Roman Wrestlers Statuette1st-2nd century AD. A bronze figurine of two wrestlers, one standing with legs flexed and holding his opponent upside down in a bear-hug; mounted on a custom made stand. 80 grams, 73mm (3 3/4"). PropeSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Standing Lion Statuette1st-4th century A.D. Modelled in the round with naturalistic detailing, standing with head turned to the right. 12.3 grams, 26 mm wide (1 in.). ‘The Ancient Menagerie Collection’ formerly the propSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Statuette of Standing CupidRome, ca. 60 BCE to 300 CE. This is a small bronze statue of Cupid, the god of desire and erotic love; he stands with his wings folded back and with his arms in a position as if he was at one time holSee Sold Price
Late Hellenistic Dadophoros Candlestick1st century BC-1st century AD. A late Hellenistic or Eastern Roman bronze statuette of a standing young torch bearer (dadophoros), wrapped in his mandyas (Macedonian cavalry cloak), naturalistic faciaSee Sold Price
Late Hellenistic Dadophoros Candlestick1st century BC-1st century AD. A late Hellenistic or Eastern Roman bronze statuette of a standing young torch bearer (dadophoros), wrapped in his mandyas (Macedonian cavalry cloak), naturalistic faciaSee Sold Price
Greek Hellenistic Dadophoros Candlestick1st century BC-1st century AD. A late Hellenistic or Eastern Roman bronze statuette of a standing dadophoros, a young torch bearer, wrapped in mandyas (Macedonian cavalry cloak), with naturalistic facSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Standing Figure of MercuryRoman, Imperial period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A beautifully-preserved cast bronze statuette of the god Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks), shown here standing, holding a rooster in one hand and a cadSee Sold Price
SoldA ROMAN BRONZE STATUETTE OF APOLLO CARNEUS, CIRCA 1ST-2ND CENTURY A.D.An elegant standing statuette of Apollo holding a ram's horn in his right hand and holding his left arm upwards, possibly one having held a brand or other attribute. He stands in a typical pose for aSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE ROMAN BRONZE STANDING FIGURINE OF VENUSC. 1-300 AD. Roman. Bronze statuette of the goddess Venus in a seated position. Venus sports an intricate coiffure, well-modelled and defined facial features; the clearly proportioned physique featureSee Sold Price
SoldEli Harvey (American, 1860-1957) Standing Bear, 19Eli Harvey (American, 1860-1957) Standing Bear, 1907; Bronze; Signed ''Eli Harvey''; inscribed ''copyright by Eli Harvey'' with foundry mark ''Roman Bronze Works, N.Y.''; 5 1/4'' high; Provenance: PriSee Sold Price
Roman - Bronze Figurine - LaresCirca 2nd century AD. A solid cast standing statuette of a female Lares figure with delicately moulded features, hair and fabric, wearing a flaring robe; standing on the original columnar hollow-castSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Roman Bronze Standing RamRoman, Imperial Period, 1st to 2nd century CE. A delightful cast bronze statuette of a ram standing on an integral plinth, the front legs spread and the back fused together. It stares forward with horSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Fortuna Statuette2nd century AD. A bronze standing statuette of goddess Fortuna or Abundance, dressed in a long sleeveless tunic, a short sleeveless garment over it, fastened by a knot on the back; her left arm raisedSee Sold Price
Fine Roman Bronze Standing Eagle FigureRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A beautiful cast-bronze figurine of a standing eagle with a raised head turned to its left. Meticulous feather detailing on the head, chest, and flowSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Standing Ram FigurineRoman, early Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A charming cast-bronze figurine of a ram standing atop fused forelegs and hindlegs. The ram has a stocky body with a recessed underside that isSee Sold Price
BRONZE STANDING BEAR SCULPTURELarge, Cast Bronze Standing Bear Sculpture. Excellent, High Quality Detail. Measures 46" tall x 18" wide x 24" deep. This Sculpture is made entirely from Bronze. Condition is New, Mint. No Damage. UnsSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Standing Ram FigurineRoman, early Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A charming cast-bronze figurine of a ram standing atop fused forelegs and hindlegs. The ram has a stocky body with a recessed underside that isSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Standing Ram FigurineRoman, early Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A charming cast-bronze figurine of a ram standing atop fused forelegs and hindlegs. The ram has a stocky body with a recessed underside that isSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Standing Ram FigurineRoman, early Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 2nd century CE. A charming cast-bronze figurine of a ram standing atop fused forelegs and hindlegs. The ram has a stocky body with a recessed underside that isSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Standing Eagle Figurine2nd-3rd century AD. A cast miniature eagle figurine, standing with head tilted, hollow to the underside of the body. 6.32 grams, 28 mm (1"). Property of a Middlesex gentleman; acquired in the early 19See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN BRONZE, ALEXANDER PROCTOR, BEARALEXANDER PROCTOR(American 1860-1950)Standing Bear Bronze with dark brown patinaInscribed on base "A. PROCTOR" and underside of base with Roman Bronze works initials R.B.W.Height 3.25 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Leaded Bronze Standing Figure w/ Large Horn**Originally Listed At $550** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A cast-leaded-bronze statuette covered in lustrous brown and green patina. The figure presents standing atop delineatedSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Boar Statuette1st-2nd century AD. A cast boar statuette, standing with prominent tusks, the tail forming a loop. 59 grams, 54 mm (2 1/4"). Ex Marsh collection, Buckinghamshire, UK; acquired in the 1980s.See Sold Price
SoldTall Roman Bronze Statue - Standing Goddess / MuseRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. An exquisite, cast bronze statuette of a draped woman, perhaps a muse or a goddess, standing with her left leg slightly advanced creating a gentle S-curve tSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Silenus Statuette Casket FittingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Romano-Celtic Bronze Statuette of a Warrior Wearing TorcTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Roman Bronze Statuette Hand Holding Victory WreathTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024