterLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Graflex Graphic View w/ Schneider Symmar 210mm.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Hasselblad 500EL/M Medium Format Camrea Outfit,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Linhof Super Technika V 6x9 Medium Format Folding Camera,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta and Three Other CamerasFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Zeiss Ikon Nettar and an Ensign Selfix Folding CamerasFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Lizars Challenge De Luxe Hand & Stand Mahogany & Brass Camera,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Zeiss Ikon Mirax Enlarging Attachment with Ikonta 520/2 CameraFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Graflex X1 Carl Zeiss Lens 100mm f3.5William Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
PENTAX SMC Pentax FA 100-300mm f4.5-5.6 zoom lens Auto FocusAnnzstiques Auction House4.4(615)See Sold PriceJan 05, 2025