SoldGroup of 3 Mopar Chrysler 1 Quart Oil Cans5.5" x 4" each, all are empty, all 3 are compositeSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 3 Mopar Chrysler 1 Quart Oil Cans5.5" x 4" each, all are empty, one is a bank, all 3 are compositeSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 4 Vintage Advertising 1 Quart Oil CansIncludes Sterling, Hyvis, Car Life, and Riley Bros, 3 Metal and 1 Composite, Empty, 4 x 5 1/2 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 4 Mopar Chrysler 1 Quart Oil Cans5.5" x 4" each, 1 can is full, 3 are empty, all 4 are compositeSee Sold Price
SoldZ104 - Tiopet Oil Can Group Of 3- Original 1 Quart Oil Cans- A great grouping of 3 excellent Tiopet cansSee Sold Price
Sold(3) Vintage Phillips 66 Metal Quart Oil CansLot of 3 original vintage Phillips 66 all metal one quart oil cans. They vary in age and condition. All three cans are empty. Display well as a group.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of B&M Trick Shift Quart CansEach is composite in fair to good condition, one is missing the topSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 4 1 Quart Motor Oil Can Banks Oilzum, Northland, Wolfs Headall cans are compositeSee Sold Price
SoldGroup 3 Composite Asian FigurinesGroup 3 composite Asian figurines, each depicts an Asian man in traditional Chinese clothing, possibly depicts various Chinese philosophers as one resembles Confucius, each has a built in pedestal thaSee Sold Price
SoldRed Indian Motor Oil CansThree (3) quart cans. Canadian. Tin litho. Includes two Red Indian Motor Oil Tins and one Aviation Motor Oil Tin. Two require tops, one requires a bottom. Each exhibits moderate to heavy surface wearSee Sold Price
Sold4-En-Ar-Co Motor Oil CansFive quart round can, 3-quart cans, all are empty (TAC) Size quart Rating 8See Sold Price
SoldMamillan Ring Free Drag Oil Quart CanEmpty composite quart can, great graphics, minor wear throughout especially along the bottom edgeSee Sold Price
SoldUnity Motor Oil Quart CanFull composite quart can in good condition with minor wearSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: ONE QUART CANS FROM PENN-GLENN, PENN ROYAL &Lot Consists Of: Can one is a Penn Blend Motor Oil One Quart Can, Full, shows some denting at the side, Grade 7.9. Can two is a Penn Glenn Motor Oil One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 8.5+. Can three is a PeSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot 3 Composite Decorative Fish FiguralsGroup lot 3 composite decorative wall fish, each has a tag to their reverse that reads ‘Made in China’, each is painted with its own design some cracks and wear to piece, largest of the three measSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot 3 Composite Decorative Wall FishGroup lot 3 composite decorative wall fish, each has a tag to their reverse that reads ‘Made in China’, each is painted with its own design some cracks and wear to piece, largest of the three measSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: ONE QUART CANS FROM DEFENDER PENN, PENN ARROWLot Consists Of: Can one is a Defender Penn Motor Oil One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 8.5. Can two is a Penn Arrow Motor Oil One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 8.25. Can three is a Bureau Penn Motor Oil One QuarSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: ONE QUART CANS FROM PENN HILLS, KEY PENN &Lot Consists Of: Can one is a Penn Hills Motor Oil One Quart Can, Full, Grade 8.25+. Can two is a Key Penn Motor Oil One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 8.9+. Can three is a Peter Penn Motor Oil One Quart CanSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: ONE QUART CANS FROM PENN HILLS, HEART O'Lot Consists Of: Can one is a Penn Hills Motor Oil One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 8.0+. Can two is a Heart O' Pennsylvania Motor Oil One Quart Can, Full, Grade 8.5+. Can three is a Penn-Rolene Motor OilSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: ONE QUART CANS FROM GOLDEN PENN, PENNLot Consists Of: Golden Penn Motor Oil One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 7.5. Can two is a Penn Franklin Motor Oils One Quart Can, Empty, Grade 8.0. Can three is a rare Penn-O-Lene Motor Oil One Quart Can,See Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 3: ONE QUART CANS FROM ALLPEN & PENN SEAL MOTORLot Consists Of: Can one is an Allpen Motor Oil One Quart Can with Wing graphic, Empty, Grade 8.75. Can two is an Allpen Motor Oil One Quart Can with Yellow Background, Empty, Grade 8.0. Can three isSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot 3 Composite Decorative Magnet FishGroup lot 3 composite decorative magnet fish, most have tag to their reverse that reads ‘Made in China’, each is painted with its own design some cracks and wear to piece, largest of the three meaSee Sold Price
Husky Stratolube and Superlube Quart Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Phillips 66 Racing and MM Quart Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sincalir, Paraline, and Route 55 Quart Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of Phillips 66 Motor Oil Quart CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of 3 Le Mans Racing and Snomobile Metal One Quart Motor Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 Veedol Metal One Quart Motor Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 Shaler Rislone Snowmobile Metal One Quart Motor Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 Socony Mobil Lubrite Metal One Quart Motor Oil CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 ZeroPruf Willard Acme Metal One Quart Anti-Freeze CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 Weather Pruf, Peer, Super Pyro Metal One Quart Anti-Freeze CansCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 Sinclair Pennsylvania One Quart Motor Oil CanCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Group of 3 Sinclair Pennsylvania One Quart Motor Oil CanCheck the Oil Promotions, LLC4.6(305)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024