1902 Bronze Coin/Medallion RARE Wiilhelm II and Auguste VictoriaCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN POLITICAL PODIUM BANNER W/ EAGLEApproximately 55 inches tall, 39 inches wide, single sided, multi-piece, cotton/rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate early party eagle clutching a canted mobile swastikaSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN POLITICAL PODIUM BANNER W/ EAGLEApproximately 44 inches tall, 48 inches wide, single sided, multi-piece, cotton/rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate early party eagle clutching a canted mobile swastikaSee Sold Price
SoldWWII German Gauleiter Podium BannerWWII German (Nazi) Gauleiter Podium Banner. Beautiful stitched Eagle over swastika on one side only. Color of Eagle and circle surrounding swastika is in gold color material. Has over 1 1/2 W of GoldSee Sold Price
SoldWWII German Gauleiter Podium BannerWWII German (Nazi) Gauleiter Podium Banner. Beautiful stitched Eagle over swastika on one side only. Color of Eagle and circle surrounding swastika is in gold color material. Has over 1 1/2 W of GoldSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP PODIUM BANNER w/ FRINGEApproximately 24 X 16 inch single sided multi-piece cotton/rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate white circular field to the center with a black printed canted swastika.See Sold Price
SoldEARLY WWII NAZI GERMAN POLITICAL FLAG W/ EAGLE WW2Unusual WWII Nazi German Political flag measuring 25 X 19 3/4 inches having a black Eagle with a white shield to the center of his chest with a red mobile Swastika resting on oakleaves and banner. ToSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN EAGLE PODIUM BANNER FLAGNear mint condition one sided two piece podium banner featuring a silk separately applied eagle clutching a mobile swastika and wreath in its talons. Five attachment rings are still intact. Fringed boSee Sold Price
German WWII Podium Banner - NSDAP WW2Podium banner with Nazi eagle in the centre used for ceremonies of different kind during III Reich period, from rallies to political speeches or social conventions or other important events of the NSDSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN PODIUM BANNER W/ GOLD BULLIONPodium banner measuring approximately 32" X 47" including tassels, single sided, multi-piece, cotton and gilt wire construction podium banner. Banner features a red cotton base field with a large cantSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNERApproximately 40X30 single sided multi-piece cotton/rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate white circular field to the center with a black printed canted swastika. The banSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNER WW2Approximately 38 X 43 inches excluding fringe is single sided multi-piece cotton/rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate gold bullion canted swastika. The border of the swaSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNERApproximately 36 inches tall, 30 inches wide, single sided, multi-piece, woven, rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate, machine stitched white circular field to the centerSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNERApproximately 42 inches tall, 27 inches wide, single sided multi-piece woven cotton construction banner features a red base field with a separate machine stitched white circular field to the center wiSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNERApproximately 36 inches tall X 28 1/2 wide single sided multi-piece woven rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate, machine stitched white circular field to the center withSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNER WW2WWII Nazi German Flag that is double sided with a separately applied Swastika to it's center. The banner measures 30 X 89 inches. Excellent. Probably one of the most recognizable pieces of insignia asSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNER WW2Approximately 37 inches tall X 40 wide single sided multi-piece woven rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate, machine stitched white circular field to the center with a blSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP POLITICAL PODIUM BANNER WW2Approximately 37 inches tall, 31 inches wide, single sided multi-piece woven cotton construction banner features a red base field with a separate machine stitched white circular field to the center wiSee Sold Price
WWII NAZI GERMAN TRUMPET BANNER FLAG W/ EAGLE WW2This banner is from a brass band that was formed in the area of Scholven. Here was found the vast and massive plan for the conversion of coal into gasoline. Had it succeeded and somehow escaped the niSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WWII EARLY NAZI TRUMPET BANNER W EAGLEGerman WWII early Nazi trumpet banner with Eagle, Swastika, and German colors on reverse side. Feature silver/gold colored tassels. Non fluorescing. This lot has a reserve.See Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN PODIUM BANNER OR FLAG WW2German WWII NSDAP / SA Political Swastika Podium Banner Flag. Measures 29 1/2" wide by 31” tall including the twisted cotton fringe on the base. The front shows a black swastika in the center of a rSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WWII NAZI SWASTIKA PODIUM BANNERGerman Nazi WWII podium banner, the black swastika on one side in a white circle on a red field, a white stripe at three sides with fringe at lower end, the upper end sewn for hanging, 38"l, 22"w, 1lbSee Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII Nazi Swastika Podium BannerOne sided with black swastika in white circle on red field (three pieces), applied white stripe on three sides with fringe at lower end, upper end with header for hanging; 29 1/2"W, 46"L; a few smallSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN PODIUM BANNER SHIELD SHAPED WW2Double sided podium banner with a printed swastika on applied disc. Machine stitched white trim. 23" x 34". Has some staining and a small tear but otherwise excellent Probably one of the most recognizSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN NSDAP PODIUM BANNER 31 X 34Approximately 31 X 34 inches single sided multi-piece cotton/rayon construction banner features a red base field with a separate, white circular field to the center with a black printed, canted swastiSee Sold Price
Mint WW2 WWII German K98 Bayonet with Scabbard and FrogEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Luftwaffe Pilots BadgeEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Silver Tone Antipartisans badgeEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Luftwaffe M35 NCO VisorEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Police Sleeve badge and 8 year long service medal lotEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Fallschirmajager commerative medallion of crete invasionEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German SS 2nd Lieutenant Insignia Grouping lotEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII german Luftwaffe Squadron Clasp for Bomber Pilots Bronze GradeEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German M42 SS helmet with LinerEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Army Officer's Infantry Visor with Gold Piping - CavalryEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII german NSDAP political leaders Peaked Officer VisorEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Splinter Camo Field Blouse with Wechrmart Breast EagleEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Police Mountain Infantry M43 Field CapEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German M42 Afrika Corps Tropical field cap Vet Bring BackEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Soldier Personal Cigarette case with PictureEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Kreigsmarine U-Boat Engine Personel Leather JacketEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Luftwaffe Squadron clasp for bomber pilots bronze grade in boxEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII German Party National Banner with Maker MarkEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Rare and stunning WW2 WWII German Flag Vet Bring backEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Rare WW2 WWII German M38 Paraptrooper Medic Helmet CoverEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Incredible WW2 WWII German Fallschirmjager Paratrooper M38 Helmet CKL68Eagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
WW2 WWII Hungarian German SS arrow cross party bannerEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024